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Chas S. Clifton

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Everything posted by Chas S. Clifton

  1. Perhaps I should have said, "Can't hurt you much." But the AI never uses that garrison for anything but sniping, in my experience so far. A human opponent could be more creative, I'm sure. As your air power experience shows, it's hard to knock out the troops around the nuke facility--especially that little outpost down south at the T-junction! Those must be the elite do-or-die Presidential Guards Martyrdom Battalion. Sometimes, letting the jets draw fire from AA units and then hitting those units with Cobras works.
  2. <snip> I took my time assaulting the objective. First I attacked the small town to the West with my ground forces and some Cobras. That took a little longer than expected, but I felt that I had to kill those guys rather than exposing myself to a possible counter-attack. <snip> I'm not ex-military, but I suspect that in real life you'd be chewed out for diverting your troops and ordnance onto what was not your stated objective. Those OPFOR guys in the little town can't hurt you, and it's easy to detour around them. Let 'em drink tea and smoke their cheap Eastern Bloc cigarettes in their bunkers, I say. Hanging onto the nuclear facility is tough enough! I'm still learning from others' posts about how to handle that one -- especially getting the helicoptered troops in -- even with smoke -- without losing half of my choppers. Maybe that's because I like to play with the "Firing units are always spotted" box unchecked. cheers Chas
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