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Posts posted by Leeo

  1. Originally posted by David Aitken:

    Perhaps you should do something to convince us that your posts are worth reading before you start trying to run the place?

    Well I'll be buggered with oil and rolled in dirt, Mister Aitken has actually deigned to insult someone. Tickle me tender, I never knew he could spew any sort of virulence. Yes, he's made some pretty pictures, and you've all kow-towed as if he were frickin' Hirohito, but I must say, this is the first mildly obnoxious direct taunt I've seen him make! I am truly honored (much as the young heifer is honored to receive the hopeful attention of that recently castrated steer), to have garnered his attention.

    Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the Sunday Funnies as much as the rest, but for cryin' out loud!

    Bugger Off, Mr. Aitken!

    I'm really sorry if that's not worth reading, so let's try this; You are a syphilitic, random-firing ganglion of nerve cells. If you disagree with this, I'd be happy to teach you a lesson in the finer arts of humility (you vulture's vomit excuse for a gamer). Had you any intestinal fortitude, you'd meet me on the field of battle. Your choice; set-up and demise. I await your response (pig-licker).


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

  2. Perhaps we should set up an international commission now so that we may determine which country next gets the horror (um, I mean honor) of hosting the Peng Challenge thread? Sounds like a great opportunity for bribery, scandal and corruption! Oh, wait, I guess we already have all that (and a bag of chips).

    Oh, and just so I can beat Elvis to it..


    (edited to get one up on the king)


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

    [This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-19-2001).]

  3. Me-thinks (rare and frightening in itself), that Holland is just the place for the Cess. Though the high water table (put the brownie down, mensch) may cause the muck to stay close to the surface, at least the wooden shoes will keep the ick from infecting our toes (though I'm afraid that it's too late for Elvis, as I think the ick has worked it's way up to his pelvis).


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

  4. Originally posted by Skorpion:

    Who or what is a Peng?

    "Bugger the hell off you worthless newbie scum git sheep lover!"

    c/o David Aitken

    Not my personal feelings (which are actually much more vehement and profane), just doing the duty (much like Iskander does every morning, noon and night).

    Oh, and since I've neglected my original intent for some time now,

    Bugger Off, Elvis!


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

  5. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Leeo and I have arranged a fair setup, but I'm sure he's going to send me gamey crap. I'm allied, so I plan on getting an M334A2 steamroller (the diesel-powered export-only version) to crush him flat, plus an M764A3E8-HVSS backhoe to bury him.

    Gamey crap indeed. I've managed to acquire a platoon of Jagdtigers via Lend-Lease from several grudge-holding Southern states in North America. Oh, and 7 Whirblewinds, supported by genetically modified Uber-infantry (produced in Castle Wolfenstein).

    Agua, on the other hand, has likely purchased nothing but farm kids from Iowa, armed with chocolate, cigarettes, and nylons.

  6. Originally posted by Hamsters:

    Iterate: To say again.

    Reiterate: Not a word, you moron.

    I'm an idiot collective of small mumbling Cricetinae

    My dear little fellows, apparently all of the seeds, poo, and other things you have stuffed in your cheek pouches has put enormous pressure on that bundle of synapses that pass for your brains. As such, we really shouldn't feel too sorry at your incomprehension of what constitutes a word and what does not.

  7. Originally posted by Bozza:

    Um, excuse my newbiness but why is every thread like this called "Peng"\ something-or-other"?

    to reiterate,

    "Bugger the hell off you worthless newbie scum git sheep lover!"

    c/o David Aitken

    And just let me add that further loitering in this dank residence of kinnigits (who are basically bouncy, trouncy and flouncy) and squires (who have become quite adept at prostrating themselves to aforementioned kinnigits), can be deleterious to your health, sanity, and naughty bits.


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

  8. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Get bent, you de-feathered shuttlecock

    I thought I'd made it plain, that it is you, mister Aqua (and I mean mister, not in the respect-laden sort of way, but more in the "Your gonna get it when your father gets home, Little Mister!" sort of way), that it is you who has been getting bent by all of the fawning you've been doing over the bouncy, trouncy, flouncy kinnigits.

