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Posts posted by jwxspoon

  1. Thanks guys. I am excited about some of the new changes coming down the road for CMHQ. Madmatt is committed to continuing the standard of excellence that CMHQ has set for a long time. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of it.

    Rex - thanks for the suggestion regarding COG. I'm not sure if you are aware of it, but CMHQ currently hosts ALL of the CMMOS mods (plenty more coming, too) and will continue to do so, as well as continuing to host a tremendous amount of content relating to CMBO as well as CMBB. CMHQ is not a BFC server, it is maintained and funded by Matt himself. I have not dicussed COG's excellent site with Matt, but I do know that CMHQ will continue to offer the necessary support and hosting for our own ever growing library of regular mods and CMMOS content for the community.


  2. It is not perfect. But I believe CMBB is the best there is. Period.

    When CMBO came it was the best. CMBB is better. No dispute.

    I'd bet my whole retirement that CM3 will be an even bigger improvement. Why worry about what CMBB isn't? Get excited about what it is, which is simply the best simulation of World War 2 Eastern Front fighting.


  3. Hello all, this latest news brief from CMHQ should be self explanatory:

    Jeff 'Jwxspoon' Weatherspoon has stepped up to be a part of the CMHQ team. Jeff will now be the point man for all news and general information articles coming out of CMHQ. If it happens in the Combat Mission universe, Jwxspoon will try to sniff it out and report on it. Jeff has big shoes to fill - Superted did a fantastic job! With your support we can help CMHQ return to the Combat Mission news Center that it once was!

    Anyone wishing to submit news articles should email them to Jeff.


    I am currently compiling a listing of webmasters and websites to email with regard to news postings. If you wish your site to be included in regular correspondence, please feel free to email me with a quick note of who you are, your web site, etc. I'd love to include all of these great new modders as well as the new websites that have sprung up since the release of CMBB. As always, if you have any news that may benefit the entire Combat Mission world, please email me or visit us at Combat Mission HQ.



  4. Once again I think all should calm down, this is not something that cannot be fixed or overcome. If I or wwb needed to insert another scenario we would be happy to do so.

    Rune!!! You had better not resign from B&T!!!! Forget that crap now!! This was an honest mistake, S^$# Happens, we will fix it and drive on down the road.

    At B&T we will do whatever needs to be done to keep this tourney going.

    Mike (TB), we can fix this. You put too much time, energy and effort to throw it away because of an unintentional mistake. We will all work together to fix it and there is no way it will ever happen again. It will be a good learning experience for us all.

    Jeff Weatherspoon

    ** Edited for spelling errors

    [ January 27, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

  5. Perhaps all should calm down a bit. Based upon what I understand to be the cause of the 'leak', no more than a 2-3 ROW3 players can have gotten the files, and those by mistake only. Why not contact those people, make sure they do not divulge any info or, for that matter even look at the files, and drive on down the road.

    We are all adults here; no reason to ruin the experience for dozens of players because of a limited incident.


  6. Neat idea, I heartily support it.

    I used to review every battle I played, and wish others would. Now most of the battles I play are in playtesting at Boots & Tracks, and I don't review those for obvious reasons. Still, I am playing one now by Vader's Jester and another by an outside author, and I will review those when I get done.

    Incidentally, when I review a scenario I use the following criteria for my numbers:

    1. If I would not change anything in a given category, I give it a 10. If I would recommend very minor changes, a 9, etc. A lot of changes could reduce a given category score to a 5 or so. However, a really horrible grade in a category means that IMO the designer really screwed up.

    2. If I played PBEM, I leave the AI section at "0", so it is not graded. I do not try to "estimate" how it would play against the AI.

    3. Unless I played the scenario more than once, I do not grade the replayability. Too many people give a low replayability score to an otherwise excellent scenario and the scores consequently drawn down as a result. (If I were to make a recommendation for a change to the Admiral it would be primarily for the elimination of this category)


    [ January 13, 2003, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

  7. Hi Horus,

    I designed Danube Blues specifically with the sequence of events as it stands. Your suggestion of a larger bridge did make sense, but I think the lack of a larger bridge has only affected a very small number of people. We extensively tested this scenario prior to going final with the CD and did not run into any problems during testing.

    Judging from the scenario depot (this is the highest rated CMBB PBEM scenario at the depot) the problems are few and far between. As I cannot change the makeup of the scenario on the cd anyway, it seems to me to be a moot point.

    However, for your own personal use you should feel free to add a bridge and replay it if you wish. smile.gif

    Thanks for the feedback and the earlier email.



  8. Hmmm. That is very agressive play by the soviet player, as he has no idea what forces he is facing and where. Hard to believe he would go charging through the town at high speed with no regard for the safety of his tanks or any possible enemy locations, particularly when the Hungarian HMG's can begin opening fire on the tank riding infantry almost immediately.

    I think this has happened a couple of times, but the vast majority of players are a bit more cautious and it allows the German reinforcements to arrive 'just in time', which is how it is designed. Sorry if you got caught short on it.



  9. Um....

    I think maybe this has gone too far already, but since I can't stop reading this thread I would like to introduce the concept of "In The "Public Domain" and "Fair Use".

    I am not an Intellectual Proterty rights lawyer but in would kindly suggest that such an individual might reasonably ask the question "Were the scenarios in question in the Public Domain?"

    If the answer to that question is yes (being that they are available for anyone to download for free) the suggestion could me made the the designers of those scenarios have then lost all copyright and claim to them "IF" they are infact in the public domain.

    Now if the entire site at the Scenario Depo has Copyright signs written all over it, (and I don't know the answer to that) it could be reasonably argued that the scenario's are NOT in the Public Domain and thus the designer have not lost their intellectual property rights claim to them.

    It should be noted IIRC that once a work has been given away as a promotional piece to the media for unlimited distribution it is then in the public domain and I beleive the author has lost claim to it (I think?)

    I am NOT saying anyone here is RIGHT or anyone else is wrong.

    I am just posting hopeing that an Intellectual property rights lawyer will show up and help us determine if the scenarios in question were or were not in fact in the Public Domain?

    remember.... "It takes a village"

    Tom- I must say something in response to your post. I think if you read back on my other posts in this thread you will see I have not really had a problem with any of my scenarios being used in El Cid's packs. BUT, I must tell you that I completely disagree with your idea that my work becomes public domain after I allow others to play it. If I honestly felt that were the case, I would cease designing scenarios for public distribution until such time as I felt that my creations were recognized as solely my own property. I don't mind at all if folks want to post my work all over as long as credit is given, but I would never release another scenario if my creation was no longer deemed my own intellectual property.

    Anyway, I hope El Cid reconsiders, picks the scenarios he wants for his packs, gets permission from the designers, and posts them.


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