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Posts posted by offtaskagain

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette:

    I guess it depends on your perspective. Most British ARMY and US ARMY gunners sights were power 1.44X or 1.9X, although some of the later war Allied scopes like the 17-pdr's and later versions of the 6-pdr were 3X scopes. Early war US ARMY gunner sights for the Stuart and Sherman were 1.44X. All single magnification optics.

    As I recall the M1A1 GAS has two possible settings one is 5X and the other is 10X (I think)? Someone can look up the real numbers, but magnification settings are about in that realm. Anyway the duel setting is quite handy.

    Most of the German tanks the British were facing in N. Africa were equipped with 2.5X sights.

    Guess which WWII tanks had duel settings for their gunners sights.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    For those of you who have played Panzer Elite, those zoomable German sights can make all of the difference in an engagement at more than 500 meters. I believe the German sights go from 2.5x to 5x. The range ability is much better than Americans too. They show American sights as basically a vertical bar with horizontal dashes for ranges which you are supposed to put on the target if its that range. It's kind of hard to do at first. The Germans also have a little 3 mil triangle for sizing up the target to help gauge range before the shot. Anybody know if all this stuff from another game is realistic?

  2. I'm trying out my first PBEM games but I'm having a lot of trouble. We've gotten our layouts done but when I try to download the first movement turn from him, the .txt attachment opens in a new window and I can't save it. When i try to copy and paste to notepad it says I'm out of memory which is kind of ridiculous if you knew my system. Anybody know how to fix it? My email is Hotmail if thats related to anything.

  3. I'm trying out my first PBEM games but I'm having a lot of trouble. We've gotten our layouts done but when I try to download the first movement turn from him, the .txt attachment opens in a new window and I can't save it. When i try to copy and paste to notepad it says I'm out of memory which is kind of ridiculous if you knew my system. Anybody know how to fix it?

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

    Well if the HE is big enough to toss the tank in the air and drop it a block back, then I don't think you need to worry about the tank.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Unfortunately there aren't any Sturmtigers in CMBO. 500 pound aircraft bombs could only flip Tigers, not toss them a block.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dan Robertson:

    Kip I think one of the advantages of the German sight was the stadometric ranging ability, and the fact that it was marked up to these very high ranges.

    Looking at sight pictures for the 17 pdr it had only a set of sighting bars for different ranges.

    Where as the Germans could dail in the range more accuratly.

    What made a great difference was the German muzzle break and smokeless powder enabled the German gunner to more accurately track their rounds. Where as guns like the 17pdr produced so much smoke the gunner couldn't track his round. I would suspect that this is true with tanks like the IS II.


    I can't remember my sources but a couple of books I've read said that German tanks were usually able to get a hit by the second shot, if not the third. Of course thats probably out to 1000-1500 meters. Another one said veteran Panther crews claimed a 90% hit rate out to 1000m.

  6. There is a new article at Gamespot about CMBB. Charles says <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You can count on seeing virtually all the terrain fought over on the eastern front made available in Combat Mission. We're adding new terrain types to the palette, including steppe, tundra, birch forests, soft boggy ground, corduroy roads, and more. Further, we'll have each battle be set in a "region" (southern, central, northern, and arctic), and this will determine or influence local terrain, weather, and balance and availability of various military forces and nations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like there is going to be a lot of new land textures to play with.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

    I have no idea how the Germans used the remote controlled demolition vehicles to clear paths through minefields and it may be outside the scope of CM. So I guess my first question is how were these used and are they outside the scope of CM? If not might we see them in CM2 or later?

    In regards to fortifications it might be interesting to include more types of fortifications besides the two bunkers there are now. There is nothing wrong with there bunkers, but I was wondering if it might be possible to include bunkers which are set into the side of a hill for example. I don't think it would really change to much but it might be a fun thing to add to the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The Germans used them by simply driving into a minefield and detonating them. The concussion from the blast detonates mines within a certain radius, not sure how much, or else mangles their fuzes. Modern armies use the same principle with the Mine Clearing Line Charge, which is basically a firehose with explosives placed along it it. It is attached to a small rocket and let go over a minefield. When it is detonated, it leaves a path that is almost certainly clear of mines, but everyone runs a mine plow through first just to be sure.

    They could be considered outside the scope of CM, but they were used enmasse at Kursk with the Ferdinands. They weren't terribly effective as the majority of Ferdinands were destroyed by mines.

    I'd like to second your new bunker idea. I think thats what most MG bunkers really were. Basically a foxhole on a hill with a log roof and maybe some piled in front. Alot oif times they had dirt piled on to stop shell splinters and make them harder to spot. The Russians were masters of camoflauging their bunkers.

    [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1:

    The only problem i see with this is CM covers battlefeild actions. I doubt very much anyone was going to risk loseing 2 tanks & crews by attracting the fire of every OPFOR wpn in LOS when they notice whats going on ;).

    Regards, John Waters<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The Germans made Bergepanzers just so they could extract vehicles under fire. The biggest kind of work done by them, like attaching tow cables, is beyond CMs scope but it does show that vehicles were actually recovered under enemy observation/fire.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier:

    Hi wargamers !

    I think some soviet tanks had a rear mg on the turret. Was it a common feature or just a rare option ? Which crew member was in charge of this MG ?

    Thanks in advance smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    KVs were equipped with rear MGs standard. I believe the loader was in charge of that wepaon but im not really sure.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clinton:

    Is it possible to creat a new graphics tile for a tank dug-in position? I think that would be a good way to go. Have some sand bags covering the edges and dirt slope coming out the back...If it is raining and wet you better hope you can get out!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I would like to see one. That way you could set up a MLR with several fall back positions in the event the enemy gets close. Same with foxholes and trenches for really big defensive positions, i.e. Kursk. Or even use them as decoys as the Russians were known to do.

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:


    After looking at my references, I'm inclined to think that the first item is not the head

    from a Stielhandgranate. The proportions seem off; it's too long relative to diameter. The other ordnance consists of a U.S. M-9A1 AT rifle grenade, a 60mm mortar round, and a pair of Mark II A1 frag grenades. Fascinating pictures!


    John Kettler<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That grenade head looks alot like the muffler from my lawn mower tongue.gif .

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