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About M38

  • Birthday 10/27/1961


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    History, firearms, hunting
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Junior Member (1/3)



  1. When I reload CMBB I don't get to chose the resolution and refresh rate. Is there another way I can get to them? Thanks
  2. Many Thanks I'll give it a try.
  3. Schrullenhaft Thanks for the response. How do I change the CM refresh rate? I hope it's not the monitor, it's less than a year old - hopefuly it's still under warranty ...
  4. Every thing was fine, life was good and then I deceided to try Proxyconn Accelerator to try to get a faster dial up connection. It didn't seem to speed anything up so I de installed it. Now my monitor makes a high pitched ringing noise when I play CM. It doesn't always happen a first, sometimes the noise dosen't start for an hour or more and it only happens when I play CM. I tried uninstalling CM and then reloading it. I've tried different refresh speeds and nothing seems to help. I have a Dell 8200 using Windows XP with a 16 inch Dell monitor. Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've tried three times *@&^#%@$ the friggin thing is driving me nuts!
  6. That worked great. Thanks Schrullenhaft
  7. I just bought my first PC and I bought Combat Mission for it and love the game. I do have two problems: when I am in the part that describes the scenario (the screen after the scenario selection) the words on the second and subseqent pages are over laid on the fist page and are unreadble, the second problem is that I can't minimize or get out of the game once a scenario starts. I am running the game on a Dell Dimension 8200 using Windows XP. Any help would be gratly appreciated.
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