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Darknight (DC)

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Posts posted by Darknight (DC)

  1. I've gone searching through my sources, because you had me 2nd-guessing for a sec.

    Quite obviously, the Sherman V model was overwhelmingly the most commonly used Canadian tank in Italy, and I'm sure your rarity values would reflect that. I know I've read that Canada decided to standardize on a single model in the Mediterranean (though there are instances of other models being used).

    Some Canadian Sherman III references can be located in:

    Tank Markings & Names p 61 (1st Cdn Armd Bde at Ortona, Dec '43)

    Sherman Tank in British Service p 11 (1st Cdn Armd Bde, Italy '43)

    National Archives of Canada - PA170948 (1st Cdn Armd Bde, Italy '43)

    The Sherman III seems to show up, albeit infrequently, only in the 1st Cdn Armd Bde and not at all in the 5th Cdn Armd Div (possibly as replacement tanks, as you said, or maybe as hand-overs from other armoured regts).

    I did also locate a reference to a Canadian Sherman II in AFV News 1/5 and two others I can't find sources for. Funny enough, these only seem to appear in the Gov Gen Horse Guards Regt, which was the Armd Recce Regt for 5th Cdn Armd Div...the 3 regular armoured regts in 5th CAD seem to only have had the Sherman V model.

  2. Awsome! Just brilliant!

    One question, what Regiment does it say on the shoulder title?


    Looks like "Wessex" to me.

    I have no idea what the patches below the divisional sign are.

    I think he's decided to go for a very generalized look, rather than a particular unit.

  3. Thanks for the quick response.

    I am more than a little sure that you may have gotten your II and III mixed up, at least with respect to what the Canadians used in Italy. ;)

    I have seen pictures of the III being used by the regts of 1st Cdn Armd Bde....never seen a picture of the cast hull II's in a Canadian unit, though.

  4. I was leafing through the manual and noticed two things that stood out to me.

    1) According to the Manual, the M10 Wolverine is only available to the British and Polish.

    I know the 4th AT Regt RCA was with 5th Cdn Armd Division in Italy from late 1943, so I was wondering why the Wolverine wouldn't be available to Canada as well. I would expect that there would have been some with the I Cdn Corps as well with the 7th AT Regt RCA.

    2) Also according to the Manual, Canada has access to the Sherman II, but I don't recall Canada ever using the II. At the same time, Canada doesn't have access to the Sherman III. I'm pretty sure Canada standardized on the Sherman III and V models only.

  5. Eh? I did and found no reference to them on second reading either.

    "I have a list of CW vehicles that would be nice to have in an add-on pack, all of which were actually present in the Normandy timeframe, and the de-frocked Priest would be among them, along with DD Shermans, AEC III, Centaur IV, Churchill III, Churchill AVRE, Daimler Dingo, Humber SC, M3 75mm GMC, Sherman Crab, Tetrach and Grant CDL...no need to mention the fire-breathing vehicles...yet"

    I can't fault you for missing it because it's hidden and veiled in Response #36.

    Basically, I alluded to the fact that I'd love to see Crocs, Wasps and Badgers but I know we won't see them in a pack because the implementation of fire behaviour in-game is a feature to-be-added, which goes way beyond the definition of an add-on pack.

  6. You guys have no idea how much thought goes into seemingly simple decisions :D


    I know I, and many others, appreciate the efforts to bring more to the table, even if there are limitations on what will be possible. Please don't take my wishlists as demanding, I'm just excited at the prospect that some of these items are being considered.

    It's like we're dogs waiting for a treat....I might prefer bacon snacks over a milk bone but I will still be happy with the milk bone....though that won't stop me from wanting more treats right away. :P

  7. Only September? Or do you mean up until September? I sure hope the latter because my favourite the kangaroos saw action in August, to quote the Wikipedia entry (it has a citation):

    I believe that is part of the area and time frame covered by CMBN.

    The de-frocked Priest version of the Kangaroo certainly fits the timeframe for the Normandy family-of-games....the Ram Kangaroo would be later, after Sept '44....so I guess we can keep our fingers crossed on the former for a future pack (I would be pleasantly surprised to see them in MG but the focus for the module seems like it will be Sep '44).

  8. The Grant CDL would not be at all useful for its intended purpose, but it still carried the main 75mm gun, so it wouldn't be completely useless in the context of a "what if?"; incidentally, the CDLs actually fired their main guns at enemy targets along the Rhine in '45. This is all moot because I do not expect to see CDLs (and they are at the very bottom of my list of hopeful vehicle inclusions).

