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manchildstein (ii)

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Posts posted by manchildstein (ii)

  1. i think it's a record.

    here's another record... once i had 8 pzjg1s in a gulley... one turn i had them all 'shoot and scoot' to the 'lip' of the gulley with the plan that they would all reverse... you know.. 'scoot'... it took about 20 seconds for them to get into los/lof, then about another 20 seconds for 7 of them to die, then another 20 for the remaining one to 'scoot.'

    so losing 7 of 8 pzjg1s to a shoot and scoot within about 20 seconds of actual firing... it must be some kind of record...

  2. while it might be impossible in cmbb to duplicate certain outcomes - such as 29 men killing 19 tanks or whatever - it is possible to create an 'immersive' atmosphere where it feels like you're 'there'

    for instance i'm working on an axis attack scenario in 1941 where the casualties are about 1 axis for every 2 soviets.... and the soviets start out with more than twice the number of soldiers...

    it would seem to me that using the scenario editor you could set the parameters for just about any desired outcome, short of the historically extreme heroics you read about in certain random battles; i think that such heroics could occur in cmbb... but it would have to be by at least partly by 'accident' (just as in 'real life') and not so much by 'design.'

    trying to recreate 'actual battles' and make them come out 'exactly as they did in real life' is probably outside of the scope of cmbb

    as someone summed it up on another thread... the usual ending for a hero is 'and then i died'... the stories of the war which speak to us - of overcoming overwhelming odds - stand out because they are the exception rather than the norm...

    if you want to get a massive kill ratio then set up something in 1941 with conscript t-26 and bt tanks, and then if there are t34s or kvs around give them just 1 or 2 rounds of ammo... then have at them with stukas and veteran pziiig tanks...

    or set up a 'bagration' scenario in 1944 with something like 10:1 odds in the soviets' favor... with lots of airpower and tanks...

    on the central front, the similarities in rapidity of advance, and amount of land grabbed are remarkable between the germans in 22june-aug of 1941 and the soviets 'going the other way' during the same period in 1944...

    in the end perhaps you should ask yourself... is it immersive? if not then perhaps you should find yourself another pastime...

    for myself, squad leader was immersive - then ... and so - now - is the cm series... is cmbb perfect? no. is it 'good enough'... YES

  3. i've killed a bt tank with a maxim mg (finnish)... ever since, when i see armored cars, t-26s, bt tanks and the like - especially from the side or rear and within about 200 meters - all available mgs are 'spraying and praying'

    edit... but it sounds like in this you might be seeing the 'self-inflicted armored car casualties'

    [ February 12, 2003, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: manchildstein II ]

  4. if a gamer wants to model encirclements, they should try a divisional or corps-level - a strategic level game...

    ... there is a thread in the general discussion forum with links to a company which is doing this, both with the 'europa' series (perhaps 'sub-divisional' yet still sweeping in scope) and the 'wwii' game(s)...

    even an 'operational' game, at the level of tank platoons and infantry companies ala 'panzerblitz on the computer' would not represent the hystorically grand sweeping encirclements of the 'east front'...

  5. hill 267-9 deals with a battle around 'dubno'... you might want to wait though... i would like a chance to get my reworked version online... if you try the existing one, keep in mind that it is huge - probably 80 german afvs and 75 soviet... plus a battalion of infantry or so on each side...

    also... it may be kind of difficult to win... that's why i'm going to rework it into a '2.0' version...

  6. if it is of any consolation to those who miss the '75L' halftrack model... in 'real life' the gun on it, having a good amount of recoil was said to warp the chassis when fired... so 'stummels' are at lot more realistic, textures/models or not...

    what i will miss are those '178(f)' 'panhorn' armored cars... unfortunately there are a lot more 'sturmtiger freaks' than there are 'armored car fanboiz'... (fan noiz?)..

    yep there is no way to please everybody...

  7. it seems to me that the 'barrage way off thing' can also occur if you call it in on a point within los, but if the spotting rounds themselves are falling out of los.

    it appears that what is needed to ensure an accurate barrage is to call it in within los, and make sure every spotting round is also within los.

    also it appears as though 'within' los means 'can your FO see the actual ground where the spotting round hits' and not, 'can your spotter see the explosion from the spotting round.'

  8. Originally posted by redwolf:

    No, if you trust your opponent you can do two moves per email pair (one email for each opponent). This is what TacOps does.

