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Posts posted by Frederico

  1. I spent 15 minutes suppressing the far side and taking out targets with tanks and BMPs as they appeared . I used air on the upper plateau during this time. I planned a smoke barrage to land at the 15 minute mark and started crossing then, with the first platoon across landing on the small peninsula to establish a base of fire. The first company across cleared the landing areas with the second company following to make the assault on the upper objectives. The map is outstanding (as are most of them in CMBS) and the tactical exercise of a water crossing is a nice addition to CM. Really a good scenario!

  2. I used smoke and trees in Objective Delta with some degree of success. I previously placed most of my vehicles in the trees and when I heard air overhead I would pop smoke and slow move into the smoke. This seemed to help as long as the smoke was active, but the air just seemed to linger until the smoke cleared. Still lost a few vehicles. (This was on my 4th effort at this scenario.) I think it has been proven in the last 100 years of war that control of the air can make it pretty tough on an adversary. I agree with Skwabie: "Grab that air force Lieutenant by the collars, fill yourself with rage and yell at him: "I want air support now!!!!"

  3. I have played through every scenario so far and won each time - except for this one . Played it four times and closest I could get was a minor defeat. A couple of times it was looking great (I tried the river approach too) and then the Russian air hit. It is relentless! Last time I had three squads make it to exit, but lost all but one of my vehicles to air strikes. Black Moria how did you avoid the air strikes?!

  4. I believe your aggressive move in the beginning was the best move. You seized key terrain and inflicted a serious blow to the Ukrainians.

    Even if you had concentrated on the town and even if you had completed that mission before the arrival of the Americans, you would still have to face an overwhelming force, but at long range and with no buffer. Your forces in the woods and gullies will certainly slow him down and maybe even cause some helpful attrition. You might not pull this one out, but I think your strategy gives you the best chance. Either way, thanks for the AAR!

  5. As mentioned previously, suppression is probably more important than the type of movement order. However, suppression is often difficult because you are prevented from firing at some locations because you do not have a LOS to the base in that terrain. (Ex: You can see the building, but just do not have LOS to the floor of that building). It seems that scenario designers often take advantage of this when preparing defensive positions. I do agree that a better movement order might help, but I think it is more important to improve this LOS issue.

  6. I found the campaign to be very challenging, but just what was expected from the briefings. Pz IVs are not able to stand as Panthers or Tigers would, but as everyone has pointed out in numerous other threads, you have to adjust your tactics. In the first mission I admit I did misjudge the time limit a bit (draw), but after that my IVs (and Panthers) were able to perform well with five straight victories. Again, the combination of size and sometimes inferior (maybe) equipment does make it challenging, but it is just what I would expect from the RF in 1944. Thanks to those who designed it!

  7. I am one of those who is reluctant to comment for fear of saying the wrong thing. I left comments on one scenario and was accused of a spoiler (which I did not believe was accurate). I think you know by the number of downloads that people are making use of your hard work, but I agree that more feedback should be provided. Honestly, the game is only as good as the new scenarios created.

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