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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by CharonJr

  1. Hi,

    the AI still seems a bit weak when it comes to assaulting buildings.

    About 40 of my troops were pinned down by a loney soldier in a building, but instead of using grenades to blow him out of it they were happily shooting their rifles.

    When I manually ordered one soldier to use a grenade I think I learned why. He happily ran after his grenade instead of staying put and blew himself to pieces ;)

    Has anybody else seen this or is there any way to make my troops use their grenades to get enemies out of buildings by themself (preferably without killing themself in the process) ?


  2. Hi,

    I have had no problem with the demo as well (1900x1200), but agree with some other things that have been said, mainly:

    - infantry guns seem to accurate at long range

    - ammo supplies would be nice

    - tank AI seems to be improved

    - I hope that there will be less/no puzzle solving with TOW2

    In addition it seems like in order to give the AI an edge we are still seeing battles where the AI has a vastly superior number of units - but with a bit of luck it will be more balanced than TOW.

    And for my taste the range looks a bit too close still, but there might be other scenarios.

    Mainly I am still undecided here, but will surely follow the forums after the release.


  3. Hiya,

    great work on those improvements.

    Played yesterday on +100%, +1.0XP. Ended the game in August 1942 (after taking Moscow; UK/London was taken during an earlier Sealion). Took Denmark/Poland on turn 2, LC on turn 3, France in April 40 - but the tank in Paris was a nice touch ;)

    Concerning your questions:

    1) Yes, Russia was tougher due to the better teched units. Sadly it threw this advantage away by attacking my – equally teched - entrenched units behind the river to ex-Poland (SU joined the Allies before I was ready for Barbarossa – was just getting some units back from England).

    2) Since the game ended in 1942 there was no D-Day.

    3) I took Alexandria fairly easy, mainly since I have been able to defeat the British fleet in the Med and used 3 AF in addition to 1 tank, 2 German and 2 Italian armies. The US did attack Vichy-France with 2 corps in spring ’42 (declared war on the turn they landed), but was easily beaten back.

    IMO the remaining problems can largely be attributed to the “core-AI”.

    Not getting Spain to join the Axis till England was out of the game was nice.


    PS: IIRC it was the Polish flag that flew over Monte Cassino after the white flag was taken down.

  4. In our current TCP/IP game Axisgeneral managed to deal out some serious punishment during the mud turns with his French troops.

    Depending on your positioning France can bring to bear 4-5 units vs. 1 attacker. Lost an army and even a tank unit (which forced him to leave Paris with his own tanks, but I think I would have done the same - being able to bag a tank unit is too good to miss even if Paris will be taken 1 turn earlier).

    But I have to admit that he was only able to do this due to me miscalculating movement costs ;)


  5. Well, IMO corps are the better bang/buck most of the times. From what I have seen in the formulas they defend as good as armies (for half the price) while attacking half as good. Actually 2 attacks from corps are likely to be a tad harder than 1 attack from a army due to already lowered strength/entrencement values of the defender after the first attack.

    But in the right circumstances (lack of space - e.g. lowcountries or the defender not just sitting there but counterattacking) armies should be the better unit.

    The AP of 3 for a corps in contrast to just AP 2 for an army is another advantage of a corps.

    Due to this I tend to agree that armies should be cheaper (e.g. lower their costs so that an army and 1 point of movement improvement cost the same as 2 corps i.e. 200MPP).

    @Hyazinth - Why whould an army be better for defense ? From what I have seen in the formulas (and I can be wrong there) a corps should be just as good at "pure" defense than an army.


  6. Hehe, when I have been to the US the last time the only places where I got free refills were fast-food restaurants (which are ok, have been there fairly often ;) ).

    But I can't recall getting a free refill in a "regular" restaurant. Well, thinking a bit more about it they would most likely be considered better than regular. Maybe that's the reason why...

    I would tend to agree to another point here, too. I think we like our drinks cool, while you seem to prefer them cold ;)

    And I can recall having had one of the best beers of my life in San Fransisco. From one of those micro-breweries. But when I later tried one from another brew which had been recommended to me by a friend I was really disappointed.

    Well, different people have different tastes.

    But while we can discuss if a beer should be served cold or cool, I will readily agree that it should not be warm ;)


    PS: While I am from the "old" West-Berlin I actually prefer many of the places in the old east myself. Berlin Mitte is a great place to visit IMO.

  7. I am from Berlin, and nope, we like our beers cold and our coke, too ;)

    But since he was from the US he might have found it strange that there tends to be more coke in the glass than ice when you order a coke... ,)

    And concerning the beer it depends on what he ordered. On average it is stronger than the typical american beer, but depending on what he got and what he is used to, it could have been less strong, too.


  8. And taking Poland on turn 2 is very important, too. IIRC you lose about 100MPPs of plunder for taking it later than turn 2. Likely gets less the longer you take, never took it later than turn 3, so I don't know this for sure...

    And if you get unlucky (bad weather, LC unit between Brussels and Essen) you might not even be able to take LC by turn 3 (less MPPs, France gets stronger).

    It is a gamble I think, but it surely can offer great rewards ;)


  9. Hmm, concerning those 32MPP, since the Allies get Iceland that way and US/SU activation goes up a bit, are you sure that you are not giving more than those 32 MPP to the Allies.

    In addition don't forget the costs for op-moving the units you need for the attack.

    Considering the warm fuzzy feeling - there could be better times for that, too (e.g. spare Denmark till DoW on the SU ;) ).


  10. Hehe, yup, nice game, but no way I could have made up those losses against a competent player and AOM seems like one smile.gif

    He could have turned the Med into his personal fishing pond and constantly threaten an early Italian invasion.

    I addition my 10 total chits in techs refused to fire till mid '40 (btw, I took back and reinvested those sub chits after my fleet was at the bottom of the North Sea, but at a 50% loss ;) ).

    IMO basically when the German fleet is destroyed and the Allies can move most of theirs to the Med and threaten an invasion there or an early invasion in France the game is over for the Axis unless they get some lucky breaks (techs). Too many units are needed to secure all those landing sites to have any chance to make meaningful progress in the Soviet Union.


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