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Ryan Crierie

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Posts posted by Ryan Crierie

  1. From Michael Dorosh:


    From my GD site - the symbol on the 222

    armoured car is period and correct. This is

    the symbol for a Motorized Reconaissance

    unit. The "1" (it has been mirrored in the

    photo) represents Number One company of

    a reconaissance battalion.

    The "A" stands for aufklaerungs (German

    for "reconaissance").

    Will we be able to have unit marking decals to

    allow our units to be displayed with correct

    markings as being from a certain division,

    or halftracks having two decal sheets, one for

    Heer, and the other for SS?

    [ June 12, 2002, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

  2. "Whenever in future wars the battle is

    fought, panzer troops will play the

    decisive role..."

    Heinz Guderian

    "Wir werden Sieger - durch unsren Tiger"

    "We will be victorious - thanks to our Tigers"

    "The South didn't lose the war, they're

    merely awaiting reinforcements."



    Stars & Stripes Newspaper, Vietnam

    "Our 37mm antitanks guns opened fire

    at point blank range. But what was

    going on?! The tanks weren't bothered

    in the least! They continued their

    advance into the Kradshutzen. Shells

    ricocheted all over the place. We all

    could have done well without that


    Kurt "Panzer Meyer" Meyer

    "So they've got us surrounded, good!

    Now we can fire in any direction, those

    bastards won't get away this time!"

    Chesty Puller, USMC

    "Only he is lost, who gives himself up for lost."

    Hans Ulrich Rudel, Stuka Pilot

    "Most Russians don't care whether they are

    ruled by fascists or communists or even

    Martians as long as they can buy six kinds

    of sausage in the store and lots of cheap


    Former Russian General Aleksander Lebed, RIP 2002

    Ban the bomb! Save the world for conventional warfare!


    "He flies on a wing and a prayer, the other

    wing I took off."

    Starshy Leytenant Molotov


    Prussian Imperial Motto

    "In war, the only time the Italians have ended

    up on the same side as they started is when

    they have switched sides twice."

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  3. We have proof here that the German Hampsters of

    44/45 are better than todays' British man! :D


    British men are less fertile than hamsters

    Pollution may be to blame for collapse in sperm counts in industrialised world.

    By Geoffrey Lean and Richard Sadler

    17 March 2002

    Internal links

    Male fertility fears over pollution in water supply

    Sperm counts are falling dramatically across Britain and the rest of industrialised world, and scientists are increasingly convinced that pollution is to blame.

    Studies around the world have shown that average sperm counts in men have dropped by more than half over the past 50 years – from about 160 million per millilitre of semen to 66 million.

    The Medical Research Council reports that the fertility of Scottish men born since 1970 was 25 per cent less than those born in the 1950s, with sperm counts continuing to drop by two per cent a year.

    Other research by the US Government's Environmental Protection Agency shows that, proportionately, a man now produce only about a third as much sperm as a hamster.

    Scientists increasingly blame a whole class of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Evidence suggests that they cause cancer and damage the immune system, as well as impairing fertility. And they are ever more ubiquitous.

    DDT and other pesticides disrupt hormones, as do PCBs, used in countless products worldwide, from plastics and paint to electrical equipment.

    Other components of plastics have been found to leach hormone-disrupters including phthalates, which have been found in a wide range of foods including baby milk.

    Furthermore, an investigation by the BBC's Countryfile and The Independent on Sunday has revealed research, to be published this month, that shows that artificial oestrogens, used in contraceptive pills and emitted through sewage works, appear to be changing the sex of half the fish in Britain's lowland rivers.

    Scientists and environmentalists fear that the powerful chemicals are getting into drinking water and affecting human fertility. One third of Britain's drinking water comes from rivers; most of it is taken from below sewage works.

    The Environment Agency denies that there is any danger. Water UK, which represents the water companies, says that no hormone-disrupting chemical has ever been detected in British drinking water, and that fish placed in the water to test it did not become feminised.

    But some scientists say that the chemicals may not have been detected, because there is no routine testing for them in drinking water, and because the equipment used in Britain is not sensitive enough.

    Research at the University of Ulm, in West Germany, using more sophisticated techniques, found small amounts in four out of every 10 samples tested. And environmentalists fear that effects in people may occur over much longer periods than those used to test the fish.

    Dr Susan Jobling of Brunel University, who led the research, says: "Unlike in fish, it is going to take 20 years to see if my children have been affected by developmental exposure to this same cocktail of chemicals."

