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Posts posted by Pyewacket

  1. Scenario files are encrypted, so that way doesn't work.

    But there're two other ways to communicate with CM:

    1. MM: Mapping Mission from L.Tankersley

    2. MC: Map Converter (from me)

    Both are able to write data to the CM editor and both can open and save their own files. So if you're able to write a programm which translates an original map into a 3rd party CM structure (MM or MC) then it should work. Contact me if you want to use MC.

  2. could be days!

    one guy waited the whole night (appr. 7 hours). If I were a professional coder I probably could make the procedure faster; I usually copy and paste most of the code from examples or tutorials.....

    On my PC it took 10 min, but that was pure luck I think.

    Do you have the CMBO special edition, or do you wanted just to try the analyze thing? I could try somthing different for your special edition....

  3. Normally the tactical AI prevents your tanks from such a suicide. In the games I've played the remaining tanks try to drive around such a minefield. But the problem is that there might be more than one minefield or (what I guess) that some of the tanks drive to close around the square where the tac AI expects the minefield.

    I am not sure if the command 'moving to contact' could help you. Just from memory I would say that they stop when a minefield is detected.

  4. Hugenotten was a dirty word at first. They called themselfs 'Religion prétendue réformée' or 'calvinists' (from Johannes Calvin, one of the founders) or simple 'protestants'. Later they called themselves Hugenotten on their own. They were a minority in France (90 % catholic) and had to flee. around 40.000 (of 200.000) I think went to German countries (more or less 20.000 of them to Prussia).

  5. Do you have an LCD monitor?

    Just from my own experience: I have an 17" monitor and when I run CMAK with more than 60 Hz the screen is shifted to the left. Only with 60Hz it's in the middle. Although it's strange that it was ok a while at the beginning of your game....Anyway I recommend to choose a video setting with the lowest frequency (60 Hz or so). As already mentioned you have to delete the preference file to be able to choose the video setting.

  6. Ok here's the latest version (1.28) http://www.pyes-ct.de/mc.html , the mirror files from McAuliffe are included (CMAK). He did a great job in creating these files and I am happy that I could include his mirroring idea. As he said if there's a mirror function needed for CMBO/CMBB we still need volunteers.

    If there's no need (I'll wait a few days), I think that's it and we can finish the test phase (need just to add the mirror file thing in the help). Many thanks to all who helped me and for all the comments I got.


  7. I would like to know what you think about QBs where the Allied side purchases Brits and US troops, means mix them up. Is that gamey? why?

    I remember one of my first games where I did that and my opponent was pissed off. Then I never did that anymore and found out that it was sometimes difficult to choose the side, I mean it depended on what I had in mind in the battle. So the question precisely is: Is there an advantage when mixing up Allied nations from the point of view of spending money to the best available unit?

  8. Thank you Lucho. I didn't spend more time than anyone of you guys for designing a good scenario, I guess. So a big thanks back to you all for entertaining the community.

    Hans: smile.gif ; CMBO CMAK is included. Do you have the latest version (1.28). If it doesn't work with cmbo just tell me. There's also a problem with CMBO special edition. At the lower part of the apps form you find a troubleshooting section for this edition. Please contact me if there're problems.

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