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Grey Hunter

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Posts posted by Grey Hunter

  1. This has taken a while to read, but has been well worth it.

    well, my family was all none combatants

    Maternal Grandfather was reserved occupation - a fireman,

    Maternal Grandmother was a nurse delaing with casualties from europe.

    Paturnal Granfather was a mechanic in North africa and italy.

    the real oddity in my family is my paturnal grandmother and my paturnal grandfathers brother, who were both members of the codebreaking operations at Station X and Y.

    the odd thing is that neither knew of the others involvment until a few years ago, when the offical secrets act they had signed ran out. it was only at a family gathering, where a program about Bletchly Park (Station X) was on TV, and one of them mentioned it, off hand.

    they had known each other for 40 years, and had no idea that they had been doing the same job during the war!

  2. I bow before you!

    No i can erradicate the Waffen grenidiers from my game, and finally play the scenarios that contain SS, i have been avoiding them as i find that alteration very annoying.

    My next Question may be already answered, but is their a graphics mod that alters the WG symbol to the SS one? also is their a CMAK mod to replace the german flags with ones with swasticas? there was on for CMBO, but i wonder if a variant has been made for CMBB and CMAK?

  3. So, Some Italian Troops Surrendered, while others died where they stood, I don't really see the point of this, is it any different to any other nation in the second world war

    The British : were beaten back at Dunkurk and in East-West Africa when Rommel attacked, but held their positions in Arnham and Tobruk far beyond what could be expected.

    USA : Ran like buggery during the start of the battle of the bulge, and during Kassarine (sp.) Pass, but held Bastogne with Airborne against Armmoured units.

    Russia : Well, I don't need to give an exsample for the start of the war, but held at Stalingrad and never lost leningrad despite 900+ days of siege.

    Germany: Held in the Bocage, Belgiem and Russia, but crumbled under the onslaughts of the Russians during their later offensives and Allies during Cobra.

    Japan: well, never really retreated, but had a tendancy to kill themsleves if it looked bad.

    So, Every nation had their good and bad points, it is more a matter of the drive of the soldiers rather than the quality, the Italina troops had nothing to fight for, so surrenred rather than dying pointlessly. But to lable a Whole nation Cowardly, that seems extreeme

  4. quote:


    Originally posted by Andreas:

    So, what's stopping you from learning German?


    I'm Dyslexic and barely monolingual, my entire German runs to "Yes" "No" "Don't Shoot" and "Faster".
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Originally posted by THumpre:

    I, for one, am terribly disappointed at the lack of even one Capybara in the demo. Not one, not even a little one. We can only hope this will patched promptly.


    Would you settle for a Chupacabra? (This also satisfies the sucking demand.)

    wow - the largest rodent in the world compared to a fabled mexican vampire. who would of thought it?
  6. Vie-Et-Nam?

    [runs to history book, Printed 1945, then to atlas]

    no, nothing happend there, whats this fighting you are talking about? are the NVA a Jap supported faction?

    [Or is this one of those newfangled post WWII things, I don't hold with them, you wippersnappers.]

    PS - i'm 21 pysically -121 menatally.

  7. Why does any thread on system specs always devolve into a "Mines Bigger Than Yours"?

    Don't do it. I Don't care what the system specs of your newest Aquasition/Pet/Child/Wife (del as appropreate) are, I just want to know if the game will run on my computer. Its no consolation to know that YOU will have no probs, the question is about MY COMPUTER.

    (Deep Breath) sorry rant over.

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