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Jack Carr

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Posts posted by Jack Carr

  1. Is it me or is this thing nigh undefeatable. Put one of these babies on a hill with some open terrain in front of it and watch the black smoking hulks appear. Unless it gets hit by a 122, frontally its hard to beat. Your only hope as a Russian player is to damage the gun or immobilize it. If CM is accurate in its portrayal of this vehicle why didn't the Germans produce these things like crazy?

  2. Remember the old Soviet addage, "Quantity has a quality all its own."

    Or something like that.

    I like to play the Germans and almost always play mid to late war scenarios giving the Russian player +50% or better. My two uber-panzers are always up against 15-20 Russian tanks, most of which are T-34/85's. Regardless of whether I am fielding Tigers or Panthers, It's a hard battle with many nail-biting moments. The Russian 85mm can quickly score a kill if I use my armor foolishly. I think if you play this way, you will see very quickly why the German uber-tanks were not so uber after all. If you put things in a historical perspective in late war scenarios, the lost Tiger was replaced by a grenadier with a panzerfaust while the loss of a T-34 was replaced with two or three more of the same.

  3. Originally posted by Wally's World:

    the difference in CMBB is when I 'fly' over the battlefield. With the old ASUS, I would have some jitters, but not with the new Epox.

    I also must admit that the ASUS boards I had were really stable compared to the Epox. But then again I was told that the Epox 8RDA+ is known more for its speed than stability.

    I plan to upgrade the CPU and video card within the next year or so. Maybe sooner. But both seem to be able to handle everything for now. I don't think I'll upgrade the CPU without upgrading the video card because I think I'm maxed out as to what the GeForce3 Ti200 can handle.

    My video card is pretty strong. Chaintech GeForce Ti4600 128MB. I'm hoping that this last upgrade will hold me for several years but CMX2 will more than likely be the driver behind where my rig will go from here.
  4. Originally posted by Wally's World:


    You didn't see a big increase in your performance? I'm surprised because I did get a 50% increase in my 3dMark score from the A7X8X to the Epox 8RDA+ board.

    I didn't use any benchmark software so it may have gotten better but I'm certainly not seeing a big difference when playing CM. I upgraded my motherboard from an ASUS A7V8X to a Chaintech Apogee board with the Nforce2 chipset. The board has a 333mhz FSB which matched the PC2700 RAM I have. I also upgraded my CPU to an AMD Athlon XP2800+ Thoroughbred 2.25ghz. Slight increase in horsepower from the 2700+ I had.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy with my rig but NForce2 didn't do much from what I could see. I picked up approximately 10 seconds on my boot-up from the other motherboard but beyond that, I wonder if it was worth it. To their credit, several folks on the forum advised me not to waste my time and money on it but I had to find out for myself. The new Chaintech board's FSB was quicker than the ASUS boards, 333 vs 266.

    One thing I will say is that the ASUS motherboard's stability seems better. I have no problems with crashing but if I change a few settings in the BIOS with this Chaintech board the results are unpredictable. I also had a heck of a time getting the machine to boot once I had it all put back together. I think this is more of a Chaintech issue than an NForce2 one.

  5. Originally posted by Dressler:

    I'm going from memory here, but I think it's one stick of Kingston 256mb DDR and the whatever the OEM 64mb stick was that came with the system.

    Is it DDR PC2100 or older than that?

    If you get a newer motherboard you may have to scrap the older RAM. Just something to keep in mind.

  6. I recently upgraded my motherboard to an nforce board as well. I did this because of an article I read that basically said Nforce was a fast chipset. I wasn't impressed with the results. I to went from an ASUS A7V8X (KT400 chipset). I think you will have better results than I did because of the sheer horsepower in CPU that you are looking at. 900mhz to 1.8-2.0ghz is a big jump. You may have to get more RAM. In fact, depending on the motherboard you get, you may have to scrap the RAM you have now because it won't fit in the new board.

    What kind of RAM do you have now?

  7. Six hour games? You may have to add some type of resupply element if the engine were changed to handle that length. Most infantry units engaged for any extended period run low on ammo pretty quick.

    Not sure where this comes into the discussion but if you have a few squads that get caught up in a firefight for 5+ turns, which is not uncommon, they're out of ammo in no time at all. In a game that lasts so long what would these squads do for the remainder of the scenario? They would have to tactically withdraw, taking the inevitable casualties associated with such a maneuver and find a safe spot on the map to wait it out.

    Resupply would be handy. I think this gets a little out of the scope of the current CM engine. As some have already posted perhaps Battlefront is already taking this into account for CMX2.

  8. It's good alright! I go into software shops now and just pick up boxes and laugh. I don't think there is anything out there that comes close at this point. I have been playing ever since CMBO and I still play both CMBB and CMAK several times a week.

    Now that's a testament to how good this CM thing is! Every other piece of software that I bought that long ago, except maybe Microsoft Word, just doesn't get used anymore.

  9. I have a card in my case that fits into an IDE slot. The card has two fans in it. Perhaps you could get this card and insert it in the the IDE slot that is next to your video card. This way the video card gets direct air flow. Is your video card AGP?

    When I bought the card for my box to increase air flow it was relatively inexpensive, maybe $20.00 or so.

  10. Originally posted by togi:

    ...I have seen the CPU temperature is 47 celcius and case temperature is 55-56 celcius while playing CM?

    But my video card processor is very hot..I can't touch it...

    Is it normal? May be the video card processor overheated?

    Thanks in advance for your helps..

    Best Regards..


    The temperatures that you have listed above are really not that bad. As far as the video card being hot to the touch, I'm not certain if that is a problem or not as I have never touched my video card during operation. There are aftermarket coolers/fans for video cards and as someone has already suggested, you could purchase additional exhaust and cooling hardware for the box.
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