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Silvio Manuel

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Posts posted by Silvio Manuel

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patgod:

    my biggest problem with AT guns is not placement. its using them at the right time. the big problem is that i know if i have a nice big one(field gun, or large bore atg) i will be eating at the very least arty in a turn or 2. so its basicly shoot then die even if its well positioned.<hr></blockquote>

    Killing a 115pt+ tank and hopefully getting your opponent to waste arty for at 65-100 pt ATG is pretty decent to me.

  2. It would be great if you could do group moves using waypoints, not just the one move. Also, if you add a group waypoint to units that already have movement orders...ther group order overrides it and causes a command delay.

    Another treat would be if you could add an "embark" waypoint to existing orders. as it is now, it cancels the previous orders and causes a command delay as well.

    perhaps in CMBB? i don't recall off-hand of hearing of the above 2 updates.

    [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

    I've come to admire the off map 25pdr.

    At first I thought that the blast wasn't good for much (and still think).

    But the amount of ammo! It just keeps pouring...

    Against slow moving infantry it's a real killer and morale breaker. (I know, I've been on the receiving end in one PBEM where my troops were stuck in snow.)<hr></blockquote>

    I like the 25 pdr too. My fav idea is to buy two 25 pdr FO's and have them targeting the same area, if possible, creating a lethal barrage with a more historically accurate ROF. With 120 rounds/FO, and using re-targeting so that you don't use the max rounds/turn, you'll get pleasing results, though the high ROF/smaller blast won't be as good vs. troops in buildings as a 5.5" FO, for example.

    You do need at least a 1500pts. Combined arms QB to be able to afford it though.

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    quote redface.gif riginally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).

    **SuperTEd previously said:**


    Did you say...another...tournament? <http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/eek.gif>

    It's worth considering...

    Just and idea, Ted...perhaps the winners of the SuperNewbies, GardenVariety Newbies, Newbie Rejects, and Newbie Alterna-Bowl could square off...like a Final Four of newbiedom. draw names out of a hat to determine which sub-champs play each other....just fer kicks and learning.

    I know you wouldn't mind subjecting us Newbies to more of your fun and nasty scenarios! I like these maps that have no Victory Flags.


  5. quote redface.gif riginally posted by Silvio Manuel:

    Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).


    Did you say...another...tournament? <http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/eek.gif>

    It's worth considering...

    Just and idea, Ted...perhaps the winners of the SuperNewbies, GardenVariety Newbies, Newbie Rejects, and Newbie Alterna-Bowl could square off...like a Final Four of newbiedom. draw names out of a hat to determine which sub-champs play each other....just fer kicks and learning.

  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    Just a gentle reminder - some of these AARs are coming dangerously close to revealing information that may help (or hurt) people still playing scenarios. Remember - even revealing what kind of units you have can be giving away valuable intelligence to somone still playing the scenario.<hr></blockquote>

    Woops, I apologize for putting too much detail into my AAR...I have edited my post. Those still playing must still peer into the dark foggy night to identify their tormentors....

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash:

    Aw Boys,

    It's truly heartening -- and the clarification!

    Keep 'em coming!

    SuperTed loves these things and I know f'r sure that the best one wins the wild card spot for the bash off between super newbie and those paltry merely newbies.

    You hear it here first!<hr></blockquote>

    Oh? Is there any extra 'championship round' match to be had for the winner of the Newbie Reject tournament? That might be tough for a 3-player deal, perhaps the Alterna Bowl winner could be the 4th to even it out...random matchup b/w the 4 winners? Whaddya think SuperTed? (not to overburden you with the thought of *another* tourney).

  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Splash:

    Now boys,

    I know SuperTed has not asked for this specifically but it would be nice if you brought in some reports from your (very) distant battles.<hr></blockquote>

    If you insist, Senor...

    I was the FJ's vs. Flammenwerfer's Poles in Blind Man's Bluff. The 1st action was on my left where I killed 1 of his platoons, losing 2/3 of my own platoon.

    Then on the right, I caught 3 of his squads moving through the woods (my platoon was *not* moving) and killed 30+ men for only about 15 of my own. In truth, it was sheer luck that his men stumbled upon mine while my boys happened to not be moving.

