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Posts posted by Farnz

  1. quote:


    Originally posted by redwolf:

    I thought Bocage delivery was part of lent-lease.


    lent-lease? Return after Easter? How silly! Soviet Union, being an atheistic nation, would not celebrate Easter at all!

    Stalin - the man was a genius. Note under nose bocage arrangement. Super.
  2. I know that cannister (cannister being a shotgun style round for tanks firing hundreds of ballbearings) was more common in the Pacific than the Western front being particularly favoured by the US.

    However I remember having some US airborne shredded by cannister at a road block in the squad leader scenario Road to Wiltz (an Ardennes scenario) so the Germans do use it too..so basically was it used in any quantity on the Eastern front ?

    Cheers Farnz

  3. A few responses

    I like the fact you don't know the penatly you're going to have to pay for repositioning your arty strike. If it bugs you that much ...alt S.

    Isn't there a post time ?

    I agree here. Given that tank/arty etc are often attached to various infanrty groups there is now reason for them to be the same 'experience'. It you chose medium you get regular/vet so why not a mix.

    I can see what you mean but TRPs for aircraft might only be realistic for scenarios and only then for buildings/defensive positions. Aircraft are never scheduled to arrive on a particular turn so using TRP would be tricky.

    Setup areas of equal area but not necessarily symetrical would be an interesting idea...add to the fog of war and all that....

    Cheers Farnz

  4. quote:


    Originally posted by Soddball:

    What's a Little John Adapter?


    Its basically a screw on adapter to produce a squeeze-bore effect with for AP rounds. Developed in the UK by an emigre Czech (?) engineer whose name escapes me at the moment, they used the same Gerliche principle as the various German squeeze-bore guns but applied it only at the end of the barrel.

    Presumably not to be confused with the length of tube strapped to the end of a Sherman 75mm to fool the German that he had a 90mm as used by Mr Sutherland in Kelly's Heroes. And why doesn't BTS model paint rounds ?

    Being English my sole reference to the WWII is of course Hollywood. tongue.gif

  5. In no particular order

    1. Early war - when men where men and tanks were only armed with MG's.

    2. North Africa scenarios. Think about it. With the Lend-lease vehicles and a little MOD work its all there....

    3. Factories. They make things. Like good firefights.

    4. Any sound file that says comrade.

    5. Italians. Bless 'em.

    6. IS2's. Woof.

    7. Molotovs. Think how many needless Russians deaths will occur as you attempt to get in range...

    8. Italians.....Mama mia...thank the lord for stereotypes. I'd love to form my own opinion about everyone in the world but frankly I haven't got the time.

    9. 9 all the other bits I've forgotten please feel free to expand.....

    [ February 23, 2002, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: Farnz ]

  6. BTS have said that there will be factory building tiles and that the interiors will have some scattered doodads to liven up the minalamist grey interior design of the buildings but have they leaked anyting else about them ?

    Do they have big open doors ?

    Can we park tanks in them ?

    Can we have a LOS thru them ?

    Because they are made of seperate tiles I assume they can be collapsed tile by tile - does this mean that rubbling one hex could lead to damage/rubbling of an adjacent hex ?

  7. In the good old days of ASL where you could get finger blisters pushing those little cardboard chits round mapboard 2 there were certain things you could rely on. 88's never failed, mortars where lethal (until we remembered area fire halfed the FP), Britsh troops never cowered and Russian support weapons might as well not have a rate of fire since they always bust after two rounds anyway. Or is that just me.

    So the question is do we think that in CMBB that the Russians are likely to have higher jam possibilty or just a lower ammo load, as in ASL the Breakdown number (on 2d6 thats a 12 for Germans/US/Brits and an 11 for Soviet ie 3 times more likely) is sort of a reflection of both.

    If that wasn't bad enough, my regular ASL/CM oppenent flat refuses to play Russians....I'll never play the magnificent Italians...

  8. Ahhhh marvel at the knowledge of the tete de cue ball, no longer will I have to imagine my little cardboard chits having torched themselves I'll be able to see it in glorious battle-front-o-vision.

    As a slight aside, will Russian gear have the B11 (ie 3 times the chance of breaking down/jamming - its a squad leader thing, think 2d6) than the Germans).

    I only ask beacuse Madmatt is being super generous with imformation..........

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