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Posts posted by Khane

  1. Hi Vark,

    your comments ...could be applied to any books on any historical period

    Absolutely, that is why I wrote the "truth" about this conflict (or any other) is not to be found in any book

    Any person, I believe, seeking the 'truth' by reading 'history books' are condemning themselves to a hopeless quest, or are suffering from cognitive dissonance about the truths they contain...My bookshelves are groaning under the weight of history books

    For years I was addicted to the search for "historical truth", reading tons of books from all political views (well, to be honest much more from the historians that I knew would reinforce my convictions :)) but one day, not long ago I just threw all of them until the last one into the recycling bin. They will be more useful as recycling material than on my bookshelf and believe me from the piles of history books I had this was not a minor contribution to the recycling process.

    Even this morning I almost succumbed to this old addiction; while surfing the net I watched on Youtube a very interesting talk by Howard Zinn called "Myths of the Good Wars (Three 'Holy' Wars)" during which he recommended a book called "The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb" by Gar Alperovitz. After a few minutes I almost ordered the book so I could "finally know the truth behind the decision of dropping a A bomb on Hiroshima"...but by the end I decided not to do so: it was very frustrating but I remembered that no matter what is written in this book, it will not bring me one inch closer to the knowledge of the historical truth even if I believe that the author is right. I guess that I will get that book sometime soon but not to discover the "truth".

    Thank you very much for the link to the Globe and Mail article. I will read it later when I will be back home.

    ended up loving and hating the country in equal measure

    You sound like many Israelis ;)

  2. I read it several years ago and I remember that it was a very well written book. A month ago I dumped it into the garbage together with dozens of other books about the Middle East conflict that I have once read: books from Israeli revisionist "new historians"(Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappe, Tom Segev...), from historians more on the center like Howard Sachar and also from more conservative historians like Efraim Karsh.

    I have read/studied tons of books about the subject and the truth is that today I do not know much more about really important things than I knew before. What I do know more than before are mainly different descriptions of of the same events and different figures for the same events, only the dates are the same. What I have learned after reading these books is mostly the subjective opinions of different historians about the same facts. Enjoy the read of "The Iron Wall" but don't forget that the "truth" about this conflict (or any other) is not to be found in any book.

  3. Hi,

    I have not played SC2 Blitzkrieg for almost a year and yesterday I reinstalled it , played a bit , visited the forum and saw the name of the forum's name was changed to "Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg and Weapons and Warfare". I am going to download the expansion later today and I have few questions :

    1. "Weapons and Warfare " is a stand -alone expansion and not installed on Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg but SC2 Blitzkrieg must be installed. Right ?

    2. Do I have to install patch v1.01 and then patch v1.02 or go straight for v1.02 ?

    2. Is "Weapons and Warfare" an improved/better "SC2Blitzkrieg" and I should dump "SC2Blitzkrieg" or is it something simply different ?


  4. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    Valley of Trouble...I hope somebody else does it...Hey...how about you!?

    Good idea but apart playing around a little bit with the CMx1 missions' editor I never designed a single map or scenario and except for 2 small LOS/LOF tests I nevertried the CMSF missions builder. I would love to design a CMFS "Valley of Trouble" but considering the time I spend on gaming (a relatively small part of my free time) it will take me quite a long time until I learn the mission builder and be able to design a decent scenario, so I am counting on somebody else to do this job.

    Elite mode verrrry slowwwwww and cho-p-p-y when tre-e-e-e-e-s are pr-es-ent. Veteran works fine....
    Thank you for the report. I play and enjoy the scenario on Veteran mode


  5. Thanks a lot! That's the scenario that made me purchase CMBO. As great as the original, but more challenging .

    Originally posted by SlowMotion:

    This CMSF version was a slide show: mouse pointer moving only sometimes, keyboard missing most key presses, display updating once every 5-10 seconds. Couldn't play at all. Even quitting the scenario took more than 2 minutes before the game recognized my keypress.

    The same here. Great scenario but I also have a problem to play the scenario on Elite Mode/Real Time. Since I got CMFS this is the first scenario that I am unable to play because of the slow frame rate and other problems described by SlowMotion. It is quite strange because I have no problem playing bigger scenarios with more units and vehicles while the Virtual Synchro is On , 3D Model and 3D Texture Quality both set on Better. After I set the Virtual Synchro Off , the 3D Model and 3D Texture Quality on Balanced , "Chance Encounter" still runs slowly. Even before the scenario starts I encounter a problem: when the briefing screen opens, for a few seconds my mouse pointer can't move. Quitting the scenario does not take more than 2 minutes but it takes much more time than other scenarios.

    No problems when I play the scenario on Real time/Veteran mode with Virtual Synchro On , 3D Model and 3D Texture Quality on Better.

    AMD Athalon 64 3500, GeForce 7600 GT, 2GB RAM

    Glad to hear that "Last Defense" is under construction. "Valley of Trouble" next maybe ?


    [ November 03, 2007, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: Khane ]

  6. Originally posted by Dwayne Matheson:

    Blast movement didn't seem to work for me. They blew a hole in the wall ok, but then they still went for the door.