    I then spotted (and fired 1 ammo round at) what appeared to be 2 platoons (they could have been Split Squads) running laterally across the map to try and bash the one 1/3 strength platoon i had there...which, unbeknownst to him, was a good idea...if he tried to attack the platoon that had just ambushed & killed his 3 squads, he would have been in for a surprise, since I had a 2nd, hidden platoon lying in wait.

    I gave the order to have the survivors of my left platoon 'fast move' back towards my start area (his exit) to escape his onrushing platoons (I had a 3/10 squad, and a 3/4 Platoon HQ). I was delighted to see my "pinned" squad succeed in running away b4 his lead elements made their lethal appearance from out of the fog.

    After falling back 100m or so, I picked a spot he was likely to pass while heading for the exit, and set up another ambush, albeit with only 6 men. My squad then killed one running unit, but due to the FOW I had no idea what it was until the AAR/"map" phase. Then 1 of his 2 pursuing platoons showed up and killed my squad (3 healthy squads firing on 1 depleted one), and only 1 of the 3 remaining men in the Platoon HQ escaped, and he managed to exit.

    Final tally was: a draw, I "won" by 54-46...


    Edited for better readability and for the tons of typos I make while 'Net-sneaking at work ;>

    Edited again to remove info that would spoil the Fog of War for those still playing.

    [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

    [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Toran:

    So you're a paintballer, too? I never appreciated the first-person shooters or even the limited exposure to wargames until I played paintball - that's a rush and a half!<hr></blockquote>

    I like paintball as well, I've been on three 1-day outings on Long Island. Buying a no-fog mask made all the difference b/w a somewhat crappy 1st time out and a fun 2nd time out. I got no confirmed kills the 1st time, but got my first "mark" the 2nd time: with a left hook I managed to sneak behind their whole "D" and "surrender" one person by tapping them on the shoulder from their "six," and shoot two more b4 they knew I was there...what fun.

  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    When it takes 8 hours to get an IV (and this can happen in a fully staffed hospital by the way) or you have to argue that you need a certain pain killer that the doctor ordered (AND IT'S LISTED ON THE CHART IN FRONT OF THE NURSE'S NOSE) AND YOU ARE DYING FROM PAIN, it just makes you question the value of the person who is caring for you.


    Ayuh, my Mom was about to get up and leave the hospital at 1 am, and only screaming at the nurse got anything done (getting the IV).

    Speaking of doctors, my grandfather got skin grafts to re-cover his diabetes-ravaged feet...and then the night after the surgery, some random doctor came in, and even though my gramps told him not to, this other doctor removed the bandages, which had the effect of...believe it or not...ripping the new skin grafts entirely off his feet, still attached to the bandages (!!!?!).

    I still think doctors and nurses and the like are admirable ppl. Having life literally in your capable hands is some responsibility.

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Terence:

    You know what really bugs me? Lousy Bordeaux, thats what.

    I have these friends -- who think they are being all sophisticated when they bring me French wine, and they sneer at California wine. But really they are buying crappy Bordeaux (and sometimes crappy Burgundy) because they just don't have a clue.

    French wine can be so erratic. The weather there is much more unpredictable.

    And its harder -- unless you know what you are doing -- to get a good 10 or 12 dollar bottle of Burgundy or Bordeaux.

    If you're an idiot, why not ask the guy in the wine shop? Or go for the nice California Pinot Noir or Cabernet? Why sneer at the plucky Australian Shiraz?

    But they do sneer. They don't ask. They just stay locked into their stubborn idiocy and bring over a consistent stream of lousy wine.<hr></blockquote>

    Cheers Terence,

    As a wine buyer, it takes a true man to ask for help, but when could it be better to so humble one's self than when purchasing a lavish red.

    I'm a big fan of Chiantis myself, though I'm far from being an afficionado- so I don't know brands or years or anything, just that I like the taste of a "bleak" red, as I put it.

    While I'm at it, I must say, "Hi Mom!" Unfortunately, she's in the hospital again with foot problems from diabetes. Nothing serious, though. The nurses union is on strike, so it took 8 hours or somefink for them to get an IV in her.

    [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Aponos:

    It is night...that it is true!!!

    Maybe this is the answer...but my bazzoka tema is behind him...so it's a little strange to think that the ennemy is behind you and not shooting at you...

    Who knows? Only the computer!!

    Thanks again for the info!

