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Jack Carr

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Posts posted by Jack Carr

  1. Originally posted by JasonC:

    So because hyper-velocity rounds sometimes glance off 55 degree angle plates (angle effect in reality is a function of engagement velocity, and HVAP doesn't help against highly angled plates), the lower hull is supposed to be invulnerable when anywhere near spec thickness. And because a few dead Panthers don't have holes through their mantlets (because they were killed elsewhere) the mantlet is supposed to be invulnerable (presumably to anything but tungsten). The glacis already was. So the Panther is supposed to be an invulnerable ubertank from the front vs. US 76mm.

    Despite the fact that in reality, as opposed to your more and more tendentious, German bias minutae twisting, Panthers on the attack in the west fared remarkably poorly and were routinely trashed by M-10s and M-18s. As Panzer Lehr's July counterattack, Mortain, and the smoking ruins of the Panzer brigades in August and September make abundantly clear.

    We've got direct AARs of M-10s outscoring Panthers in hedgerow country, with German panzer generals lamenting how useless it was attacking in such terrain. We've got direct AARs of M-18s outscoring Panthers at close range in Lorraine, when the fog meant to keep the Jabos away also meant no long range against the TDs. Your own favorite tests show the mantlet regularly penetrated by 76mm plain AP at close enough range.

    The truth of the matter is the only plate on the Panther immune to US 76mm was the glacis. The rest of the front require close range with plain AP. This was enough to make the Panther marginal on the attack in the terrain and environmental conditions regularly encountered in the west, not much better than Pz IVs.

    To exploit its strengths, it needed to defend, thus choosing its own ground to fight at range showing only its frontal facing. When it had to advance, it either showed its sides or moved directly on enemy positions - which the enemy picked, thus giving him the choice of opening range. It did not help that German operational doctrine on the use of armor was overly offensive. Or that in the west such attacks mostly had to be conducted in poor weather, covered terrain, or both - to avoid Allied air.

    I used to respect the extent of your learning on armor grog matters, Rexford. But of late, you have been pushing your German bias with such strained arguments it has gotten to the point where I don't believe a word you say. One man's opinion.

    Amazing info. Panther not much better than PZIV at the ranges and visual limitations really says alot. It certainly explains why the German big cats were ultimately bested. Besides having fewer numbers the combat apparently took place at ranges which favored the quicker vehicle.
  2. Gurra,

    ASUS website had this to say about DDR333 memory issues:

    Question: When I use certain DDR 333 memory modules (such as Kingmax, Corsair, etc) on P4S8X under Windows 2000 or XP, the mem modules cannot be installed successfully, thus, system will become unstable. Why?

    Answer: Please update to the latest BIOS v1004. It will solve most of current DDR333 memory problem. You can download it via below: ftp://ftp.asus.com.tw/pub/asus/mb/sock478/p4s8x/p4s8x004.zip

    Question: Does P4S8X support ECC or Registered memory?

    Answer: According to the Spec of SiS 648 North Bridge, P4S8X can only support non-ECC and Unbuffered DDR memory.

    Question: Are there ASUS qualified DDR 333 memories for P4S8X?

    Answer: The following table lists the DDR333 memory modules that have been tested and qualified for use with P4S8X: Nanya NT5DS16M8AT-6 PC2700/256MB Samsung K4H280838D-TCB3 PC2700/128MB Samsung K4H280838D-TCB3 PC2700/256MB Micron MT8VDDT1664AG-335B1 PC2700/128MB Micron MT16VDDT3264AG-335B1 PC2700/256MB NOTE: Please use only the tested and qualified DDR333 DIMMs listed above, other DDR DIMMs manufactured by other vendors may not be suitable for this motherboard.

    Hope this helps.

  3. How much RAM is considered a large amount?

    I have two machines. One has 1.5 gigabytes of PC2100 and the other machine has 1 gigabyte of PC2700. All of the sticks are of the same manufacturer and amount of memory and I have never had a problem running CM.

    What kind of motherboard do you have? I read that some motherboards have a restriction with how many sticks you can use depending on the speed of the RAM. For instance, I'm running on an ASUS A7V8X and the limitation is 3 sticks of PC2100 two of PC2700 and only one if the memory is PC3200. If I used 3 sticks of PC2700 it might cause problems or run at the lower speed by default.

  4. Good question. I have never seen the AI do anything except attack in a seemingly predesignated path with mobile units or defend in place with anything that it has. I have never seen it used mounted troops in an organized logical way. They dismount when fired upon and only then do they become an active part of the battlefield. I have never seen the AI move an AT gun.

  5. 99.9% of the CM games that I play are against the AI. Over time I have become adept at making sound tactical decisions and keeping the AI at bay if not whooping it. I almost always give it very large numberic advantages. Worry not, I'm not bragging here.

    Just an observation, the players view of the CM battlefield is one of a God, so to speak. I can look at everything that can be seen by one of my units and act accordingly. I realize that there have been many threads on the "Borg Spotting" issue and do not wish to beat that dead horse here. I am also aware of some creative forum members who have come up with rules to limit your view to the lower two levels, in a sense, taking away the players God-Like view of the battlefield.

    What view does the AI have of the battlefield? Can it react with it's forces as I do? For example, in any given scenario if I realize that the AI's main thrust is on the right side of the map and I have limited forces on that side, I can very simply shift enough forces to that side to bolster things up a bit. Or at least try to shift the forces to that side. Will the AI do this?