    This model does the same number of moves with 1/3rd of the emails compared to the current CM model.

    and it has been mentioned that a game using the current engine of cm 'cannot exist in two turns at the same time'... my solution takes this into account while yours is a feature request for the next engine design...
  9. in cross of iron/crescendo of doom the t34 was difficult for the 50mm gun of the pzIIIG/H to knock out.

    with armor and range modifiers against anything but the 'early' model the to kill (roll this number or less on 2 6-sided dice) numbers would have been:

    all frontal shots (early)

    6(7) point blank

    4(5) 100 meters

    3(4) 500 meters

    2(3) 1000 meters

    in asl the numbers were:

    hull (turret)

    1(4) point blank

    0(3) 100 meters

    0(3) 500 meters

    -2(1) 1000 meters

    so indeed there appears to be quite a difference in the t34 armor between cmbb and coi-cod/asl...

    also keep in mind that this probability represents something like 4 to 8 individual shots, and that there was a 'to hit' number which had to be rolled on 2 dice before the 'to kill' could even be attempted... admittedly, the 'to hit' numbers were usually at least 8 and above, assuming the german pzIII were unbuttoned and firing at these ranges...

    in coi the base point value for "pzIIIE" (50mm) was 134 and for the t34a it was 141, and the b and c were 161 each...

    in asl the base point value for pzIIIG/H were 51/53 and t34 "m40/m41" 51/55... t-34 m40 had a '76' where the m40 had a '76L'...

    even with all of this in mind, and for whatever it is worth... i'm not sure that the armor model with regard to the 'early' t34s needs any kind of changing in cmbb... rather it is something i have simply 'gotten used to'... and fairly easily at that...

  10. as it is, the whole thing with generating the movie, then first sending it for viewing to the other player is in place to prevent cheating, no?

    it seems like in cm you could have a 'trusted' mode where the player generating the movie also gets to watch at once instead of first sending it to the other player. this would cut down on one email exchange per game turn...

  11. Originally posted by Screeny:

    As some extra ideas on my idea that this pictures (at least the last 3 in this kind of "bierstube" or "Bierkeller"). Let's not forget that the NSDAP (nazi party) originated in MUNICH!!!. The more I look at this pics the more I'm confisnced these are from the time the NSDAP was still one of the new, small non-conventional political parties. If I remember well after WW1 there were a lot of this kind of extreme right or left wing parties in Germany. It does like some kind of party rally in the early days of the NSDAP, and those pics might actually be taken in Munich.....

    The plot thickens smile.gif

    I can scan some pics from a book I have from both the pre-1933 era and the post-1933 era, once you see them you can plainly see what i mean with the different style of uniforms. If only I knew how to insert pics in this forum.....any one ??



    i would vote for pre-1933 as well... and the one dude does look like mussolini... sort of... but it isn't... and the other dude is almost certainly _not_ galland... think earlier in the party's hystory...
  12. is there any chance of getting the panhard 178 in the 1.02 patch?

    i found this on ezboard:

    The Panzerspahwagen Panhard 178-P204(f), referred to as the P-178, had the following specifications:

    Crew: 4

    Weight: 8.5 tons

    Length: 4.79 meters

    Width: 2.01 meters

    Height: 2.31 meters

    Engine: Panhard SK 4 cylinder, 6.33 liter producing 105PS @ 2000 rpm

    Gearbox: 4 forward and 4 reverse

    Speed: 72 kph

    Range: 300 km

    Radio: FuG Spr Ger 'a'

    Armament: 1 x 2.5cm KwK(f) L/73

    Traverse: 360 degrees by hand

    Elevation: -12 to +14 degrees

    Ammunition: 150 rounds

    Machinegun: 7.5mm MG31(f)

    Traverse: 10 degrees left

    Elevation: -12 to +15 degrees

    Ammunition: 3,750 rounds

    History: The Panhard P-178 was the most advanced medium armored car in the French Army when the Germans invaded France. In 1940, 360 units were already in service and a large number of these were captured by the Wehrmacht in serviceable condition. Before Operation Barbarossa 190 P-178s were issued, un-modified, to German units. In addition to the standard model there were a small number of radio vehicles which served as Pz Sp Wg (Fu). Forty-three cars were converted to railway protection vehicles by fitting them with rail wheels and additional radio equipment that required a frame antenna. The final development was the conversion, in 1943, of some cars to a self-propelled gun by removing the turret and replacing it with an armored superstructure mounting the German 5cm KwK L/42, which became available after the up-gunning of the Pz KpfW III.

    Specific features: Four wheel drive chassis specifically designed for use as an armored car. The large wheels gave good off-road performance.

    Combat service: Issued to reconnaissance companies from 1941, 107 lost in action during 1941

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