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Jorge MC

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Posts posted by Jorge MC

  1. Things will get even more interesting in this regard when Eastern Front shows up! If I recall my numbers correctly PPSH has a twice the ROF of a MP40 and higher muzzle velocity. In theory it should outrange the MP40 by a good 40m. A real room sweeper when it comes to house-to-house fighting.

    with how many bullets 71? real room cleaning.. hope the germans can pick those and use like in real life

  2. I been playing alot of MG house to house I notice that the sten gun is very accurate i understan it can be at close, but in medium and long I dont really thing it was I lost full german squads to a single stun gun 3 times now in diferent esenarios, and im sure the mp40 was better

    is because of the patch? it wasent like this in CW module that i can remember

    check this video about the sten vs the mp40 at 33:56


    anyone notice this? or is just me? sorry my english sucks :P

  3. i didn't see any post about this issue, but lately i see less and less scenarios in the forum. CMFI - havn't seen a new scenario for months. CMMG - no scenarios since the launch, etc etc.

    it seems that the community is dying, and the game with it.

    i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels it.

    what I notice is that every time a new module comes out the forums are quiet for couple of weeks.. people playing

  4. We're currently testing a patch that will incorporate the new improvements from Market Garden (including the vehicle urban combat changes) into Fortress Italy. It should be available soon.

    The V2.0 upgrade package for CMBN that included armor cover arcs, shaders, and the like was actually introduced with Fortress Italy, so it's already included.

    We'll definitely be expanding on Fortress Italy with future content. Hopefully I can share our plans with you guys soon. :)


    maybe NORTH AFRIKA? from El Alamein to Tunez ?

  5. Go away...sorry but your post is inflammatory and isn't going to stand you in good stead in this community. I suppose you weren't taught how to communicate properly in a non hostile and polite manner.

    Men of War or COH is calling you.

    ...... by Wodin


    diplomacy 101. The art of getting what you want by offending the other party as much as you can.

    ....by fatehunter

    Perhaps this is not the game for you.

    .... by General Lee Irked

    agree all of the above .....by me

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