    Take care!<hr></blockquote>

    Maybe the zook gunner sneezed, and the asst. said, "gehzhuntheit!" and your squad leader screamed, "the Krauts are behind us, KILL 'EM ALL!!!"

  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:


    Did you shoot those before or after the battle was over? ;)

    I believe casualties are tracked throughout the course of the scenario and a formula is used to determine the number of KIAs. In all likelihood, there is some variation in the the formula, so the same numbers are not always generated.

    The scenario will end if both sides reach a certain low global morale level. I always thought it was 15%, but yours was 22% and Pfc. Dunsel's was 17%. So, it must be "around" 20%.<hr></blockquote>

    SuperTed, my spies tell me that it is below 25% morale for both sides that prompts the auto- ceasefire (since version 1.12 IIRC, the book says 15% but that's out of date, methinks).

    Or, if one side goes below 15% AND the opposing force has 4x the morale % that equals Auto-Surrender & Total victory.

    [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Toran:

    OK. Rounding a possibility...but what if that point went the other way, would that have cost my opponant the draw, with the scores being so close? (I'm sure the manual says specifically what the cutoff is between Minor and Draw, but I'm at work, without the manual... :rolleyes: )<hr></blockquote>

    I've had a 54-46 draw before, so it sounds like you were at least a point shy of its coming down to half-points deciding it. Fortunately, win/loss doesn't matter in the tourneys, just points (except for bragging rights ;>

  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

    As for units, I've found that the best ones are Red Devils, followed by SS Rifle 45s.<hr></blockquote>

    I've got a whole Battalion of (regular) SS Rifle 45s in one of my pbems. Mmmmmmm, MP-44s, mmmmmmmm. Throw in a Tiger, some Nebelwerfers, and some Beck's....I'm a big fan.

  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by aleader:

    My opponent has figured out a very seedy strategy where he rushes crew towards my tanks, as close to them as he can get, and then brings his tanks out of cover while my panthers fritter away, spinning around trying to kill crew.it's a bug that needs fixing, no question.<hr></blockquote>

    Your opponent does **what**? That's pretty bad. At least you know who NOT to play next time.

  17. I started this scenario months ago...and just picked it up again last night...I suppose it took that long to digest the 85% infantry casualties I took in the 1st wave.

    After the initial slaughter, I had moved my few scattered survivors into tiny battlegroups on the far right. I actually got an 8" FO to call in a mission, but his first spotting shell took out a CONFIRMED 38 of my own men (landing amongst 3 squads, 2 HQ, and a .50cal).

    However, I used the 8" FO to vaporize the left-most 3 MG42s, and also punish the 2 81mm & 1 MG42 on the right (after moving my troops *the hell* away).

    At turn 30, the only surviving German unit on the ridgeline is the dreaded Pak43 Pillbox. I forgot to keep smoking it with my 1st few Shermans, so the 4th one to arrive got a firey reception.

    At least I've actually gotten this many tanks...I've heard that the Dog Green sectors had 32 DD tanks assigned, but 29 of them sank like rocks once the hard surf stripped off the floats.

    When I started the battle a few months ago, I made the dumb mistake of, on only turn 6 or 7, trying to charge up the rightmost ramp and take on the MG42 position one by one, "rolling up the flank" (a few of these squads of course had the "!"). A single DF 81mm shell routed nearly my whole force, with 2 of the squads running 'til they exited. I should have waited until reinforcements arrived, dooh!!

    Besides 4 tanks, I only have a 4/12, and 2/12 squad, and a few Lt/Capts, and zook & 3 MGs.

    Its a tough one...I've had about 90% infantry casualties (I didn't move anything during setup, to avoid an ahistorical attack approach). Its too bad that they don't store on-screen what handicaps you gave the AI.

    [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

    [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]</p>

  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

    20mms are so effective at killing AFV's in this game. The reason was that they cannot be spotted in trees at over 300m regardless of how many units are looking and how often the gun has fired. AFV's by themselves cannot see them over 250m. Therefore the 20mm has as many free shots as it takes to wreck the AFV with gun/track hits (2 turns max).

    It seems to me that a 20mm which has been constantly blazing away for several minuites should be spotted regardless of the range.<hr></blockquote>

    I agree, I would think someone would eventually get more than Sound Contact? from hearing all that pow-pow-pow-pow. Its gotta spit a muzzle flash like anything else, right?

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