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Tiger Killer

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Everything posted by Tiger Killer

  1. Sorry if I "spoiled" anyones game by having this little shindig. This is still kinda new to me.
  2. Ooops, sherman 105's, not 75's, sorry. Spoilers :confused:
  3. Ack, I guess I probably should post specific stuff...kinda buisy so I'm getting forgetful. I have 3 sherman 75mm tanks and some assorted inf. I got 1 105mm FO and 2 81mm FO. My problem is that whenever I try and advance the german 75mm bunker always seems to be able to see me, I've had the most success trying to go up the left hand side from the american point of view. I'm thinking that I should use smoke from the 81mm's to block the bunkers LOS and rush all my units out of it's regular LOS. I've tried this a couple times before but german panzershrecks and fausts seem to always score hits on my tanks, leaving my infantry hopeless after the german reinforcments arive. if anyone could give me some advice it would help alot. P.S. Thx Yaba
  4. I'm new to the game and I need help on the valley of trouble mission as the allies. Any help would be apreaciated
  5. I am expecting the game today or tomorow (hopefully) but I have the demo. I've had a couple upsetting battles in the valley scenario. Just a couple minutes ago I had 7 shermans taken out by 1 75mm AT pillbox on a hill and a 150mm Inf. gun in some trees. Eventually I killed the Inf. gun w/ my last Sherman (thankfully a 76mm) by staying behind hills and with alot of infantry cover. After killing the gun I advanced into the town with 2 rifle squads 1-2 houses ahead of me to prevent a disaster. I leveled the town earlier with off board arty fire for the most part so I just breezed through there. I then moved up the hill and hunkered down about 30 meters below the summit. I moved behind a small mound to provide cover from the Panther as I started shooting at the pillbox 75mm. I was out of it's field of view so it was an easy kill. After that was done I reversed back onto the road and moved up onto the sumit of the hill to find a Panther laying in wait. As I started to traverse my turret to meet the Panther it got a shot off, penetrating the thin armor and bouncing around inside killing one of my crew, shocking the rest. After my men regained composure they started throwing shells at the panther with no prevail. Eventually after an exchange of about 4 shells the Panther scored an easy 60 meter kill shot. The panther, feeling confident, moved to the top of the hill and was ambushed by a bazooka on either side. The Panther was killed after 1 round of fire and I came out with a win, 126 troops KIA, 8 tanks lost, and 3 mortars destroyed. I hate those darn pillboxes.
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