    I'm hoping that someone from BFC will give some insight into the AI. Mind you I'm not criticizing anything here, I'm just simply curious. I enjoy playing the AI very much and sometimes when I'm lazy, it makes me pay dearly for my mistakes.

  6. Originally posted by easytarget:

    i've run CM on p4 2ghz and on a brand new p4 3ghz w/ 800 fsb etc

    i don't honestly see a lot of difference in CM between the two

    btw, the 2ghz model was using an overclocked nvidia ti200 and the 3ghz is running an ati 9800pro

    while this would tend to suggest a huge performance increase, given the processor speed, the video card differences, and the FSB (plus faster RAM), it really hasn't made that much of a difference in CM

    if CM is all you're worried about, i wouldn't consider the upgrade you're considering worth the cost and trouble

    i upgraded to a faster machine for games other than CM - specifically D3 and HL2 - and in the case of a current game i'm enjoying immensely, price of persia, the graphics and processor capabilities of the new machine are put to full use and i have the ability to run it 1600x1200 wtih everything turned all the way up - that would not of been possible with the older machine - so in my case it was worth it - in your case, i just don't think it is - unless of course you have the hardware bug and just can't shake it - in which case i'd follow the above advice and consider a vid card change before going with the new MB (assuming you've got a vid card below a 4600 or 9700pro - if you've got either of these or above, i wouldn't even do that upgrade)


    Your advice is exactly the kind of experience I was looking for. The difference in processors in your example is much more dramatic than the one that I am contemplating and you really did not see much of a difference with CM. I think I'll wait for CMX2 before deciding if I need an upgrade.


  7. Originally posted by easytarget:

    i guess the first question that jumps to my mind is are you trying to upgrade to fix some specific problems you're having in performance in CM or other games?

    because what you're describing sounds like a lot of money to spend considering how little difference it's likely to make

    No problems being experienced. To restate, is their a significant performance jump going from 2700+ to 3200+ with matching RAM upgrades? Wondering if anyone has any experience with the 3200+. I was leaning towards a P4 but I have had such a good experience with the AMD processors that I might stick with them. A few months ago I was considering a high end P4 upgrade but I've reconsidered this. I'm pretty sure the cost of this upgrade would be cheaper than going with a P4 upgrade.

    [ December 31, 2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Jack Carr ]

  8. As the thread title indicates, I currently have an AMD XP 2700+ processor. The clock speed on it is 2.167ghz. The RAM I have is 1GB of PC2700 clocked at 333mhz.

    I am considering swapping out my motherboard and getting the AMD XP 3200+ and some PC3200 RAM, 1GB. The clock speed on this processor is 2.2ghz which is not much faster than my current processor but the cache on the processor and the FSB is faster.

    Does anyone have any experience with this type of an upgrade? Would it be worth it for me to do this? The cost would be about $650.

  9. Actually for someone who seems to be an FPS fan, he did give it an overall "fun" write-up. Not bad considering that he would probably rather play some Duke Nuke'Em type game.

    I would think that the ratings he gave the various aspects of the game are heavily influenced by his knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject material.

    He did say that this was the game he was going to get for his father so they could play via e-mail. I didn't see too much negative in this review.

  10. Actually for someone who seems to be an FPS fan, he did give it an overall "fun" write-up. Not bad considering that he would probably rather play some Duke Nuke'Em type game.

    I would think that the ratings he gave the various aspects of the game are heavily influenced by his knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject material.

    He did say that this was the game he was going to get for his father so they could play via e-mail. I didn't see too much negative in this review.

  11. The CMBB demo was not that good from a scenario perspective. Not really a good indicator of how great the game is. Personally, I love the Eastern Front. CMAK has some definite improvements but I feel they are small in the scheme of things. I'd go with the bundle pack. It will give you a good change of pace and I think you will like CMBB.

    Just my two cents.

    Happy CMing!

  12. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I just tried out a version of Barkmann's Corner in CMAK - while I didn't see any explosions on being killed, a Sherman that was burning for about two turns did happen to explode.

    I don't believe this was the result of an airstrike (no sound of airplane engines) and none of my Germans were shooting at him.

    Does CM now model secondary explosions from burning tanks (ie ammo cooking off inside a fire)?

    If so - cool. If not - guess I have a bug to report?

    If this is the case that is neat. I haven't noticed that yet.
  13. Originally posted by sgt.biyatch:

    i did notice that this game looks a bit better than cmbb. only a little bit better though...

    You should download some mods for CMBB. CMAK's got nothing on my heavily modded CMBB world. I'd have to give the looks edge to CMBB on my machines right now. I'm sure the fanatical modders will catch up on CMAK within the next six months though. I've already downloaded some really good CMAK mods.
  14. Sven,

    Good luck with this dilemma. It drove me crazy to the point where I went out and purchased a different video card that was able to run the older drivers. I think the Nvidia cards that are up to 4X AGP are your best bet. 8X AGP cards need the newer drivers and that's where the problem comes in. If you can, downgrade to 30.82. It works great and you will be able to use all the bells and whistles with the card.

    Thanks to Schrullenhaft and Redwolf on this issue. The input from some of these guys is really invaluable.

    I went from a Ti4800 8X AGP to a Ti4600 4X AGP card. Same amount of memory on both cards but the AGP capability was different. The Ti series cards are pretty good and they have come way down in price. I'm seeing some Ti4600 series cards in the $120 - $150 range. I purchased mine for $350 quite some time ago.

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