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Ancient One

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Posts posted by Ancient One

  1. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    Historically I believe it was on the 10th, so about 99% of the time whenever the Axis player finishes their first turn Canada will join

    Oops, you're right, it was the 10th. Very well then. smile.gif
  2. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    I reckon that means if you want to a lot of speed bumps, you buy corps. That will work just fine. smile.gif

    Well I was under the impression that there was a somewhat limited OOB like in CoS. What I mean is that there is only a certain number of each unit that every country can build, am I wrong? Didn't Hubert or someone say earlier that Canada has only one army and one corps to build, or was I imagining it? smile.gif

    [ May 01, 2002, 02:49 AM: Message edited by: Ancient One ]

  3. Originally posted by Straha:

    Hey, just when I was about to get convinced that you were right and I was wrong! :D


    Originally posted by Straha:

    Seems we both forgot the ports in their functioning as resources. There is still an issue left with the lacking of convoys you mentioned, and it is the role of the subs. It seems like, in SC, the subs are solely there to attack military crafts. But this role of the subs was more or less marginal (not so much in the Pacific, but in the Atlantic ocean it was).

    So shouldn't there be some modifier deducting from the worth of ports depending on the amount of enemy subs operating in the area?


    Good Idea.
  4. Iraq wasn't any more neutral than Egypt (who never declared war on Germany until near the end of the war), yet I'm assuming the UK get's MPPs from Egypt. Iraq did indeed have considerable autonomy, but historically it's oil was exported to the UK, on terms dictated by the UK.

    Iraqi or "Persian" neutrality wasn't a huge problem in CoS because overseas resources were represented by convoys. The UK normally got 4 pp from Canada and 5 pp from Asia each turn. If Alexandria fell, the 5 pp from Asia were cut off, therefore the UK had great incentive to put a major effort defending Egypt.

    The thing is, AFAIK SC doesn't have convoys, all resources are represented on map. So unless there are several resource hexes around the Suez Canal, or Middle East oil under UK control, the UK doesn't really have much at stake in Africa/Middle East.

    [ April 28, 2002, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Ancient One ]

  5. Originally posted by Straha:

    In COS these two countries happened to be grouped together. So when SuperTed wrote of Persia, I automatically assumed it is the same here (Persia proper does not have oilfields anyway smile.gif ).


    Yes but I think it was a mistake in CoS to Call Iraq/Kuwait Persia. I can understand adding Kuwait to Iraq for simplicity, so calling the whole thing Iraq would make more sense. I don't understand why both Kuwait and Iraq should be added to an off map country.

    In SC the map is even more limited (too limited imo), not going anywhere near Kuwait, only showing about half of Iraq, so there is even less justification for using the name Persia.

    I'm also wondering, does Iraq begin controlled by the UK in SC? It should, not like in CoS where it is neutral.

  6. Well judging from the screenshots the map doesn't go past Syria, so no Persian campaign.

    One thing I'm worried about with regards to Axis strategies is that Operation Sealion will be too easy. In my opinion it should only work if the Allied player REALLY drops the ball. Sealion should definitely not be something the Axis player can count on to succeed on a regular basis against a reasonably competent Allied player.

  7. I'd like to see Vienna added too. A game of this scale can't have every city of significance, so much abstraction is necessary, but the omission of Vienna is just too much imo.

    I'm also assuming, since the map is very similar to CoS, that Portugal is not implemented (in CoS it was part of Spain). If at all possible I'd like to see Portugal added with one city (Lisbon); if entering the war it's armed forces could be one corps defending Lisbon and one cruiser to represent the Portuguese navy.

  8. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    Naval units are also affected by supply, and it is calculated by distance to port. Simulates 'milch cows' for subs and so on etc.,

    Supply is calculated a little different for naval ships from land units though, it will be current supply value - 1. So when you leave port ships will have a supply value of around 10, go off in the distance and it decreases by 1 per turn. Come close to port and it will be the maximum value, either supply = distance from port or supply = current supply value - 1. So the idea is to have naval units touch base with their ports every so often as you've correctly guessed ;)

    Are you saying that the supply of naval units is not at all based on their distance to port, but rather on how many turns away from port?
  9. Originally posted by SuperTed:


    Not at all. What I am saying is that the surrounded unit will have its readiness reduced during the supply-calculation phase. So, you see, it starts at a disadvantage because of a lower supply level. Once the shooting starts, everybody's readiness is reduced.

    Oh I see, very good then. smile.gif
  10. Originally posted by SuperTed:

    Yes, but assumming the above situation involves the surrounded unit being out of supply, its readiness will be reduced. As a result, it will be less effective and suffer increasing casualties in each attack, while inflicting fewer itself.

    Are you really saying that an enemy unit in supply WON'T have it's readiness reduced in successive attacks?
  11. Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

    Somewhere it was stated that production can only occur in cities that can draw a direct (land) link to a capital.

    If this is so, then I'm wondering how the UK gets production from Egypt, etc.
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