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Posts posted by rleete

  1. I guess I need to elaborate more. The mod I'm trying to find is for 1939 Fall Weiss. It the one where there's an expanded map. I believe it was Thrawn who originally created the map, but someone else may have expanded upon his work.

    In this mod, Europe is a little larger, and the low countries are broken up into 2 distinct countries. Ireland has 2 cities instead of one, as does Poland. Poland has some fortifications east of Warsaw, England has some west of London. I believe there are more cities overall, and more resources. When you declare war, there are more units defending than the original FallWeiss. For example, Denmark has 2 corps and a HQ, instead of the single corps. All the other countries have more units to start as well.

    There are quite a few changes to unit placement/types as well, but I can't remember them well enough to list any. I believe there are also tweaks to diplomacy, research, etc.

    I have tried to DL the "Honch Expanded Fall Weiss", but it gives me an error when trying to open it in the editor, and does not show up in the in-game start screen.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. After playing the expanded map, going back to the old one is just not as enjoyable.

  2. I bought SC2 Blitzkrieg and the expansion Weapons & Warfare when they came out. That computer MB crashed, corrupting the harddrive along with it. So, comoplete reformat of the HD means no saved emails. Where do I locate the license keys?

    I tried logging into the webstore, but can't seem to locate them there, either. Support for the helpdesk is offline. I just want to play the durned game!

  3. Don't believe I ever heard them.


    Starcastle was more akin to Yes or Gentle Giant. Camel is much more mellow, and more about melodies. Starcastle deals a lot with varying the rythms, syncopation and the like. Very tight, they are a lot like the early Rush.

    I got into Camel many years ago, purely by chance. We were digging through the budget bin, and found an album. It caught my friends eye due to a pic of the band on the back, who were obviously all high as kites. We laughed about it, and another guy looked closer. He stated that "any rock band that uses an oboe and a bassoon can't be all bad", because he played the bassoon. He bought the album, but didn't care for it, being more into heavy metal. I bought it from him that afternoon.

    I believe the album was Raindances.

  4. I've been looking into electrics for some time now. Everything from buying one to converting an existing vehicle. There's one problem that trumps all the rest, and until they figure out a way to fix it, it's all moot. That problem is cost.

    $20k for a 25 MPH "city" vehicle (can you say speedbump?), and $40k or more for a highway capable version. $12K and up to convert an existing vehicle, and that's doing all the labor myself. Ten thousand or more dollars buys a used car and plenty of gas for it for a couple of years at least, and doesn't involve me rebuilding the damn thing.

    They claim 100kph, but that's top speed with nothing left. Have you ever driven in rush hour traffic? You're gonna be a rolling roadblock in that thing, assuming that you don't get blown out of your lane by an 18 wheeler. Give me a reasonabley sized mid/compact car, and give it the same top speed as any other car on the road, and make it similarly priced. Oh, and stop making every electric look so damned ugly. Then we'll talk.

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