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Posts posted by mchlstrt

  1. I'm doing a Mod of the T-26 series. I've seen at least four kinds of wheels in the pics I've found so far on the 'net, not to mention things like Rivets & 'No, no, that's the m42!!B!! shovel handle!!!". Does anybody know of a good Book, perhaps? I found a review of one from Armada (in Russian), but haven't been able to find where to get even that one. Any sources would be appreciated.



  2. Just trying to get all the scattered discussion about this into one place. What we (or at least I) know so far...

    -The Radeon 7000 @ 32 meg is not enough HP for full out BB. Are there other considerations besides VRam w/ this Card? It does do alot for the $, including allowing second Card & Monitor, which is GREAT for Modding.

    -The 8500 @ 64meg has Smoke & (?)Fog problems which don't seem like they will be fixed soon.

    Please correct/add to the above where I may be mistaken.Also can anyone elaborate on...


    -FSAA/AA/Vectorizationeramajama type stuff you see in DarkSide threads, & how this stuff pertains to we, the Blessed.



    [ October 04, 2002, 10:58 AM: Message edited by: mchlstrt ]

  3. I think the 'LoRes' thing is the key. I'll double check but it seems a lot of the BB .BMPs are twice as big as BO 'HiRes' (!), which is 4x as many 1s & 0s, 16 x BO LoRes. Even in BO I always thought it would be nice to have a 'LoRes Special' Site, since all LoRes looks better than differently 'downsampled' mixed together ( I downsampled all my fav HiRes Mods to use on my PB by hand). This still seems to be true even w/ BB's improved funcionality in this regard. How do you start a Website, anyway?


  4. F,

    I think that subtleties of Shading & Shadow aren't obvious to the 'untrained eye', much less the effects of different Colors (Hmmm, have to add an 'Auto Color Correction' feature to the 'Do Mod' button. Dang, this is getting complicated!). If one could switch it on & off, & change base colors from Yellow to Grey to Green there'd be a lot of "Oh, I see. good Job!".

    Regarding Credits I agree it's important. Respect is very important in a loosely knit & unpaid Community like this. & 'based on this w/ some of that' gives a sense of the 'aethetic lineage'. I believe people who are newer to this, & particularly younger people who haven't had as much experience w/ matters of propriety generally, just may not think of this or realize they actually have an impact. A polite e-mail pointing this out would seem appropriate & even helpful.

    You do nice Work, btw.


  5. I figured they shared so many elements once you sorted out the @#% Running Gear it wouldn't be a big deal (yeah, right). Trying to do everything on seperate, non-overlapping Layers (yikes!) so one can add or subtract a few Rivets, put a Paint Scheme under it, & hit the "Do Mod" button, or something like that.

    If you have any more tips concerning the 'Dark side' please do tell. I believe you've done a couple more of these than I have. It seems to handle 'Blacks' better than 'Dark Colors', though I don;t have this sorted out yet.

    And, seriously, the overall art direction & some of the individual elements in BB are just downright impressive. Thanks for that.


    (spling. WHot i noticd annyway)(Twicet!)

    [ October 03, 2002, 04:05 AM: Message edited by: mchlstrt ]

  6. If anybody sorts out a list of 'BO' vehicles please post it ( & add those other two while you're at it).

    Schoerner, I agree w/ you on the shading thing. It seems more Modders are incorporating this into their work, & I think it's a topic that very much deserves it's own discussion. Quickly, my thought so far is that going too 'contrasty', particularly in the very dark end (see my BO 'Grimy JT') doesn't 'sit' well in The Game. OTOH, the BB Hotchkiss & Semovente do an excellent job of being 3D without looking out of place, though they may be a little 'light' for my personal taste. (Whoever did these, they are Very Good. I'm doing the T-26 line from scratch, & they're sitting next to it as benchmarks.) Getting some consensus on this would help w/ a consistant 'look' across Mods, much like 'The PigPen' is trying to do with muddifying 'em.

    Sorry to wander OT (& a Mod Forum!).


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