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Posts posted by Cameroon

  1. This is a "new feature" but really it is how it should have worked anyway. Basically when the guns get the target wrong, they don't spread out their pattern, the pattern is just somewhere that it shouldn't be smile.gif

    I recall reading a number of discussions about this in the CMBO forums. Personally, I like it but it's frustrating. Means I need TRPs or LOS. That wouldn't be so bad, but you cannot buy TRPs in a QB on the attack or in an ME unless you use the "unrestricted" [edit: or so I've been told] setting. I really wish that this would be tweaked so you could buy TRPs any time.

    [ September 29, 2002, 02:14 AM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]

  2. All I can say is that the tutorial gives you a pretty good "set-up" to work with, if you follow its initial timetable.

    I did that and came away losing like 4 of my IS-2s and one immobilized in return for all the enemy AFVs. I fully admit to getting a lucky drop on all the Tigers. I lost one IS for all three of them.

    As for the Panthers, the tutorial gives a good place to ambush them. I sent my best tank platoons over for that job (2 reg, 1 vet, 1 green). I ended up losing three of those, due in part to my own stupidity ;) But they held the Panthers at bay and whittled them down.

    Shoot & Scoot is your friend.

    Sorry I'm not of more help, but since I'd just be rehashing the battleplan given in the manual, I figure it wouldn't be worth it to re-write it ;)

  3. The manual states that setup zones are used, which I'm inclined to agree with since I just did this tonight and it seemed that the zone was being used smile.gif

    However, the manual states that Axis is always "on the west" and allies on the east. So maybe the setup zones are adhered to, but the troops will be facing the east or west, as appropriate to their side.

    Which could mean, I suppose, that if you had the Axis setup zone on the east then they would also start facing east. Which would be inconvenient to say the least ;)

    Anyway, I don't have any other firm answers. My QB map import went smoothly, which was nice.

  4. I know that in both CMBO and CMBB you can fire through the corner of a building. It's bitten me a number of times. I also know that BTS is aware of that.

    What I'm curious about, however, is whether it has gotten "worse" in CMBB. By that I mean, I had a tankette firing its MG straight through the middle of a building at a target hundreds of meters away. And receiving return fire the same way. I think the building in question was of the "shack" variety, if that makes any difference.

    Basically, I'm trying to find out if hiding behind buildings has gotten less safe smile.gif

  5. It sounds like, and maybe I'm just hearing wrongly in return, that there is some confusion. I'm not asking for someone to make small (points-wise) operations. I want to be able to do operations on smaller maps.

    Like fighting over a village for several days without having to generate over a kilometer of terrain. Especially if the forces involved are small. Obviously it is less useful for ops where the intention is to push someone back, but for a static battle I think it would make sense.

    Anyway, that's what keeps me from making operations. The closest I can come to doing that right now is to use the QB map import, which I'll probably try out.

  6. I actually can use my mouse wheel to zoom smile.gif

    For those with a Mac and a USB mouse, get USB Overdrive. It'll recognize anything (afaik) and will let you do a serious set of mappings. Then just map scroll wheel up to ] and scroll wheel down to [.

    Right now I've got it set to + and - because I don't use zoom ever. Actually, I don't use + and - much either, but I haven't found anything better yet.

    My fourth mouse button is M and my right is control-click (for moving around the map).

  7. Originally posted by PeterX:

    I'm firmly in the strongly disagree camp. I've played a bunch of battles against the AI so far and lost only in those cases where I could not, or did not, adequately support my infantry. Maybe it's just your copy of CMBB ;) My troops are anything but wimps.













    The first time I played Gefechtsaufklaerung, I got swamped. I didn't lose my men, I just couldn't advance. The second time I played this, I went out and layed down the law with the arty, mortars, HMG, and AFVs while my infantry covered. And THEN they advanced.

    The second time I played it, this was pretty easy. But I also didn't have a problem mopping the floor with the Germans on Yelnia. And I am most definitely not a stellar CM player, as my current CMBO PBEM opponent can attest ;)

    The same goes for Bridgeheads (that you mentioned). My second go at that was to force the Germans to surrender 7 minutes into the battle.

  8. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    Exactly why I considered Move to Contact a useless command! And a good suggestion to change it for the better!!

    Move to Contact useless? Are you mad? smile.gif

    Seriously though, I use move to contact to great effect all over the place. Guess that's my vote for not changing it. Though I was unaware that the whole platoon stops, that bears watching.

  9. Originally posted by desertrat1943:

    Extreme. But did you guys notice that even in extreme settings you can still tell which is the tank leader by looking at the small icon? Bummer! :eek:

    Yeah, but that makes sense. The platoon HQ is going to stand out. EFOW just makes id'ing take more time, it doesn't make your troops blind & dumb ;) . Play any scenario, QB, whatever. Once you get in close (a few hundred meters), vehicles start getting pretty detailed IDs.

    And to vote in the poll: EFOW baby smile.gif It is just hair raising to run into a pack of something... and then realize it's a bunch of SMG squads (just did that tonight actually). Luckily they'd all been hammered upon so they ran more than fought.

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