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Posts posted by Jingo

  1. Hey LLF. So, I helped playtest your initial CMSF Joker 3 Ramadi map waaay back in 2013! Thought this thread would have died out, but I'm pleased to see it's going strong!

    Anyway, today, a youtuber asked if there was anything with a built-up urban area for CMSF2. And I immediately thought of your Ramadi map. So I came here to see if your map/mission (campaign?) was available for CMSF2. Looks like you've been updating it for it. I must say the new textures etc. in recent posts look fantastic!

    Curious when it'll be publicly available?

    Also does your map from CMSF1 work for CMSF2?

  2. I managed to figure it out. The site confused me a little because I initially thought that the upgrade for the Marines module was an upgrade to a later patch upgrade version within version 1 of Shock Force. I was expecting the Shock Force 2 image/logo to appear or text inside to say this upgrades the Marines module to Shock Force 2. But it doesn't really say it quite that clearly.  Thank you everyone for the help.

  3. (Apologies if this has been asked. I did search for it, but didn't see it.) 

    A long while ago I purchased the CMSF1 + Marines bundle via Battlefront's site. I'm interested in upgrading to the new Shock Force 2. I looked on the Battlefront's Upgrade site here:


    But I only saw an upgrade for CMSF1 base game. What's the best deal to get the upgrade for Marines also?


  4. Hi Bil. Lurker here raising my head.

    It looks like the JT has a hull down position. Is that true? Though it also seems large enough that a good portion of its upper body is still visible to attacks.

    Also from your animated gif, it looks like one of your tanks took a shot at it on the move and missed. Which one was that, and how close were you to the JT?

    Do you have anything that can penetrate at current ranges? From what I've read, even its side armor is respectable. How close would you need to be to do that?

    Also, did the other tank next to the one that got hit stop moving in reverse due to the explosion of his buddy? Is it's morale so hammered that you aren't able to move it? What do you think the chances of that one on getting out alive?

    Great work on the AAR. I'm loving it.

  5. I finished play testing it in real time. I was pausing like every 15 seconds, and it took quite a while to finish up. But it was still a lot of fun and *very* challenging for me (I'm not that good and took a beating even on basic training...15 casualties or so).

    I think WEGO is probably the way to go on this map. I want to try WEGO sometime, but need to take a break and blow something up on a wide open map. I feel claustrophobic after fighting my way out of those narrow Ramadi streets. :)

  6. Excellent work LLF! I just discovered this thread after starting to play CMSF after a longish hiatus. Your dedication to this project is amazing! Keep it up!

    After reading this entire thread, I searched some of the Ramadi info available on the internet and saw the Battle Cry: Ramadi documentary on youtube. Amazing. I had never even heard of the action in Ramadi other than the cursory headline or two a few years back. I'm continually amazed at the bravery and sacrifice our soldiers make. Many thanks to all of you who have served on our nation's behalf!

    Anyway, I was curious about ammo levels. It sounds like from the documentary that they were fighting for several hours and they eventually scavenged ammo off of downed comrades. In real life, how many rounds did the individual marines in Joker squads carry? I was amazed that in such sustained fighting fighting for several hours that they had any rounds left at all after the first hour or so.

    In the scenario, are there any chances for resupply at all?

  7. We all love war movies, right?

    Well, I would like to propose an enhancement to CM games. One thing that would totally rock IMO is to allow a movie-type playback of the entire game. Not just a screen recording of what happened when someone played the game. But allow the game to replay the scenario while the user can jump to whatever hotspot he wants to see, zooming in and out as desired on the battlefield (much like what you can do in Rome:Total War games)

    Think what this would for AAR purposes and just the coolness factor.

    Aren't we essentially doing this with turn based email games, sending files back and forth, giving orders and then combining the two. Seems like it'd be a relatively simple enhancement (for turn based games anyway). Just mesh the files for the two sides and replay it.

