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Everything posted by Porkbrain

  1. Unfortunately its hissing down here. Just have to watch the forum instead
  2. You do have to move troops into the hex containing towns/mines etc., in order to take them back from the opposition, assume that's why France hasn't regained MPP in your case?
  3. Hubert, to explain this one further. The 'Overwrite y/n' message pops up twice when I change the default Date/Time stamp to put e.g. Start Barbarossa and save the turn, then make some adjustments to units etc., and save again with Start Barbarossa. That's when the alphabetical sort order can get confusing as the next saved turn might be 'Going OK', this saved game then is listed before the 'Start Barbarossa' turn.
  4. Er, before I start - great game Hubert When saving a turn with the same name as a previous saved game the 'Overwrite existing file' message is displayed. Clicking 'Yes' redisplays the save game box. Clicking 'Yes' to save shows the 'Overwrite existing file' message again. Clicking 'Yes' a second shows the Save game box, this time 'Yes' time saves the turn. Couple of suggestions for the Load saved game screen. The sort order is alphabetical which could be confusing when multiple saved games are in progress and you haven't used some sort of naming convention. Also the date and time saved being displayed would help and maybe a choice of sort order for the list. Finally, doubling clicking on an entry rather than selecting then hitting the Load button would be easier when using the touchpad on a laptop. Er, and BTW, great demo Hubert
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