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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Posts posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. Its about stinkin time Foobar and Roborat got knighted. I'm glad you didn't wait for the elven bastard to unleash the sword of mediocrity to knight these two.

    Congratulations Sir Foobar and Sir Roborat. You can come over here and sit next to me. We can talk of the good old days and eat, drink, and be hairy.

    Nother topic --> Whatever OGSF said goes with me too. I'll agree before I have the text translated by my monkey. Its just natural for me to take the opposite view of Sir Josephine Shaw. I'm sure you understand why.

    Stella nother topic -->Tis Monday morning, and the Cowboys are flying home a broken team. Josephine professed to be a Cowboys fan and it fits the idea I had of him. The Eagles manhandled his team last night like I knew they would. I'm sure Jiggley Joe will be cheering for the Rams next week.

  2. I feel like such a hypocrite posting in here while I don’t have CM on my hard drive. I have a faint recollection of a win or two and a few draws. Most were losses that weren’t very glorious. I do remember a battle with a Mister OGSF where I had a knight who sponsored me. We know his name and how he was unhelpful to the nth degree with training and/or coaching. The sad squire then named Hiram Sedai had to whore his username out to unkempt lawyers and care salesmen for little snippets of advice for gameplay. This lead to what you see before you. First person, third person. It doesn’t matter to the sad, brainless squire who was made a lower class knight.

    I am grateful to the surrogate sponsors who answered my questions and helped me along in my CM journey. I won’t name them because they consider me to be the one who just didn’t get it. Like patient teachers who witness an autistic child repeatedly bang block on his head, they tried to correct my obvious mistakes but could not reverse the disorder that still remains.

    I remember my squire challenge still. OGSF and I traded some barbs on the forum and then fought on a map created by Meeks. Think “tree full of rats”

    I abhor him still. He named one building “The brothel” because he has that humor that made us cringe when he unleashed it. It was fog and both sides were green and conscript. OGSF methodically gang raped my soldiers and left them crying in the fog. I remember placing approximately 30 soldiers in one building and then he played the executioner role with his Stug. I still wake with cold sweats over that game. I feel the guilt over the loss of my digital soldiers.

    What is the point to this mediocre diatribe? Well, I think that Slapdragon -the name is unbolded because grogs are fun to mess with but are not of “The Cess” and he deserves to be a squire because of his goodwill towards the Cesspool at large for quite some time. He wanted to step in and wallow like the rest of us but was hesitant. He looked longingly upon the murky waters and tried to emulate the inhabitants who splashed around. His enlarged cranium and excess verbosity only made him seem to be a long lost brother to our Bard. We thought to ourselves, why have another? We already have a long winded, Minnesotan who will take up an entire page with nothing but poetry and sing-songs. But, this one is different. I would gladly sponsor him, but I have no useful knowledge to impart to him. I would champion his cause, but I don’t have the intellect to back up my claims. I am almost certain that whatever opinion I might have, Geriatric Joe would have the opposite. I do know that you think of him as your Oprah while I remain your Jerry Springer.

    So, as a merciful end to this inane blathering, I would like to ask the Cesspool at large to consider him as a knight if and when he does win his squire challenge. Any other outcome would not be fair and just. We may be the unwashed outcasts of the message board, but we do have a code of honor. I hope that it isn’t totally dependent upon whatever the Justicar may be feeling.

    Edited because its the most I've written in six months. Deal with it.

    [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]

  3. I detest working Saturday almost as much as I do working Monday. My things to do have things to do. Busy busy busy

    I think its funny how Slope Dragoon has to be a squire after all. He resisted the force of the pool for quite some time and then he realized his calling. The sad thing is that I aspired to be a squire and was then mistakenly demoted to knighthood by a whim of the pointy eared one who shall remain brainless. One year later, I cannot stop my Cesspool habit. Its like an intellectual crack pipe. This is my sad story.

    I was raised a poor black child in Mississipi and was fed cornbread and lima beans until the age of 14.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Oh, gawd. SlapMonkey is back in the pool... I though I smelled something funny eminating from the cess other than Hiram's toejam. BTW Hiram, I hear cats will take care of that for you.

    Hey, CornHole, have your jumped up and down and brayed about your win over me yet? Better hop to it, Cassidy.


    Shandy Duncan!! Long time no suffer!! How are things in your neck of the woods? Have you rented a personality yet?

  5. I'll ignore the disparaging Peng reference, Captain Ro. I know you are fishing for people to bump your thread.

    I can speak to the last subject you raised. I play Chess quite well and Combat Mission poorly. I am cursed with a random/abstract personality. I can emulate analytical thought and patient reasoning but I'm not that type of person. So, its obvious that reading my response to your topic has been a waste of 3 minutes of your time.

    My observations of others who have won include many who are quite logical and and well versed in tactics. I don't know if "war gamer" is a personality type though.

    If I was helpful, then it was by mistake.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Obviously, the snow in that Northern Wasteland you call Home has frozen your brain.

    This is not good enough? Or this? How about this?

    Not good enough? Yeeesh.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I thank you for the photos that brought about a turgid response from little Hiram.

    Edited because I've broken a cardinal rule of reffering to a "thingie" in the hallowed halls of the Cess.

    [ 09-27-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    ". . . 'One Timex digital watch, broken. One unused prophylactic. One soiled.' or how about . . ."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ...looks like you're up Cess Pool Creek without a paddle, sister". Those were the good times when you could do the watusi in public would fear of being arrested or....

    (It feels so good to have the FAQ back. Oh sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you)

  8. My old opponents know that I've requested many ceasefires. When I get to that point in the game where I would be wasting the assets I have left, it seems to be the most merciful thing to do. Almost all of them have resulted in either losses or draws because of my tactical ineptitude and my lack of intellectual fortitude. When all of my armor is burning, most of my infantry is panicking and/or dead, and I have no artillery left, then the right thing to do is ask for a ceasefire before it autosurrenders. Mileage may vary. See your nearest recruiter for a job in the Army.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

    I just popped in for a quicky. Like i did with Elvis's wife the other day, anyway..

    I'm off to New York next week for 5 weeks of consulting fun fun. So if any of you are there, take me out and get me ****faced. ok?



    Peter, I'll email you my phone number. I'm busy this weekend but maybe we can find a way to get together. I'll try to get Elvis' and MRPeng's attention. Elvis will have to buy the beer though because of a karma issue.

    Edited just because.

    [ 09-26-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RedOrDead:

    Aqua, clearly your arms-dealing activities have rotted your brain as well as your soul.

    Had I seen any gentlemen in here I might have asked how they were; I didn't and I didn't.

    {edited because I was bored}

    [ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: RedOrDead ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sod, bugger, and piss off!!

    Your sig sucks too.

  11. Consider this a random bumping of the Peng Challenge Mutha Beautiful Cesspool McNasy Thread. For those of you who already know that I seldom type anything meaningful, then it won't be suprising that this attempt at prose will yield nothing of importance.

    Edited because of diuretics.

    [ 09-25-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]

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