    The same for me. I blasted the wall of a 2 doors house(front and back doors). After the blast a few soldiers entered the house through the front door and the others through the back door; none of them used the hole in the wall.

    Beside this small problem, patch 1.03 is fantastic and improved the game a lot. The graphic enhancement was a cool surprise and it's great to see that the "show all movements" is back. Thank you very much.


  7. Originally posted by Hoolaman:

    I have yet to see a CMSF screenshot that looks much like any photo I have seen of Syria.

    The fact that no CMSF scenario has a scenery that looks like the photos you have seen of Syria does not mean that what you have seen in CMSF scenarios does not look like places in Syria. I guess that you have not seen the right photos yet.

    Syria as many different landscapes and some of them look like landscapes of my own country. I find that in some scenarios, the landscape reminds me a bit of places from the part of Syria in which I spent a good part of my military service; I mean South West Syria ,the Golan Heights

    Sure, in other CMSF scenarios I find very little that reminds me of what I have seen of Syria but I have not seen all of Syria yet. Did you ?


    [ August 14, 2007, 06:43 AM: Message edited by: Khane ]

  8. Originally posted by handihoc:

    Clearer announcement of when reinforcements arrive. In the heat of battle I often miss it, and only find them maybe by chance.

    1) I second that

    2) A "Show All Movement Paths" option. Right now I spend a lot of time correcting movement paths to avoid vehicles overlapping.

    3) A "Correct way points" option

    4) An option for...There are many other enhancements I would like to see but that's all for now.

    In spite the frustrations caused by its present problems ( AI, path finding , LOS/LOF...), I become more and more immersed by Shock Force and the time I spend to play the game grows everyday. Reminds me the times when I started to play CMBO back in 2000. According the past record of Battlefront I am quite confident that Shock Force will be tweaked and polished and become a masterpiece .

    Thanks for a great game, BF.


  9. On a map on which I was doing some tests with walls and small arms (a small map divided in two parts by a tall wall),I put a Stryker with an embarked platoon on one side of the wall/map and gave him a "reverse" order to the other side of the wall and it did not move, which is fine but when I gave him a second "reverse" order on his side of the wall but very close to the wall , the Stryker moved reverse and his backside then "crossed" through the tall wall. I though it was a graphical abstraction but when I ordered the squad to dismount with a "quick" order, the soldiers started to run on this other side the wall/map exactly like in the bug (?) where a vehicle makes a reverse move inside a building.

    I understand that graphical abstractions are unavoidable and the backside of a vehicle going through walls, in spite of being graphically very unpleasant is an acceptable abstraction but a squad disembarking on the other side of the wall is not a graphical abstraction anymore. Is that something that could be fixed ?




    [ August 12, 2007, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: Khane ]

  10. I hope that the "Show All Movement Paths" option will be back again in one of the first patches (an option to adjust way points would be welcome too). Right now it is quite a headache to check and adjust and recheck and adjust again and one more time check and adjust to correct the overlapping way points of vehicles specially, when there are many of them.

  11. It's explained in CMSF manual page 65

    Acquire Command

    The Acquire command allows an infantry unit to pick up equipment, weapons and ammunition from points where such goodies are available. In CMSF, this means mainly infantry carriers such as the Stryker and BMP-1 for example, which carry additional equipment in storage compartments.

    In order to use Acquire, the infantry unit has to enter the vehicle first. A pop-up window lists all available equipment which the unit is eligible to choose from. Clicking on an entry removes the equipment or ammo from the list and places it into the inventory of the passenger unit.


  12. Originally posted by flintlock:

    Battlefront, is indeed an incredible wargame.

    Hi flintlock,

    So far I have mostly played and enjoyed tactical level war games like the Combat Mission games , Steel Panthers World At War, Close Combat 2. Each time I tried to play larger scale games (operational /strategic) I found them laking immersion , their interface very unfriendly and I stopped playing after one battle or two. I tried two games considered as excellent operational war games: TOAW and Kharkov '42 (a John Tiller's Panzer Campaigns ) so I am sure that the problem was not the quality of these games but maybe that these games were not the smoothest introduction to the operational /strategic level. Maybe it is also possible that I am simply not the guy for the operational /strategic level games and I should stick the squads/company level.

    In the Matrix games search engine, Battlefront appears as a "tactical" level game together with "Steel Panthers" and "CC3-Cross of Iron". Do you think that Battlefront could be a smoothest (and more immersing) introduction to the tactical/operational level than TOAW or the Panzer Campaigns series ?

    Thank you in advance

    [ May 19, 2007, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Khane ]

  13. Originally posted by LoneSyrian:

    I mean look at the disdain Steve has for the Syrian soldier, examine the graphic logo of CMS Shock Force, look at the American soldier, then look at the Syrian soldier. See? Notice how the American soldier is so erect and alert, then look at the Syrian soldier, he looks like a fagot with an extra RPG up his colon.

    LOL smile.gifsmile.gif

    That's OK, he is not a Sunni but a Shia. :D


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