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Colonel Klink

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Everything posted by Colonel Klink

  1. Thanks for the prompt replies. I'll be ordering as soon as I scrape my meager funds together.
  2. Before I order CMBB, I want to make sure my computer can run it adequately without an upgrade. I don't have enough extra cash to do both right now (The pitfalls of being 18 and financially dependent on your parents!) . Will it run OK on my 733 PIII with 128 RAM and a GeForce DDR card? Or do I need more horses under the hood? [ September 26, 2002, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Colonel Klink ]
  3. I'm just hoping CMBB will run OK on my PIII 733 with 128MB RAM, and a 32MB GeForce card. I think it will, hopefully.
  4. It's nice, but I liked the old forums better. You don't have to change it though.
  5. On the defense, I try whatever I can do to suck the enemy tanks into my MLR with infantry, then hit them from the flanks with my armored reserve. Hopefully, I'll destroy most of his armor, then I launch a counter attack and take the whole map, leading to a total victory. Offense, I try to locate where the enemy tanks are located using infantry first, then swamp them over with any tanks I have nearby. I ALWAYS keep a platoon of inf. covered with a tank that has descent tank-killing power, if at all possible.
  6. Good to see another gamer come on board. This community keeps on growing and growing....
  7. Hmm.. All this is making me hungry for some more Eastern Front Reading material (Not to metion CM:BB!!). I've only read Alan Clark's Barbarrosa, which I believe might be outdated, and Zhukov's Greatest Defeat by David Glantz (Excellent book, that one). Any of you guys got recommendations for me?
  8. I guess I agree. I just take issue with some people calling the battle a complete German rout. The German army fought very hard, and inflicted what would be to any other army besides the Red Army catastrophic losses (The Red Army could thow its men around like money). Could you imagine what the reaction of the American or British public would've been to causualties like that, even in victory?
  9. I wan't talking about Kursk there. I was talking about Operation Mars. A bit off topic, it was, but I was pointing out a fact that the Soviet government was quick to cover up its failures in the post WWII years. I'll edit that post so it's more clear about that. [ May 06, 2002, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Colonel Klink ]
  10. The Soivets won because they had a near inexhaustible supply of men and armor. And because they won, they sorta got to dictate the history of the Eastern Front(At least to their own people). For instance, the Statlingrad counteroffensive, Uranus, was one of two major attacks laucnched against the German Army during the last mounths of 1942. The other offensive, Operation Mars, was an unreedemable failure. The Russians used rigid censorship to virtually wipe out knowledge of the defeat of Operation Mars from the Soviet public, and make it seem like Operation Uranus was the only offensive that took place. They could this because they were the victors. [ May 06, 2002, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: Colonel Klink ]
  11. Hmm. Should've stated I don't agree with the author of the article that the Germans could've won the battle. I agree Germany didn't win the battle at all. It's just that I don't agree with some historians who say Germany got "routed" at Kursk. I concede that the Soviets won. But they paid an extremely high price for the victory. Truly a hard fought battle. [ May 06, 2002, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Colonel Klink ]
  12. You're probably right. The Germans would have lost the war even if they won. But they're just saying the battle wasn't a knockout Soviet Victory. In my opinion, the retaking of Khrakov later that year for the final time was just as important.
  13. As you all well know, the standard interpretation in most history books of the Battle of Kursk is that is was an unqualified Soviet success. However, I've been looking into the battle recently, and I've found a lot of folks who argue the battle was more of a draw, and that the Soviets lost catastrophic amounts of tanks. They all agree that even if the Germans had won, the Soviets still would've won the war, but say that calling the battle a Russian victory is a mistake. The most interesting article I saw was this one, a short, yet to the point little article, which was written after some old Soviet and German war records were declassified: http://www.rose.cc.ok.us/faculty/mmorgan/Johnson33/ I was just wondering if you all had any takes on the subject. Was the Battle of Kursk a clear cut Soviet victory, or a bloody draw? :confused:
  14. How about the wars of some third-world countries like Angola, Colombia, Nicaragua, or the India-Pakistani conflicts? I think those wars might be doable.
  15. Thanks. I'm sure these'll be real cool :cool: After all, aren't these the guys that made To the Last Man? Best city fighting ever! [ April 22, 2002, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: Colonel Klink ]
  16. Hey, I'm new here. I was just wondering if there are any battles or operations on the 3rd armies battles around and in the town of Metz. I haven't found any at the Scenario Depot, and I'd hate to have to resort to my own meager map-building skills to do it. I'd also be interested in battles that take place in the Saar region, or in Operation Northwind, if anyone know where I could find some of those.
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