  4. Originally posted by IronChef4:

    hey hey hey. . .

    remember that this is a tactical simulation and not a 3d shooter. . .

    Yeah, I've heard that one before, LOL, but I think

    it would add to the realism by adding little details

    to the standard animations, such as:

    Tank Commanders holding their hands to their headsets

    when they recieve orders, and perhaps gesturing

    if infantry is near them.

    MG-42 crews frantically trying to unjam their


    you get the idea...It doesn't have to go all

    the way of a Quake powered shooter, but a few

    different "death" animations would be a bit

    more immersive than seeing the enemy (or your

    guys) instantly teleport from a standing position

    to dead on the ground.

    I don't really know if it's in CMBO (haven't used

    air support much), but it would also be a nice

    touch if a line of tracers and fountains of dirt

    suddenly appeared in the ground and headed towards

    a unit when a ground attack aircraft attacks...

    [ March 12, 2002, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

  5. Has anyone here ever played X-COM?

    It was a great turn-based strategy game

    that used random maps created by mixing

    randomly pre-determined elements such as

    houses, stores, into a single map.

    Perhaps in CM3, BTS can create a prebuilt

    "area" and assign it the tag of "Train Station",

    or "Factory", and issue you randomly generated

    orders utilizing "fill-in-the-blank" stuff.

    Sort of like Close Combat 3's system but with

    a random map.

  6. Every reference to the M-4 Sherman series

    ALWAYS seems to include a quip about it


    Guess what?

    The Mark III and Mk IV Panzers

    had this engine in various forms:

    Maybach HL 120 TRM / 12-cylinder / 265hp

    Looking it up on the net.....it was....

    GASOLINE POWERED! redface.gif

    Even those indomitable monsters of germanic

    engineering, the Panther and Tiger, were also


    Why then, did the sherman gain such a horrible

    reputation, while the Panzer IV (of which it

    was nearly identical to in many respects)



    For the same reason the Queen Mary,

    Indefatigable, and Invincible blew

    up at Jutland:

    Improper ammunition stowage.

    Most US Sherman crews crammed ammo

    into every nook and cranny they could

    find, ignoring their purpose-made

    glycol-surrounded ammo racks.

    The Germans, being punctual to the letter,

    didn't suffer from a need to cram ammo

    everywhere, and their tanks didn't

    spontaneously combust.

  7. I've read up on the current über-Finn

    thread on Winter warfare, and I have to

    say this:


    THE KEY!

    Try fighting in the snow in a

    pair of Hawaiian shorts!

    I've thought on and expanded my idea.

    There should be a new variable available at

    the quick battle/scenario edit screen in CM3,


    (Drop down menu)

    -40 C to -20 C

    -20 C to 0 C

    0 C to 20 C

    20 C to 40 C

    40 C to 60 C

    Basically, extreme cold and extreme temperatures

    act as a modifier to EVERY unit's health and

    fatigue rate, PERIOD.

    Even bundled up tightly, -30 Celsius isn't like

    walking around at 40 Celsius.

    To counter these modifiers, units can be

    equipped with clothes, from another drop down



    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    Level 1 clothing is basically the typical

    summer uniform for the Wehrmacht and Russians,

    and allows you to represent a newly-arrived

    Wehrmacht formation on the Ostfront during

    the 41/42 winter, or a Red Army formation that

    was hastily formed and doesn't have adequate

    clothing, or guns, or ammo, or whatever.

    Level 2 is typical of a Wehrmacht formation

    that has been around long enough in the cold

    to have learned how to handle the cold, and

    has stolen clothing from the civilian population.

    Level 3 is the typical Russian Winter Uniform,

    along with a few Luftwaffe units who were

    equipped with PROPER winter clothing at the

    start of Barbarossa, and for the Wehrmacht

    after 1942, when they had begun shipping

    purpose made winter uniforms to the front.

    Each level of clothing decreases temperature

    modifiers, with the Level 1 equipped units

    getting screwed during the winter, while

    Level 3 people are hampered somewhat by

    the weather, but not as bad as Lvl. 1 or 2.

    Whaddya think?

  8. Why not do it sort of like Close Combat 3?

    Have it so that there's an option that

    you can apply to ALL units in the scenario

    editor...much like fatigue, e.t.c.


    1. "Average Winter Clothing" - Represents

    the Russians at the beginning of the war

    and the Germans after 1942.

    2. "Poor Winter Clothing" - Represents

    the Germans in 41/42.



