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Herr Kruger

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Posts posted by Herr Kruger

  1. I keep my own stats in an MSWorks Spreadsheet... I track record (win-loss-draw) and in a more detailed way how many are total victories and all those divisions of victory... I track casualties and vehicles lost and in another spreadsheet I track various vehicles and survivabilty of them... I thought about tracking armor hits percent but figured it was too much work... this is all by hand though and then put it into the spreadsheet

  2. A little update : I have taken three Marder IIIs into battle so far and only one survived the entire battle but I have taken two Marder IIs into battle and both survived.. while of three Hetzers one has perished.

    I don't know why, but I feel an affinity for those Marders hehe... :eek:

  3. Well, AP rounds are not very useful against infantry.. they can cause casualties, but they are much less effective than the HE. I have not come across a situation yet where this "bug" or behavior has bothered me a whole lot yet.. I just interpret as the AFV crew exercising caution and using smoke in case there are enemy AT teams coming up behind that infantry and so they block off avenues of LOS.

  4. I like the Hotchkiss, it's cute! :D I use it as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle.. once against a human opponent I had it attacking some infantry in a heavy building at the far edge of my opponent's line (yes, it caused some casualties!) and my opponent sent his last Sherman III charging over there to attack my Hotchkiss, which began backing away when the Sherman came into LOS... Anyway, as the Sherman charged my Shreck I had snuck into a small copse of woods very nearby where the Sheman passed by got off three shots, miss, hit (no damage) and hit (dead Sherman)... :cool:

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