    Oh, and in the spirit of this most Holy of holy days;

    Saint Patrick was a gentleman,

    Who through strategy and stealth,

    Drove all the snakes from Ireland,

    Here’s a toasting to his health.

    But not too many toastings

    Lest you lose yourself and then

    Forget the good Saint Patrick

    And see all those snakes again.

    (Edited because it's St.Patty's day, and I've been doing what one should be doing on St. Patty's day)


    It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

    than to spend tonight like there's no money!

    [This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-17-2001).]

  9. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Now, you'll have to improve if you want a spot on my schedule.

    If by improve, you mean "develop my sense of snobbery and poofery", well, I'll pass. You've developed the affectations of those pompous, lacey kinnigits you've been suc.., er, I mean, cozying up to.

    And I can certainly understand your wanting to limit the people on your schedule who can play you like a drum.

    Oh, and, "ahem",


    verb; to throw or put (oneself) in a humble and submissive posture or state.

    adj; stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission."

    And as far as nether regions exposed while prostrate, well, you can have someone else draw the picture, but if you haven't yet figured out what the kinnigits plan to do with you, then I'll not be the one to burst your bubble of innocence.

  10. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Natter, natter, natter, yes master, oh, I roll and expose my belly to all of you kinnigits, natter, natter, natter;

    your taunts are soggy pieces of overcooked broccoli coated in Shake 'n' Bake. Try to get your taunts more al dente, and consider buying a FryDaddy.

    Broccoli, that cruciferous vegetable from heaven, will also get stuck in your teeth (to the tooth) and give you gas. If I'm the broccoli, then you, my dear, poor, obsequious squire to pompous, flouncy, trouncy kinnigits, must be the cheese sauce that flows and pools to the bottom of the bowl to congeal in fear of being flushed down the disposal.

    And should you have the nerve to ever stop the endless boot-licking of kinnigits and meet me on the field of battle, then I'll surely show you who is your FryDaddy. I can hear your troops sizzle and pop now....

  11. Originally posted by bauhaus:


    You hath not earned the right to tell me to sit down. Sod off now you sniffer of farts!

    Wow. Again with the Name Changing™ . How creative. I'm stabbed to the heart. Really, I am.

    My mistake. I was under the assumption (along with 6-plus billion other people) that every breathing thing, with its first respiration, was imbibed with the unalienable right to tell you to sit down. Now as far as getting you to "stand" up in the first place, why I agree that falls exclusively as the sole right of Mace.

  12. Originally posted by Elvis:

    Leeeeeooooooooooooo I'll put you on the short list right after David gets his game. I gotta tell you though you have picked the wrong guy if you're looking for an easy win. For easy wins you should track down Moriarty or Peng or even Phillie Phan if he ever comes back full time. They are locks.

    Me so Happy!! Who said I was looking for an easy win. I'm more into glorious battle, and Damn the Outcome! I challenged you because, hey, your the Elvii, man! I had to taunt somebody int the Mutha' Beautiful Thread, and the roulette wheel landed on you. I look forward to the set-up (in terms as the initial game parameters, not the predestined and thoroughly gamey-fied destruction of yours truly).

    After seein' that you folks had the most games going, I knew this is where I had to be, so now I'm here like the mother-in-law that never leaves, the rash that won't go away, the tire that keeps losin' air, and the tax man that garinshee's your wages.


  13. Originally posted by Iskander:

    Now see here, fellow 'Poolers-at-Large: it's bad enough that I have had to put up with three turns from the friggin Lawyer(you know the drill here) t'night, over and above filling in for Seanachi-ro on Door Duty, but to let this... thing... attempt to call out both the lovely, caressable Mace and my win-some self all on one ignoble turn of the globe is really beyond... well it's... damn, you guys are good for nothing, aren't you?

