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Posts posted by PipBoy

  1. Maybe this has been suggested before, I haven't been around that long. My thought is that I'd like to be able to contain my game plan within the game itself by adding a note-taking feature. Right click on a spot on the map, a small text window pops up. That way you could tag a note onto that hill over there "objective alpha--place 2 spotters, turn 3". Of course include a shift key toggle to turn them off. If you wanted to take it a step further, add the ability to draw arrows and such on the map to indicate your ideas for troop movement.

    If I have several PBEM games going, I may not remember all the intricate details of my battle plans, especially if someone forgets to send a turn for a couple days. Yes, you could print out the map and write on it, but that's a hassle. Comments?

  2. Actually we just finished battle #5 last night with my surrender :( It was fun though.

    I guess I need to learn more about setting up effective defensive positions. The Americans "punched a hole" through the village in the first battle, and it was all downhill from there. I lost a couple Panthers to the dreaded "shot trap" on about turn 4, it wasn't pretty. I nearly soiled myself when the Allied air support blew the town to hell, I had never seen that before.

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