    Not to dampen your enthusiasm for the Ram II Jakla, but I really hope that Battlefront decides to include vehicles in the packs that were actually used in theatre (AEC III, Centaur IV, Churchill III, Churchill AVRE, Daimler Dingo, Humber SC, M3 75mm GMC, Sherman V Crab, de-frocked Priest, Tetrach, Sherman (II/V) DD and/or Grant CDL (and the Challenger, maybe, or are they possibly just a little too late for the end-of-September timeframe?)) before including the Ram II for hypothetical "what if?" scenarios...though I think a few Ram II became Artillery OP in Normandy, but don't quote me on that one. ;)

  9. It's also a bit silly to distinguish between RM and Army Cdos in NWE :)

    Okay, I wouldn't want to be silly, so let's just leave it at the formations that were present in Normandy (though that would make 8 Commandos in total, as the 10th (Inter-Allied) didn't fight as a formation...the two French Troops were added to No 4 Commando). ;)

  10. I fail to see the point of including the CDL, and the DD versions of the Shermans are effectively indistinguishable from the non-DD versions ... unless you either really want to see a propellor and the commanders platform, or somehow imagine that BFC would bother giving them (wildly a-historic*) amphib cabailities. The Crab would be nice, but there's such a lot of unique functional baggage that goes with it that I'd say it was very unlikely. Otherwise it's hard to disagree with anything on that list :)

    The Grant CDL is just an interesting model that was present in Normandy....certainly not the top of my list...the Sherman DD on the other hand would be an interesting model that has a few graphical differences from the various other Sherman models...I would assume no amphibious capability (why would I, I'm not asking for a new feature, just the model), although it would be nice to be able to use them in a DDay scenario.

  11. Army Commandos consisted of: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 (Guards), No. 9, No. 10 (Inter-Allied), No. 11 (Scottish), No. 12, No. 14 (Arctic), No. 30, No. 50, No. 51, No, 52, and No. 62 Commandos, and the Middle East Commando. Some were quite small and highly specialised. Most had a common light-infantry TOE and OrBat. The bolded ones served in NWE 44-45.

    RM Commandos consisted of: No. 40, No. 41, No. 42, No. 43, No. 44, No. 45, No. 46, No. 47 and No. 48 (Royal Marines) Commandos. Again, the bolded ones served in NWE 44-45.

    The Royal Navy also formed a number of Royal Naval Commandos, used during the initial stages of amphib invasions, mainly to defend and organise the beaches.

    The RAF too formed its own commandos, tasked with establishing forward airfields as soon as possible.

    Again, I believe he was referencing Normandy (or at least NWE) specifically....which is why I only referenced the five RM Commando units that would be relevant. By quoting me, you seem to imply that I have left something out, which isn't the case.

  12. That probably depends on which group of most people you're chatting to ;) In general I use it for the Priest APC, but I also realise that it was used as a indicator for a class of vehicle, rather than referring to just one example. Similarly, technically "Firefly" was used to refer to any SP 17-pr, not just the Sherman VC.

    I don't think the term 'Kangaroo' had been coined for the APCs while the Priests were originally in use in Normandy Aug '44...I'm pretty sure these were termed 'de-frocked Priests'.

    Not quite. Sextons were used in armd divs to equip one of the two fd regts. There were also a few Army Troops regts equipped with Sexton, although they usually ended up semi-permanently affixed to one of the armd bdes. The Priests were assigned to the fd regts in the three assault divisions (3rd, 3rd Cdn, and 50th), because of the rule that no wheeled vehicles would be allowed across the British beaches in the first 24(?) hours, in an effort to minimise traffic jams caused by vehicles bogging in the sand. During July these regts were gradually re-equipped with towed 25-pr, at which time the Priests were supposed to go back to the US (as per the Lend Lease rules), but the US didn't really want them, so they just cluttered up a field near Caen until Simonds glommed his beady little Canadian eyes on them.

    Yes, you are correct that this was the specific set of circumstances and that the Priests were used by the infantry assault divisions...I should have probably expanded that point a little...next time ;)

    August, yeah. Very rare, though, both in terms of the total number built (about 90) and their actual use (twice, TOTALISE and TRACTABLE, for about 12 hours each time)

    Wasn't this the point of the thread? Vehicles for the Normandy series of games that might be nice in a pack. I have a list of CW vehicles that would be nice to have in an add-on pack, all of which were actually present in the Normandy timeframe, and the de-frocked Priest would be among them, along with DD Shermans, AEC III, Centaur IV, Churchill III, Churchill AVRE, Daimler Dingo, Humber SC, M3 75mm GMC, Sherman Crab, Tetrach and Grant CDL...no need to mention the fire-breathing vehicles...yet

    IIRC, there were some Shermans which had their turrets surgically extracted to create Kangaroos for the final campaign in the Po Valley (not wildly popular because the infantry had to climb up and over the hull to get out), but I haven't heard of any Priests being re-built in Italy?

