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Posts posted by husky65

  1. Originally posted by Delta:

    What are you ON?!?!?! I get frustrated with the demo time after time, cause I can never have enough time to take over England OR Russia, and I barely have enough time to take over France, Switzerland, Vichy France, Sweden, and Yugoslavia, on the normal difficulty setting.

    I routinely get Sweden, France, Vichy and England in the demo - getting Ireland is a bonus.

    I tend to set up to hold Russia at the border until Britain has surrendered and am busy redeploying for Barbarossa when the demo ends.

    I think you need to be looking at buying more air fleets, they are the key to getting cities - bash the entrenchment down with air fleets and then damage (or destroy) the defender with air fleets before the ground troops attack.

    [ July 02, 2002, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: husky65 ]

  2. Originally posted by Kodiakwdj:

    Has anyone noticed that you can use the undo move feature as a way to do recon cheating. My 10 year old son sends out his ships to look for my subs when playing with fog of war and if he doesnt find it the first time he hits undo move and sends it out in another direction until he finds the sub or covers all the possible area he can with that unit. Then he moves on to the next unit until he exhausts them all.

    Simple answer, beat the child.

    Parents these days!, they want software fixes where simple violence will do the trick - what is the world coming too...

  3. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    "Thank you for showing me my fault. Let me explain. The inclusion of this conflict could add many more options to the game. For instance: If russia could take finland in 1939, that would probably deterr the german player from invading Norway"


    " or even if he did, that would surely expand the depth of the eastern front!"

    Again How? Look at the scale of the map and consider what the Winter war actually adds to the game - almost nothing.

    " This, if exploited by the allies, would provide an early linkup between russian and uk/us forces. Giving a safe disembarkation point for the allies to attack in mainland europe. I could go on for hours, but theres a start. "

    Hardly, do some reading on the Murmansk convoys -IRL the idea of running troopships up there doesn't bear thinking about, let alone the amount of supplies the troops would need to support US/UK forces in the USSR.

    But how would you do it with the existing map? or do you suggest that we wait extra 2 months while they redo the map before SC releases so you can have the winter war?

    I doubt that idea will get much support.

    You also have to ask if the Russians would welcome them, historically they did not welcome their allies visiting.

  4. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    lets not get testy husky, i wasnt being rude. It really was a good natured remark.

    I'm not being testy, read exactly what I said and take it at face value.

    You will note that I do not refer to you re the insulting part (in fact it is a general comment and not directed at anyone on this board).

  5. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    lets not get testy husky, i wasnt being rude. It really was a good natured remark.

    I'm not being testy, read exactly what I said and take it at face value.

    You will note that I do not refer to you re the insulting part (in fact it is a general comment and not directed at anyone on this board).

  6. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    Whts wrong with being a little poetic with my posts? :D

    Keep in mind that with text based communications people cant really tell, its best to just say what you mean.

    emoticons don't help as it is not uncommon for people to put them after an insult to pretend that it isn't an insult.

  7. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    Whts wrong with being a little poetic with my posts? :D

    Keep in mind that with text based communications people cant really tell, its best to just say what you mean.

    emoticons don't help as it is not uncommon for people to put them after an insult to pretend that it isn't an insult.

  8. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    Well, itll obviously add more htan the "kokada trail battles" since at least the winter war was in europe! Not the owen stanley mountain range of new guinea! I understand that yuo dont care, the url wasnt adressed just for you, it was for everybody, sorry for the misunderstanding

    Yes, but you haven't told us what you think it will add to the game, at the scale of SC there will be little or no movement, just a steady stream of broken Soviet units.

    Doesn't sound to me like it adds much play value.

  9. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    I cant stress this enuff, we need to have the winter war to be playable in sc! An exclusion of this would cut down on the 'replayability' and 'fun' levels of the game. It adds more depth and options to the campaigns. Please, antone, i'd love to hear you rpost regarding this looming tradgedy. :(

    Personally, I don't care if its in or not.
  10. Originally posted by DevilDog:

    However, I think there is some legitimate concern in that the damage to the bombers is too prohibative. Anti-aircraft defenses at the begining of the war should be just as feeble as the bombers.

