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Posts posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Thanks guys. My primary reasons aren't because of Battlefield Command (although it looks promicing).

    My wife has ran into some serious medical issues :( , and it has kept me away from the PC as I wish to spend more time with her. I still game now and then, but not as much anymore it seems. And even without that, I have played CM so much over the past four years, than I am kind of burt out on it; for the first time! I am not sure if I will buy CMAK or not, we'll just have to see how things go with my girl and if I get the CM itch again. ;)

    Anyway, thanks and c-ya around!

  2. Due to a combination of factors, I am setting Combat Mission to the side for now. I wanted to say thanks to everyone for making this one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I have ever had. The game is great, the forum is the best and most active I have ever posted on, and the character of almost everyone here is quite excellent and often fun.

    I've been playing CM since it first released back in '99, and I intend to peek in from time to time to see how CMX2 is coming along. Until then, keep on groging for me guys!

    A special thanks goes to the modders (especialy my good friends Juju, Tanks-a-lot, and gautrek; who always used me to playtest), who through their selfless work, have made this game that much more fun to play and be a part of!


    [ May 27, 2003, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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