    On the last point, I'm going by a photo of a Priest Kangaroo identified as belonging to A Sqdn 4th QOH, 9th Armd Bde in Italy 1945. I also remember reading a little something on their use in Italy but I can't remember where at the moment.

  13. Canadian Ram Mk. II same situation as above. (would work for a CMFI pack as well)

    M3 Lee/Grant still being used in Normandy as a stop gap measure situation until more Sherman's arrived. (would work for a CMFI pack as well)

    Bishop SPG, stop gap used due to a lack of Priest's and Sexton's. (would work for a CMFI pack as well)

    Oddly enough there could have been, in the form of the CDL incarnation. The 1st. Tank Brigade was earmarked for deployment in NW Europe but didn't see any action in Normandy. They were used in small numbers for the Rhine and Elbe rivers according to Chamberlain & Ellis.

    Both are thoroughly irrelevant to CM.

    The Canadian Ram never saw service in the war zone (though its conversions, such as the Kangaroo and Badger did).

    I have never seen any evidence of the M3 Lee/Grant in Normandy, except for the Grant CDL (as mentioned by Michael above). The CDL was for Canal Defense Light and they equipped the 1st Tank Brigade (part of the famous 79th Armoured Division). They were in Normandy but ISTR reading that there wasn't a suitable opportunity to employ them. The regiments of the 1st Tank Brigade moved on to other vehicles and duties in Autumn '44, though the Grant CDL equipped B Sqdn 49th APC Regt (formerly 49th RTR) from Feb '45 and they did indeed fire at the enemy along the Rhine in '45.

    The Bishop SP was not present in Normandy. It may have been a stop-gap measure in Sicily in '43 but there were plenty of Priests (and later Sextons) for the Normandy landings.

    I'm not sure the Bishop was present in '44 in Italy either but I could very well be wrong there.

  14. To a degree these are already in, with the inclusion of turretless Stuarts in CMFI. ISTR that these turretless Stuarts were actually called Kangaroos?

    There are different versions ranging from Stuarts to Shermans and m7 priests. Also IIRC the stuart recce command version was nicknamed the Kangaroo.

    The Kangaroo, as most people would identify it, would be the Ram Kangaroo; it was converted from the Canadian Ram tank which was in surplus and, to answer a separate post in this thread, never saw service in the war zone).

    I don't believe I've ever seen a Stuart Recce vehicle referenced as a Stuart Kangaroo...the Kangaroo's were troop carriers, the Stuart Recce is a reconnaissance vehicle.

    There were also Priest 'Kangaroos' (again, with Kangaroo identifying the role as troop carrier). These were initially rigged up in Aug '44 to transport Canadian troops from the large surplus of Priest SP (which was replaced in CW formations by the Sexton SP) in Jul '44. The Priest Kangaroo would definitely be in the Normandy timeframe, though the Ram Kangaroo would not have shown up until Oct '44 at the earliest.

    In Italy, there were no surplus Ram tanks to convert to Kangaroos, but either late in '44 or (more likely) early in '45, several Priests were converted to troop carriers and would be called Priest Kangaroos.

  15. Plus IIRC US Airborne TO&E was significantly different in Sept '44 then it was in the June drops. I couldn't tell you about the British Airborne and ground units. Maybe some one else can.

    IIRC, the British/CW troops TO&E did not differ much from the June '44 establishment.

    1st Abn Div had a few very minor differences from 6th Abn.

    I think the biggest change in Sept '44 was removing the Armd Car Regts from Corps control and making them Divisional assets.

    (There were also a number of changes to the 79th Armd Div in Sept '44 but that isn't really relevant here).

  16. I know it's Elmar's favorite vehicle and I would never ever say don't include a vehicle (well except maybe the Maus) but what was the usage of Crusader AA's in 1944?

    They were included in the AA Troop of Armoured Regts in the CW Armoured Divisions.

    There were a lot of AA assets in Normandy to start with but the fact that the Allies pretty much dominated the skies over France rendered most Allied AA assets redundant by about Autumn 44.

    They are still a cool addition (and something else to play with).

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