    This way, you can easily and accurately

    show the effects of the brutal winter of

    41/42 on the Germans, because there

    were a FEW units with proper clothing

    in 41/42, such as the Luftwaffe ground


    [ February 12, 2002, 04:21 PM: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Von Viniga:

    The Soviet Flag, due to them being the victors I suppose, has not become a potent symbol of evil and oppression worldwide in the way the Swastika has and so is treated differently politically, right or wrong.<hr></blockquote>

    Tell that to the 50 million people killed by

    COMMUNISM since 1918......

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by von Murrin:

    Chad was referring to the fact that textures don't affect the mechanics of the game. IOW, they could be neon pink and the game won't play differently.


    Hmm Idea for Combat Mission: The Desert Fox

    maybe have a spotting subroutine that takes the average color hue of the texture and applies it

    to the surrounding area....E.G. neon pink would

    be more easily spotted than a tan paint job...

  11. Unlike CM:BO, which dealt with a small section

    of the war in which camouflage changed very little

    over the time period, CM:BB will be simulating

    over four years of combat from June 1941 to

    May 1945.

    In the early years, Hitler's Panzers charged into

    the Soviet Union in the same slug grey colors they

    had tore through Poland, the Low Countries, and

    France in.

    Later, they got camouflage patterns....

    East Front II simulated this by having

    all the German equipment in the early years

    in grey, and then had another pair of german

    icons in camouflage.....

    Will this be in CM:BB?

    Also, will there be individual helmet textures

    for each branch of the Wehrmacht?

    And would it be possible to make a small transparent

    decal system that would allow you to designate

    all the equipment as belonging to a particular

    Panzer division / Guards division?

    I can imagine a little decal being only 50x50

    in resolution being applied over the vehicle

    textures in particular areas to allow easy

    unit badges, and allow us to have Heer and SS

    units' halftracks properly badged if they're

    playing next to each other......

    Whaddya think?

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    And definitely not without a hat on! Don't know when that custom crept into the US military - I don't think the Marines salute without a cover though - which would bring us back to....Gyrene???<hr></blockquote>

    I think it was Baron von Steuben who did that

    when he trained Washington's troops at Valley


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by xerxes:

    Infantry FTs on the attack have value but you need to use smoke to protect them and be very careful of letting them get exposed to enemy fire.


    One: They're too slow to be of use. Only

    of use in ambush situations, where you can

    use their cheapness and hide ability to

    lay down a devastating wall of flame from

    all sides and annihilate anyone caught

    in the ambush zone :D

  14. I have some rather nice saved games and

    screenshots of the havoc a pair of flame

    half-tracks can wreak.

    The key is NOT to consider them invunerable

    to all and rush blindly in for the thrill of

    torching someone.

    The key is to use them carefully, in

    mass attacks, as a supporting weapon

    to flush enemy units out of forests and

    into the open, and break their morale,

    making them easy pickings for your


    They are a mid-game weapon, to be used

    when you have achieved a modicum of

    vehicular superiority in the area, either

    by destroying your enemy's tanks, or due

    to terrain/buildings that will block

    your opponent's tanks from firing on them.

    [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

  15. Actually, a pair of SdkFz 251/16 Halftracks

    with flamethrowers is absolutely devastating.

    They can wipe out an infantry unit quickly,

    if employed properly. You can even torch

    armored cars with the flame projectors.

    Urban combat seems to be their forte, but

    they can also be used efficiently in

    rural settings. Try it one day...it's FUN!

    50 blasts from the flamethrower on a

    SdKfz 251/16 is fun!

  16. After some playing around, I have found

    a formula that works for the German


    Flamethrower infantry is useless, except

    in pre-positioned defensive zones.

    Flammpanzers (Hetzers with flame) are

    near worthless except in nasty near-zero

    visibility situations where their heavy

    armor compared to the other german flame

    units offsets their virtually zero viz

    buttoned up.

    First, DO NOT COMMIT your flame units, even

    Hetzers until you are 100% sure that

    enemy armor has been mostly destroyed

    or you are out of LOS with them.

    Second, operate them in pairs, so that

    maximum flameage can be brought to


    Third, learn to love the SdkFz 250/16

    Flamethrower half-track. It is the finest

    flame unit available for the Germans, with

    speed, manuverability, and excellent visibilty.

    Fourth, your preferred usage of flame units

    should be in town/villages, to root out

    enemy strongholds, such as heavily fortified

    buildings, not to hunt down every single

    man on the field.

    [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

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