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Posts posted by jwxspoon

  1. Hi Dave,

    Just want to post a quick note - I think it is pretty cool that you are willing to post here and admit that you were wrong in your assumptions before. I am a big fan of BFC and pretty much everything associated with the Combat Mission universe, but that support, loyalty and respect from me has been well earned by these guys and was not just blindly given. I like what these guys are about and what they are trying to do.


    [ November 19, 2002, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

  2. Thanks Anton,

    I have gotten a lot of feedback on this one. Part of what I have seen is a bunch of messages saying "There is no way for the ___ side to win!"

    Insert German or Russian in the blank above. What that tells me is that good tactics and luck will be the deciding factor. I have played this scenario 5 or 6 times and it has never been a blowout for either side, which bears out the results of our playtesting. smile.gif


    [ November 17, 2002, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

  3. I must admit that the author of this post lost me when I came to the beta tester slam section... I think that one can pick any similar game out there and find things they don't like about its interface, performance, vehicle specific issues, penetration algorithms, etc. Picking the issue that frosts you the most and getting emotional or insulting about it in your post does nothing to help make a change and simply turns off those that might be inclined to help make any necessary changes.

    As one of the aforementioned playtesters I admit to the urge to flame this guy when I first read the post. I can say that we did the best job we could; put many weeks and months into testing & creating scenarios for everyone to play and finding and fixing bugs. Many times we tested with no graphics, often with no sound. A few of us pulled all-nighters as deadlines approached in order to finish the scenarios and briefings.

    This fantastic, multifaceted game has intrigued, excited, frustrated and angered all of us at one point or another. I haven't seen any "game breaking" issues though, and hysterical postings without any scientific backing such as the one starting this thread do nothing but point out another troll.


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