    Not that I make deals with shoe-scrapings, but oh-so-misspelt leo, if you are still around after I come to after St. Pat's, I'll be happy -- no, I'll be hung over -- to drive your mane and tail into the dirt. Until then, I wave whatever appendage is at hand and say, "bah."

    Perfectly Lovely. I really intended to only attack and insult one of you at a time (as is the way of Peng), but I felt compelled to defend myself and teach you all how to make a grand entrance into the thread. I'd a been happy just to trounce on the Elvii, but if necessary, I will trounce on you all either multiply or individually. So, Mr. Doorman, it looks as if there is a large spot upon your red velvet tunic, and your head-bobbin' has slowed down considerably. Being of Irish descent, I'll likely still be sufferin' from ethanol poisoning when we engage, but being Irish,. I'm too stupid to care, and am confident that I can teach you the glory of eatin' potatoes!

    Edited because I'm an ethanol poisoned psuedo-Irishman.

    [This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-15-2001).]

  14. Originally posted by Mace:

    I'm not a Tex!, I'm a bloody Aussie ya git!

    Go play with a squire (better yet, Joe Shaw who is developing a thing for prospective young squires) and then if you're really lucky, I may actually acknowledge your existance with a game.


    So, TEX, ya got no squire of your own? How horribly sad! You haven't been able to find a squire who would have you as a kinnigit? That's awful! Me feels so sorry for you, TEX! Really, it is a sad state of affairs, TEX. Maybe you occasionally wear GoreTEX? No? Well, I'm terribly sorry if I've taken you out of conTEXt, TEX. Yep. That's it. So, your sheep down there don't give you quite enough TEXtiles, TEX? Aw, that's too bad. Maybe your afraid to play me 'cause you haven't read the full TEXt of manual? Just be glad that the technical name for your 'nards is not TEXticles, 'cause sure as TEX walks bow-legged (down Bauhaus), I'd have 'em on a platter, if you only had the TEXticals to send me a set-up. TEX, ya git!

    Edited to correct alcohol induced stupidity.

    [This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-15-2001).]

  15. Originally posted by Iskander:

    Heh, heh... OK, Pee-Hole, flip back the pages 4200 years and follow on:

    OOoooo, so clever! You changed my name! No one has ever thought of that before.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, fine. So you can't comprehend the age of jets, trains, internet, and other loud things. I'm afraid I have not the patience or the time to look up references from what we all learned in Literature 201. I truly am sorry that you live 4200 years in the past. Really, I am. In addition, I bet there is a government program for folks like you. Let's see, something about the Department for those Impaired against Modern thinking (D.I.M. is it?.

    So, if you can conceive of large metal dragons that move on revolving ruts of steel and spit flame, supported by unarmored knights that use fire to shoot small metal arrows, then send me a set-up, ya git!

  16. I admit that I have sinned. Indeed, I have imbibed in great quatities of the Devil'sbrew. And I shall continue to do so, and in the process will drag the lot of you pretenders to the depths of dead-brain-celled hell! It is a noble endeavor, but I'm afraid I'm Preachin' to the choir on this point. So, the only thing is to have a drink-off. C'mon now. Reeaaaaddyyy, drink!

    Okay, again! and again!

  17. Originally posted by Iskander:

    Maybe for the under 25-set your so-called taunts might lead you somewhere, but we are a tad more genteel than that. Did I read any Donne? Any Boccaccio? Any Joyce? Dammit man, did I read any friggin' Buckley, anything, anywhere in your so-called prancing, limp-wristed, fur-breasted, mincing, queen-of-the-deep post! NO!

    Get thee to the MainBoardary, lest you be lost! Or, as I am sure you'll more readily understand:

    Bugger Off!*

    *recently quoted by nonentity

    And who are thee?

    to point at me,

    and claim tradition lost

    whose pompous jest, with no request

    'tis but on the fire, frost.

    Though new flame just started,

    beats your voice farted,

    whom bleats from those before,

    you cant be bothered,

    no idea you've fathered,

    so BUGGER OFF, forever more.

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