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Posts posted by Stixx

  1. An interesting read Andreas and pretty well on par with what i know on offensive tactics of the 2 forces (which is limited at best).

    I read a senior thesis from a West Point graduate the other day entitled " THROUGH THE FURNACE OF WAR:



    It was a very interesting and went in to detail some of the things you mentioned above. How the Red Army slowly learn't from it's mistakes, how it organised and constantly re-organised it's armored forces.

    It also went in to detail on the Soviet break through technique (For lack of better wording) consisting of a highly mobile force that was to be exploited through a gap in the lines, not create one itself.

    With permission from the Author i'll forward it to you if you wish?

  2. Kanonier Reichmann, that is a good suggestion, i may do that simply for balance more than anything.

    Holien, i'm glad you likes it mate. I could not find high quality maps of the town but i did manage to find a couple, also i found a photo of the town that was helpful. It looked over the main town centre down towards the one road leading in to the city, it was helpful in the design process.

    The town itself is much longer than the CM map portray's but is dominated by the same large buildings and basic elevation changes as represented on the CM map. There are no orchards etc in the vacinity of the town, the main route in to town is actually VERY open. I had to add extra areas of trees to help the attacker.

    Trying to have a balanced scenario that is historically acurate is almost impossible i tryed to find a balance between the two.


  3. G'Day guys!

    Sorry for the late reply but i was the one to inflict that piece of misery on you, as the designer of St. Mere-Eglise.

    I've read all your AAR's and must say thankyou to all the participants, there is some great reading there and it seems like most people enjoyed this scenario.

    I'll give you a little back ground info on the scenario, it may help you understand why i did one thing or another.

    First of all it seems the German commander needed to be slightly more skilled than the Allied one to get a victory in this scenario. I'm sorry if that is so, i did try to make as balanced as possible but for the most part is does seem adequetley balanced.

    Let it be known that when i first submitted S.M-G for playtesting (It was playtested numerous times) that the Alied player won every single time!, the reason for this? Simple, i had recreated the historical forces as close as possible and the historical result was that the Krauts didn't make it past the first line of houses.

    So after recieving reports of heavily Allied biased forces i started tweaking it, reducing allied strength, tinkering with axis strength. I really did not want to do this simply because i wanted it to be as historical as possible.

    I knew i could of made the ground "dry" and that would of helped the Axis with their armor mobility but that is not historical either.

    While i'm on the point of armor, Redwolf you queryed my use of the StuG IIIG and so you should because i did too! ;)

    This is the only refernce i could fine to the Axis armor

    and one company of the 709th Antitank Battalion with ten self-propelled 75-mm. guns

    So that makes things quiet simple it was Marder's that attaked S.M-E.

    Then you read first hand reports of Allied paratroopers who where there and they say they where rolled with TANKS! Big chuncky ones ;)

    So anyway, i decided to stay with the marder's, like i said much more "historical" but after playtesting everyone complained! "The marder's are to weak, not enough HE, they weren't there, etc"

    So.... A few of the guys suggested using StuG's, i put them in, ran a few tests, got it playtested a few more times and the results were very promising. It seemed that with changing the SP guns to StuG's i didn't need to down size the Allies any more. I didn't need to load up the Axis with excess infantry etc, it was a rather large trade off. It was more important to have the scenario balanced than it was to have it historically accurate (For the tournament atleast).

    I also had to change some of the terrain layout to make it more "attacker friendly", again i hated doing it but it had to be done...

    Well that is about it for now guys. It will be posted at Boots & Tracks and the scenario depot within the next week i would say.

    Going by these AAR's i think i will tweak the force balance in the Allies favor a little, any direct suggestions or other comments would be appreciated.


  4. ARGH!!

    Everyone in Oz has it except Panzer and me! :(

    A bloody Tasmanian has it for christ sake! SA, WA, NSW, VIC and QLD have all got it but not my front door!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I've been hearing lots of reports of damaged parcels "Resealed by USPS" etc. I'll be starting to worry if it isn't here by Wednesday, that would be a week after the first people in Sydney got it. Normal mail takes 3 days to get to me from Sydney.

    Stix :(:(:(

  5. Just a small request for one of the unfortunate few who have to endure a weekend without CMBB.

    Could someone please tell me what heavy and medium Machine guns are included in the game?

    Did the DshK 1938 make it in? If so screen shots would be great!


    [ September 27, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Stixx ]

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