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  1. I thought this scenario converted wonderfully to CMAK as well, and it's inspired me to convert a couple on my own. I'm putting the finishing touches on a Grafenwohr conversion (one of my favorites), plays out pretty much exactly like it did in CMBO. I'd LOVE to do All or Nothing as I really enjoyed that one too but I'm groaning at the thought as well. Big, big.
  2. Have to second Pillar, spread out. Keep your squads in command though, or you're asking for routs. And accept the fact that sometimes you're just SOL concerning artillery and that you're going to have to grin and bear it. Also, mortars in particular are vulnerable to arty, I've noticed, try to keep them away from it because they get knocked out REAL easy. I've noticed human opponents will tend to drop arty early so you might be able to take advantage of that.
  3. I used to be part of the "mortars are useless" school of thought. I just didn't really know how to use them and the limited ammo bothered me. I like them much better now. They're kind of fragile and still lack the ammo, but I've practiced with them a lot. Can't say I've ever used a halftrack mortar though, maybe I'll try one today
  4. Full kills at endgame is the one thing I wish CMBO had that CMBB doesn't. But doesn't stop me from playing CMBO either, it's just too good. As for sharpshooters in CMBB, since I'm really bad at Armor vs. Armor I tend to reserve them for buttoning tanks. Have them force the tank to button up at the beginning of a turn and time it so your Armor does the ol' shoot and scoot on the same turn and you vastly increase your odds of surviving the shoot and scoot (assuming it's a 1on1 tank battle, which it's usually NOT!)
  5. Thanks for the building suggestions, and I'm going to be ALL OVER those trees the second they're released.
  6. Just wanted to drop by and say I signed up. And I'm in favor of a massive and well organized database of AAR's (and in favor of peer pressure, eggings, and nipple twisties to encourage more of them), because they really are the best resource greener folks such as myself can get. I think I've learned more from AAR's than I have actually playing (eh..because the AAR's were that good, not because I'm that bad!). Player ratings sounds neat too, but I think it's best to try and come up with a way to do it without requiring the swapping of passcodes. Food for thought.
  7. Did you register in the last week? I registered as incarna on Tuesday and since the problem this morning I can't login with that nick, and can't re-register with it, so I'm guessing the problem took out any folks that regged in the last week too.
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