    Anyway, I love the CM series and would totally love to see something like this in the future.

  8. > Is it possible to play a cooperative two player game against a computer AI?

    Yes but not in a way that you likely would want to use.

    There is a way for two players to play the AI in multi-player network mode but it requires a third computer to act as a host/umpire and an undocumented keystroke. That is a bit more effort than most folks are interested in. The feature was put in for military users.

    1) Is it possible to play cooperatively via email? Or would this require both to be connected to the 3rd party comp while taking turns as per standard LAN game?

    2) What do you mean "undocumented keystroke"?

  9. Couple of questions.

    1) Are there other short hands-on missions/tutorials beyond the initial one that folks have done to to walk through tactics. I'd like to try some out without playing a full 45 or 60 min game.

    2) Is it possible to play a cooperative two player game against a computer AI?


  10. I just bought a version of TacOps for my nephew. While I was about it, I noticed the latest patch was in 2006. Is there a way to know if I'm running the latest patched version? The latest patch is a zip file named tacops_406AHU.zip. When I start TacOps, on the initial screen following the splash screen, it says TacOps v4.0.6 [AH]. Am I up to date?

  11. Hello TAC-OPERS!

    Man, it's been a long time since I played TacOps!

    I was wondering if there are any upcoming CPXs in November or December or January 08 for relative newbies? The last and only one I did was back in 2002 ... Wow that was a long time ago.

    Are announcements for these typically posted somewhere else?

    My nephew wants to learn how to play the game and we want to eventually participate in a CPX together.

    So we're thinking something a few months out on a Saturday morning (GMT -6 here).

  12. Howdy all! Check out my latest TacOps AAR, Team Cahoon. Simply follow the link from my TacOps website here:

    Jingo's TacOps Site

    At the end, I wrote up what I've learned about assaulting entrenched positions. But would like to hear your ideas on what works too.

    Thanks, and an almost Merry Christmas to you all!

  13. After a long dry spell, I've created a new TacOps After Action Report (AAR) for the latest solitaire scenario I did: Task Force Arsenault.


    Follow the link from my TacOps page here and you can see how I fared against OPFOR:

    Jingo's TacOps Page

    This latest AAR, like TF Pucci is also in shockwave format (.swf) and contains a nearly turn by turn replay of the scenario interpersed with my comments.

    Enjoy. Let me know what you think.


  14. Hi all,

    I'm back... (I think I took a two to three year hiatus on TacOps. Last night on a whim I ran through the tutorial again, and fell in love with the game once more.)

    Anyway, had an idea about map creation. I'm thinking it would be relatively simple to take a screenshot of a real life location using Google's relatively new mapping tool Google Earth and then create the terrain file from that. Anyone done anything like that? Just a thought.

    Also, since I'm a relative newbie to TacOps, I was wondering if solitaire scenerios can be created from custom maps?

    Oh and if anyone is interested, my old TacOps AAR site has moved to here:

    My TacOps Page

  15. Weigh the scenerio in your favor by taking away OPFORs thermal and then give yourself some extra Apaches or Cobras--- I don't consider this "cheating" per se, but more "experimenting"; as it will help you learn the different unit properties and the game without getting terribly discouraged. On the other hand, losing grandly once in a while can open your eyes to things you've never seen-- showing glaring holes in your overall tactics. Loosing grandly too often, though, is just too depressing. So every once in a while, weigh things in your favor... :D

    Here's some AARs I did since when I started playing a few months ago until just recently... Not that I'm a great tactician or anything, but you'll be able to see some basics, or at least learn from some of my "glaring holes". ;)

    Jingo's TacOps Page

    [ November 21, 2002, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: Jingo ]

  16. The CPX was an interesting experience. I had never done anything quite like it before. I was the commander of Recon2 on BLUEFOR.

