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Posts posted by offtaskagain

  1. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gpig:

    I went back to the 250/75mm and watched from the beginning of the turn. After loosing his last HE round on the target, the gun elevated and fired again. This time it was shooting C rounds with the gun at about a 45 degree elevation! It was SOOOOoooo awesome. The cannister cloud went shooting up skyward and then fell back to earth on target (mightily dispersed).

    Hmmm. I might be wrong, but I don't think this should happen. Cannister rounds were a pretty short range affair and I seriously doubt that they would retain enough energy to be useful as a high-arc weapon. Could be annoying though, I suppose.


  2. Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    I admit that I haven't played CMBB enough to really see this feature. What I don't understand is that from the tank-player's perspective, (1) does the Detailed Armor Text say "knocked out," and it just takes extra-long for the crew to bail out, or (2) do they keep taking hits and eventually the AFV morale gets low enough that they bail out? If (1), does the gap b/w "knocked out" and the crew bailing out ever cross the 1-minute turn boundary? Maybe it's something else entirely?



    Mostly the 1st one. Detailed hits won't tell you if its KO'd if the target is an enemy vehicle. Friendlys it will tell you if it got KO'd. The tank will display a label of "bailing out" and some seconds later the crew will bail. The "bailing out" status will cross the minute turn line if the crew is taking that long.
  3. I just replaced my POS TNT2 with a Gainward Ti4600. I installed the drivers of the CD and put on the 30.82 drivers. The game totally freezes up on me anytime I try to play. I suspect its something to do with 2x AGP operation on my crappy compaq mainboard. System is 1.2 ghz athlon, compaq board, 768 mb RAM. I've had lots of instabilty issues with other games, but this is the first time with CM. Any ideas?

  4. Originally posted by kump:

    Alright, CMBB BIG scenarios are too much for all available systems. But I still want to improve as best I can. Currently my AMD 1.2 GHz is not cutting it and the current system are more than 2x that speed, which is in my upgrade zone (2-3 x CPU performance).

    I just ordered the following system and hoping that the big scenarios will improve at least a little...

    CPU: Intel P4 2.8 gHz 533 FSB

    Motherboard: Asus P4T-533-C W/ on board NIC sock 4

    Memory: PC1066 RDRAM 512MB (2Pcs 256)

    Video Card: eVGA GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB DDR

    Any advice? Any warnings?

    I've got a suggestion but its probably not one you are willing to try. A 2.26 ghz 533 bus P4 will overclock to 3 ghz on the mobo you have. A 2.26b can be found for 190 whereas the cheapest 2.8 i've seen is around 500. But overclocking is known to cause stability issues if you go too high and also requires an aftermarket heatsink, possibly even water cooling. I'm going to be running this set-up within 2 weeks. For a non-tweaked system though yours is the best money can buy right now. I'm running a 1.2 ghz Athlon too and I feel your pain.
  5. Originally posted by Chrono:

    Now my questions.

    I have a "ninja" system but the game still chugs along.....very odd....I can run UT 2003 just fine at 1024X8768 and know this cant possibly push more polys than that game...myabe one of you has a suggestion.

    CM pushes way more polys than any game i know of. Apparently the biggest killer is the terrain tiles. If you really want a huge game try playing "To the Volga". It will take at least 15 minutes to render a single turn.
  6. Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

    Just a quick question for you armor grogs out there. The Panther G (late) says: Frequent flaws in upper hull front. Why is that? Thats a fat slab of armor at a good angle, was it hard to construct properly or what?

    Just curious.


    The alloy problems and also improper quenching can cause major flaws in armor plates. The Panthers upper hull front was especially noted to suffer from this problem. 122mm HE could crack the glacis plate from 2500m if it were flawed.
  7. Originally posted by busboy:

    The Germans used deseil engines in their panzers, while all front line American tanks used regular petrol.

    You sure about that? I cant name a single German vehicle that used a diesel engine. The Russians OTOH used diesels in the majority of their vehicles. Early Panthers were also noted for an alarming tendency to ignite spontaneously, due to gasoline vapor buildup in the poorly ventilated engine compartment.
  8. Tank morale is making Von Lauchert against the AI very un fun. Any way I try it the Soviet tanks crest the ridge on their side, spot 1 Panther and retreat back. Granted if I was a Russian tanker I would run if I saw 1 panther, even faster if I knew he had 22 friends behind him. Its just annoying to have the enemy tanks popping up for half a second 2500 meters away and then retreat back. They never get near the objectives in the creek bed and never get within reasonable shooting range. Its rather frustrating. Anyone else experiencing this problem?

  9. Originally posted by Shades:

    I know it was just a move but in Saving Private Ryan, didn't a zook team hiding in wheat/tall grass take out a half-track at the same time Tom Hank's squad was hiding? You would think a small team could hide pretty good as long as the enemy did not have an elevation advantage.

    I saw a pretty similar thing at a reenactment show. A fully running Stug, 2 SPW 251/1s and a mighty kubelwagen accompanying a platoon of infantry waited in a grass field to ambush a couple of Shermans escorted by a platoon or two of infantry. I watched the Stug drive into its ambush position and still temporarily lost sight of the thing from ~150m away. The two halftracks I totally lost sight of in the grass which was slightly above waist high. I located them later by the sound of their MGs. Fields of grass/wheat in CM offer way too little concealment IMHO. Actual cover from fire should be almost nil.
  10. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Battlefront's issuing a second batch of CDs coming out around the 4th(?) I think. I wonder if that's at all linked to CDV's release date.

    As an asside, Battlefront promised long ago that there would be more than enough copies to go around when CMBB was released. I haven't heard a peep about game sales, but do you perhaps think demand was even greater than they had imagined?

    I suspect they pulled the remaining CDs due to the large number of defects in that batch.
  11. Originally posted by meldorian:

    Are you sure? I mean, I got pretty good results against the KT with Challengers in CM:BO. They only cost have as much as the KT, so I could face each of them with two 17-pounder guns. This usually resulted in dead KTs. Dead Challengers, too, but who cares if they take out the KTs on that hill from where they can overlook half the map? I have hoped for a similar effect with the SU-100, which has a darn powerful-sounding gun, too.

    Edit: Oh dear, I have just realized that I have posted in the worng forum. Sorry for that, folks.

    The SU-100 can penetrate 193mm @100m. The KT weakest frontal armor is 185mm on the turret front. At 47m range the SUs chance of killing the KT is "rare".
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