    A great many very Brave and very dead Brit aircew would disagree.

    Remember in the demos timeframe the Brits were still doing daylight bombing - in Hampdens, Whitleys and Wellingtons, of those the Wellington was the only one that had adequate guns and then only for night ops (where the attacker had to come in close).

    Frequently daylight raids in this period were utter disasters (Such as the 14 Dec 1939 shipping raid off wilhelmshaven), the air defences of the time were doing a great job - frankly unescorted bombers should get flogged.

  11. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Designating and changing convoy routes would be a pain. The zones in SC are OK, but we need some way of having thse zones identified so you know if you're in them or not.

    I had one inspiring thought during a game this morning. If a sub dives during a turn, why not simply let it stay submerged for the rest of the turn? Then it could live to fight another day and perhaps extend the survival rate, unless the British fleets have a high enough sonar level to detect and engage them.

    I like the idea of the zones/lanes being a lighter shade of blue.

    I also like the idea of 'once its dived it stays down'.

  12. Originally posted by Austrian Strategist:

    Way higher than 66%, have a look at 'Brute Force' by john ellis, it was all about production and the allies dominated that hands down.

    Crude steel production

    Axis (best year - 1943)= 41.1 million tons

    Allies inc USA (worst year - 1942)= 104.3 million tons

    The USSR made 105,251 Tanks and AFVs from 39 - 45

    the entire axis made 51845, the USA 88410, UK 27896 and Canada made 5678 (670 more than Italy and Japan combined).

    All the statistics are like that.

  13. Originally posted by Aloid:


    German doctrine was better and they had radios but their tanks were outclassed by T-34s, when they met them it went badly.

    Guderian wrote of the 'vast superiority' of the T-34 over his tanks

    Remember the T-26s were frequently facing Pz-38t which went very badly when facing T-34s

    as at 22 Jun 1941, Russia had 12,000 tanks - Germany only 3,332

    Russia had T-34s in combat from the start of Barbarossa, this is well documented.

  14. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Usually the subs are worthless.

    To get the full value of subs you have to remember that WW2 subs were more of an economic weapon than a military one, that is they were far more effective at disrupting trade than they were at sinking warships.

    In game terms that means avoid combat and try to put your subs in the convoy lanes to eat up enemy MPPs.

  15. Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

    You are right that they did have some superior armor, to that there is no doubt. But still i dont think there was enough for russia's base tank tech to be that high

    The Soviets had the Tech to build the T-34 in 1940, hence their tech was that high.

    By 22 Jun 1941, 967 T-34s were available in the west.

  16. Originally posted by Wolfe:

    The tough part about invading England is that the Soviets will almost always join the fight once London has fallen (if it's set to Random). I've even had them join just by surrounding London. It then will take some turns to finish off Manchester while trying to hold off a rather large push from the East.

    The answer is the Luftwaffe (boy, Fat Hermann would have loved to hear that!) - pound London with 8 or so Luftflottes, take it the turn you land troops and then ship in a HQ.

    Rebuild your most damaged luftflottes and use the others to pave the way for the advance on Manchester, rebuild as required.

    At about this point, Spain will see which way the war is going and sign up for a share of Lebensraum.

    Surround, then hit Manchester with every plane you've got, then every Inf, or Tank army that can reach it.

    UK will fall, giving you Gib, Malta + Egypt as well, so don't waste troops on them earlier.

    Use the points the UK gives you to put in place a reasonable Ostwall with a good leader, move some planes and ship some panzers via Baltic.

    You should be in pretty good shape for the Yugo coup and any Soviet treachery against the peace loving 1000 year reich!

    [ June 29, 2002, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: husky65 ]

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