    The worst part of the CPX was all the techincal garbles and snarles that seemed to keep surfacing for the first four hours or so. Towards the 4th hour of this, I was inches away from powering off my computer with a large fist. :mad: But I refrained since I had put a lot of work into getting myself as ready as possible (had maps printed out at 200% size hanging on my walls with routes and BPs circled) in a short time and decided to stick it out.

    Eventually we finally got going. And the fun began. While the waiting in between turns was interminable at times, it gave us valuable time to comm back and forth with our CO and synchronize our efforts.

    I didn't have two monitors like some players did and instead installed an "agent" that works with mIRC to convert text to voice. This was invaluable since I didn't have to continually toggle back and forth to find out my orders. I could ignore other orders but when I heard "Jingo," from Rattler I knew I had to pay attention.

    I was only able to stay about 30 turns or so. But at 5 mintutes a turn that was considerable time. I had only planned on staying for 6 hours and it was slowly turning into 10 hours at about 30 turns and my wife and kids were wondering when I was going to surface. So apologies at having to jump out. I really did want to stick it out.. :(

    The beauty of the CPX for me was that I was transported. It was fun to hear the computerized "voice" of my CO directing our movements and at times I truly felt the "stress" of decision making as the time ticked down during the orders phase (I don't know how you TF1, 2, and GE folks did it!). I had never played multi-player TacOps with a orders time limit before that (other than a short game with Slaggg the day before the CPX to practice some). There were moments of frustrations when I couldn't get a Bradley's SOP to change in time and had to wait and see what would happen for the next turn.

    That was the hardest part for me: trying to keep things flowing smoothly, especially since I started off so slow. I had misinterpreted some of the intel we had received and was moving too catiously as I was expecting enemy prescense around easting line 6-7. The CO told me to step on the gas, and I did my best to speed up, and once I got going things then got bogged down when we encountered enemy presence around BP 22, 9, and 10 (easting line 8 - 10). I was able to clear part and then contain REDFOR units in BP 22. I was was told to keep them from spotting TF1 hiding in the forest at BP 6. My recon units made it to BP 50, BP 34, BP 51, BP 23 before I finally had to quit.

    I enjoyed having a CO that I could turn to who was both responsive and clear and consise in our objectives. It was nice to know if I ran into some trouble I had some big tank groups 'somewhere' behind me. And all I had to do was what I was ordered to and leave the consternation about the big picture up to the higher ups. That was what the CO is for, right? ;)

    Lessons Learned:

    * Speed is essential. I could improve on that.

    * Knock out observers soon. I felt I did pretty good at this. Those observers I came across were quickly dispatched by Bradley MG fire.

    * Team Work. For example I had some units in the town at intersection C and enemy BMPs in the forest at 75 were sending missle fire up to my units attempting to cross the clear area. I relayed the info and TF GE was able to clear the area and I was able to proceed.

    * When approaching enemy territory dismount and proceed on foot. While this is slower you won't lose valuable armoured units. I made that mistake when our CO told me to move into 51 and 23 from m safety of the forests. I had proceeded a few hundred yards when an ATGM took out my brad. Recon in situations like that with Recon Inf units first.

    * Communicate! We did very good at this I thought and it was one of the immersive fun parts of the game.

  17. Ok. I did a test on this. It just shows a tank drive around for about a minute in CMBB. The motion actually worked out pretty good. The main problem is file size. For only about 30 screenshots it translated into about 8 MB. That's a huge file combared to the 200+ screenshots I took for my TacOps Movie AAR (2.5 mb). File size is because:

    1) The game runs in full screen mode

    2) The many many colors probably increases the size

    3) The resolution probably increases the size. Anyway if you have gobs of hard drive space and don't mind waiting to upload it or having people wait to download it, then you may want to try it:

    There may be ways to cut this down. But I haven't had time to play with it yet. It takes too long to build the movie... to do a lot of testing on it.

    Anyway, I tried uploading it but don't have the webspace avialable. In short it's possible, just produces large sizes.

    [ November 05, 2002, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: Jingo ]

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