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Sir Uber General

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Posts posted by Sir Uber General

  1. In some cases I have used my BN HQ to steady a Coy HQ, which in turn helps steady the platoons.
    Are you saying that Bn HQ's combat bonuses apply to other Coy HQ's bonuses, and they in their multiplied state are passed down to lower level units?

    I didnt know that - it is not apparent from the red c&c lines that do not go from HQ to HQ.

    I suspect I have misinterpreted what you just wrote.

  2. I really like the idea related to LOS/FOW, although it would seriously change the way the game is played today:

    You can only see enemy units that are not only in LOS of your troops, but those spotting troops must also fall under c&c their Pn HQ, and that Pn HQ must be under C&c of a CO or Bn HQ.

    If a unit that spotted enemy was out of c&c of appropriate HQ, then you wont see those enemy until he comes back under HQ influence - and unless he still has LOS to the unit when he gets back under c&c of approprate HQ, you will only see the "LOS lost here icon" in the place the enemy unit was last spotted.

    I hope that made sense.

    Man, that would change things! Co HQ would need to be somewhere near his platoons so you the player can see what those platoons are engaging. Dont know how you can fit Bn HQ into that picture but I havent really thought about this much. My idea would also get around the gamey use of scouts with telepathy - scouts our of c&c would need to return to their Pn HQ's c&c to report what they have seen - and I think that would be cool!

  3. Hey Whacky, I just had a listen to your sound mods - well done! Very cool smile.gif Very DoD-esque which is what I was talking about earlier.... now to mix in those shouts and stuff. Make sure you let us all know about it if you get them done, you are certainly on the right track smile.gif

    Well done!

    Hey and anybody care to mod those joke sounds?

  4. Hi Dogga, Im an aussie mate, there are a few of us about, but most of the time I do have trouble finding an opponent during my free time which is usually when the rest of the world is asleep :( The opponent finder board works, but at time I have to wait 45mins to get a taker.

    Are you an Anzac from ww2o? If so you know me then as Raver1 the crazy A-13 driver smile.gif Good to see you bud!

  5. Excellent, I think it would add a lot of "feel" to the fighting. I am thinking along the lines of some of the DoD maps - without those infantry combat sounds the maps would lose their edge.

    Also Whacky consider adding in the sounds of incoming small arms fire - ie - bullets zipping past and the thud-thud-thud of bullets chewing up dirt at your feet. That would be super sexy!


  6. Hey guys,

    on very rare occasions I will hear an AFV or ATG make a high pitched woop sound after they score a kill. Is that meant to be the crew shouting with excitment or something? If so, whoever did the sample must have his nads run over by a sherman to get such a high-pitched squeal... what gives?

    And on the subject of sounds, has any modder out there considered adding the sound of infantry yelling and screaming and what-not to the sound of rifles/smg's etc being fired?


    [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Sir Uber General ]</p>

  7. If the enemy had played DoD and we were CMBO vets, then I think we would lose, because we would have too many chiefs and not enough indians...

    The Dod'ers on the other hand (well, the better than mediocre ones anyway) have the same skills in relation to weapon placement and tactical engagement. They also have a better idea on the micro-management of battle which is not covered in cmbo. Of course, if you joined a server full of newbies you might think otherwise!

    Just an opinion. Remember: opinions are like a**holes; everyone has one and they all stink.

  8. This isnt a QB as such, but a fun way to play.

    Make a new scenario about 1280 X 1280 with auto-gen terrain of your liking. Might have to make the map a couple of times to get a decent looking map but that is no drama. Create 3 setup zones for the computer in any shape you like, then add 3 large flags and 6 small flags. Use the small flags as first line defence, then the large flags as main line of resistance - this helps give the computer defence cohesion. Stick the flags across the setup zones so you can see the front going north-south. Next, give the computer who will be playing axis a regular inf Bn and attach some vet armoured Pzg for mobile reserve (maybe have them arrive as turn X re-enforcements). Chuck in some (3-4) ATG's, inf guns (3-4), arty (4) and armour(4-6) of your choice, and dump them into the setup zones evenly.

    For your side, purchase 2 (or 3) companies of infantry, 1 regular and 1 veteran, and 2 platoons of armour of your choice (about 6-8 tanks). Add enough apcs to motorise 1 platoon. Add 4 spotters no more than 120mm.

    Now you have a nice wide and deep map with a load of flags to attack. Play the scenario as though you only need to capture and hold 1 - one - large flag and hold for 35 turns. This simulates being in the position of a Bn commander and it is your job to open and hold a gap in the German line, which will be exploited by units arriving at games-end.

    With those forces you can usually bust in through the outter defence and have a real battle going for a large flag. Holding it becomes very bloody as the computer counter-attacks you with overwhelming numbers.

    The numbers might need a bit of tweaking here and there, but overall I find this sort of game more rewarding than the standard qb.



  9. I have to say the Churchill Croc is definately the baddest flaming ass of them all, and is one of the reasons I love playing commonwealth over the other allies. Very hard to stop one if he moves up with an infantry screen in front and a TD or two covering his flanks and rear. Nasty, and has really high survivability despite being an incoming fire magnet.


  10. Would you consider this gamey?

    When defending I will often send crews from destroyed assets (ATGs, AFVs, mortars, etc) back to my local "command post" which is usually a building near or behind a flag in the rear of my main line of resistance. Here, they are placed under the command of whoever is available (company commander for example) and used for last ditch desperate local defence or to reinforce a hot spot that is in danger of being overrun?



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