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  1. Nice to hear that the new engine will have "real" support for Macs too. I guess I'll manage with the old craptop dedicated for CM until then.
  2. Well, I see all guys here talk about the Mac being such a good platform for CM and what not. I've been thinking of getting an OSX machine for development and just to play with. However, if CM won't run on the system what's the point of having one? Sure, one can reboot to some ancient OS9 partition, but hey, isn't that kinda stupid? This Linux machine gets booted a few times per year, and every time it takes a while to get all my tools up an running where I want them (virtual desktops, shells etc). I would never reboot this system just to play a single PBEM file, nor would I keep an expensive Mac booted into OS9 for the same reason. Is there any work being done to get CM working on OSX, or is it in Windows where the future of CM is? I would love to test having a decently powerful Mac as a desktop machine and be able to run CM on it, right now I use a secondary old Win2000 laptop just for CM and Linux on my desktop. Another thing could be if CM worked with Wine/Cedega so that I could run it emulated in Linux, but that doesn't work either, it seems to use a fair deal of ugly hacks that make it not run at all with those. Any hints?
  3. Has anyone got CM to work under Linux? Maybe using vmware or wine? I'd be interested in any info, as I don't have any Windows machine at home. I will buy a game in order to play, but not an OS and a game... Any hints anyone?
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