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Canadian Insurgent

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Everything posted by Canadian Insurgent

  1. Where is a penal battalion when you need one for a little minesweeping, eh? "Where was the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"
  2. Does anyone know if the old WWI tactic of shelling minefields do anything to detect or reduce the effectiveness of mines?
  3. Using multiple waypoints is a good aspect of the game to consider. I had been pretty much using play by play movement orders. I can appreciate why multiple waypoints might better help a squad; if a section leader has a better idea of what he's doing and where he's going, he's going to be much better prepared. In regards to sneaking and crawling, my concern is exhausting the infantry long before it makes contact with the enemy. If you crawl, sneak, and run everywhere, aren't your units going to become winded rather quickly? Is this a valid concern? To what degree does fatigue play a part in decreasing a unit's morale, firepower, and speed?
  4. I have recently downloaded the CM demo, which subsequently led to purchasing the game itself. I'm still getting a handle on the tactics, and in the process of playing the Chance Encounter scenario, I was struck by a little conundrum. Using a company of US infantry which arrived as reinforcements, I flanked around a German position on the wooded ridge on the left. As they advanced upon the rear of the German infantry which was starting to fall apart under the base of fire provided by the Shermans and two other rifle platoons, one squad with a Move order happened to stumble across a VG squad cowering with fear. To my utter surprise, the US riflemen strolled by them non-chalantly while the Germans opened fire. The US troops returned fire, maintaining their easy strolling pace towards their intended destination. Needless to say, at such a close range, nearly the entire squad was wiped out by the VGs automatic weapons. So, my questions are these: a) Why didn't the squad immediately drop down and return fire (or at the very least seek cover) when the Germans opened fire? Is there a way to have a squad or vehicle show a little more personal initiative in the course of a turn? c) In retrospect, I wouldn't use the Move order again in that sort of situation. But the Crawl command seemed a little silly. When in close terrain with a low LOS, it seemed to me that crawling around on the ground was a good way not to see the enemy until it was too late, and furthermore, a good way to get alot of soldiers bayonetted. Apparently my assumptions were incorrect. Does CM model hand-to-hand combat, or do squads simply blaze away at each other toe-to-toe? d) What is the best way to advance infantry in close terrain? Why? Other than that one incident, the scenario went very well for me. Most of the casualties I incurred were a result of that entire platoon being wiped out. Live and learn, I guess (or not as the case may be for that platoon) I look forward to hearing your esteemed opinions on this matter.
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