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Everything posted by kstevens

  1. Ted, It sounds like at least you've had some success. Im pretty stumped at what's going on. The demo and both the other combat missions games work fine. Did you do anything special to bypass the errors Ted? My system just stops responding and the drive thrashes around. Kurt
  2. Well, I received my new disc in the mail today but the results are the same. It takes forever for the disc to load but it does. I can start the install and it progresses to probably 90% of the common.exe unpacking then I get an I/O error and I get the option to ingore,cancel or try again. If Ignore, it gives the same error on the next file and the next one and so on. I cant even get a copy of the setup.exe to the hard drive. I get errors while trying to copy the file. This occurs on 2 different computers. On my second computer, I get a file corrupt error with install instead of the I/O error. Any ideas? The sad part is the demo installs and runs fine. Im getting pretty frustrated. The drives Ive tried it on are 2 different models of dvd drive, a cd-rw drive and a dvd-rw drive. My system is as follows: P4 3.02 512mb Ram 59 gigs free hard drive windows XP pro ATI Radeon 9700 video card Lite On dvd drive NEC DVD RW drive Do you think its a bum disc? I find that hard to believe since its the second one but with an install error and a corrupt disc error I dont know what else it would be. Kurt
  3. Hopefully, the new cd will work. I really think it will. I cant think of any other reason the install would fail on two computers with 4 different drives other than a bad disc. Im sure there has to be a few bad ones in every batch. I knew the service was great here when I got the reprinted strategy guide in the mail without even asking for it. Matt, I was hoping the Bengals would pull one out today too. Of course, Im a Steelers fan so a win by the Ravens put them out of the division race for sure. Ah well, there is always next year. Kurt
  4. Just heard from customer service, on sunday no less. They are shipping a new disc out to me tomorrow. Great customer service as usual.
  5. Ted, I actually cant even get the files to copy. Ive tried on both systems. I get about 90% of setup.exe file copied and I get a message stating an error has occured and the file will stop copying. Im pretty sure its a bum disc. Just my luck. Ive already got a PBEM file from a friend in my inbox and I cant get the game to work. It sounds like there are a few others on the board here with similar problems like ours. I actually mailed sales and asked for a replacement disc. Havent heard back yet. Kurt
  6. Forgot to mention that I had tried to install on two seperate computers with a total of 4 seperate drives. There were also some scratches present when it arrived which I tried to clean up with alcohol and a cotton swab.
  7. Matt, Im having the exact problem Ted had. I get to probably 95% completion of the common.exe file and get an error stating its corrupt. No luck copying the file over to my hard drive and installing either. I have about 60GB free of hard drive space and 512 Ram. In my case though if I hit ignore when the error message comes up, the install process does not progress. Do you recommend that I contact sales for a replacement disc as well? Advise would be appreciated. Kurt
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