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Jussi Köhler

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Posts posted by Jussi Köhler

  1. Sorry to break this to you, but I think the answer is no...

    Tried to do a nifty link-thingy but this bloody Linux doesnt like my pasting...

    Heres the link that discusses it to some degree.


    As I've understood it, its pretty certain that we wont see an add-on of any kind (incl. patches) to CMBO...


  2. Im getting this weird graphics-distortion after minimizing the window in the TCP/IP connection screen. The problem is that when my opponent has connected and the 3D view has loaded, the whole interface (Gunmetal in my case) is similarily distorted.


    Im running my cpu on Win XP Pro. I have a Geforce4Mx440. I've tried all Detonator drivers I've found for XP. I used to have all the classics probs with my Geforce2Mx400... This is the only probs sofar with my new card...

    I havent found any solutions to this on the Tech support forum...

    Might any of you gentlemen (or ladies) have any ideas to why this happens, and how it can be fixed?

    BR, Jussi

  3. Originally posted by cool beans:

    Where do u put the wav files when you download them from the internet? it saids put them in your CM/wav directory but i don't see one. Can someone help me please.

    In your CMBO directory you gotta have a Wav folder... My path to it is: F:\CMBO\Wav

    Something similar for you I guess.

    Hope this helps =D


  4. While a was in the Finnish army, I participated on a trip over to the Russian side to see our old defencive lines (about 6 years ago I think). There was still surprisingly much ammo-casings and similar stuff left in and near the old trenches. I found an ammoclip to the famous Suomi-SMG... It was VERY rusty and in bad shape. I have lost it since then somewhere... One of my mates actually dug up an old helmet with a hole in it, which was a bit spooky... I think it schocked him so much that he didnt take it with him...


  5. Originally posted by PEIPER#1:

    hi all, what tone of green is france? :cool: or the part of Europa that CMBO covers? I use most of the time DD's grass, there are a lot of grass mod's out there.. can some one tell me? tongue.gif

    Isnt that a bit like asking about the color of water..??? Are seriously asking about the color of the grass in Europe??? Dum di dum dum... I think I'll leave now...
  6. Originally posted by The ol one eye.:

    1) How do I disable the start-up movie permanetly? My PC doesnt seem to like it much, it constantly freezes up when I start up.

    2)What is the BMP for the 'filler' space between the map edges and the sky BMPs? I seem to have the BTS original texture.( aaaaa my eyes!)

    3) OK I geuss I only had two questions....

    1) Press Space Bar when loading game

    2) Cant help with that one sorry...


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