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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Turn 26:00 to 25:00 A flood of pictures will follow. Piat vs. Jaggie 241 More...
  2. 27:00 to 26:00 Wrapping up loose ends... Thoughts (which weren't included in the screenies): I need to focus more combat power against Bil's armor. That's a crucial difference. I've done a good job neutering his halftracks. They're still VERY useful to bring his troops forward. He is fearful of my piats, that's all that's keeping him from rushing the town and unloading. Well, that, and the fact that he has tanks, quad flaks, and a bit of time still to go in the game. It would take at least 10 minutes to secure the town. I woul allot 15 minutes as an absolute minimum. He needs to get infantry up, and soon. I have far too much riding on two single units: my piats. If I can kill 2 tanks early next turn, Jaggie 241 and either the other jaggie or the wirbelwind, then I'll only have to deal with 2 stummels, 2 panthers, a quad flak track, a 37mm flak, and some other odds and ends. That sounds rather tough, doesn't it? But then, my paras have proved to be excellent troops. I have demo charges and may start rat-holing through some house walls and tall walls. That'll help in some small set of circumstances. The next few turns will be crucial. I expect a lot of mayhem. Left flank is a side show. I'd like to use my CS tank to get some kills. Plus, it'll be fun. Ken
  3. 27:00 to 26:00 The Town Center, more: Bear with me, one more page to go...
  4. 27:00 to 26:00, the screenies keep coming Over at Town Center... Yet more...
  5. Turn 27:00 to 26:00 A picture is worth a thousand words... I'm going to use a bunch of pictures. Should I reduce the number I post? Dune: More...
  6. Cashiered? I'll probably be awarded the MC for this fight. Again. Either a a bar or perhaps a CBE. I'll give a deprecating speech, but we'll all know I'll have earned it.
  7. A VC? For doing what is expected of him? I think not. Now, his dead mate, Langdon, I may consider him. After all, he actually HIT his target, that lucky Panther, and then died for his efforts. I like the stats idea. More turns posted later tonight. Yeah, they'll look as ugly as the previous ones, but they'll make up for what they lack in visual splendor with tactical glory. Hopefully. Ken out.
  8. 28:00 to 27:00, continued... These guys, Endhouse, will SLOW out the back, and shelter along the side. They're not in a great location for survival, but Bil HAS to take care of them before he commits infantry to the Town Center. These were the guys who were GOING to fire on the windmill HMG nest. Now, I'm more than willing to have them charge with mortar shells clutched in their fists, but I'm not sure they'd make it all the way. The mortar tube is back in the gully in the Dunes. Lucky Panther machinegunned them as they fled from the lone tree at the top of the gully. This was the halftrack which was the target of the team in my left flank farmhouse. Some rounds pinged off the armor, but the gunner is still there. It's only a matter of time. I'd love to know how Bil's teeth sound as he grinds them in frustration as all his halftrack gunners get killed in turn. Ahh. Finally, the left corner. This is a sideshow, but it has absorbed some of Bil's combat power. I may change my mind about my CS tank. Instead of attacking towards the flank, away from the main front, I may redirect him. Something for me to ponder... Again, this has had to be brief in order to get the screenies posted. If I've skipped something you're puzzled about, post a question and I'll answer it. My big picture? Remember what I said when I started this battle. I'm not fighting Bil's forces, I'm fighting Bil. This is a battle of wills. I will annoy, contest, and generally frustrate Bil until he begs for an end. Killing all his gunners is part of that. Losing my tanks is NOT. He's testing the Town defenses, no doubt noting every location that has fired. No matter, he'll have to TAKE the town to gain the points. I await. Ken out.
  9. 28:00 to 27:00, cont. Bil Probes the Town I've got a couple of VERY exposed teams up front. One is in a field between Outhouse and Endhouse, on my left; the other is on my right, well forward. They are there to take away the easy approaches. More...
  10. Turn 28:00 to 27:00 Why We Fight Again, forgive the brevity of my comments. I've embedded most thoughts within the screenies. Back to horrible lo-res. On we go... More...
  11. Too true, that. I've got a hilarious story, which I cannot relate here, about a buddy who had a 96 hour pass in Frankfurt after having spent a long, dry, 5 months in the sandbox. Amazing what a liver can do.
  12. I'll have you know that I have spent years in a personal, quixotic, quest to raise the pub industry, single handedly. Or single mug-edly. All for nought. One draught at a time. Game: Bil's tank rush is a bit earlier than I'd expected. I guess he feels the pressure of the clock. He doesn't have much infantry. Of course, my lads in the Town aren't so numerous, either. I'm glad I shovelled in as many as I could once I got a toehold there. I won't be trucking in any reinforcements. Bil has done a good job of ratcheting up the pressure on the Ardennes/Dune sector at the same time he began his town attack. It's the early phase of the final battle. My goal will be to keep his tanks and halftracks at arm's length, while maintaining enough paras to conduct the house to house fighting. Ken
  13. Nice. I may give that a try just before the mission ends, just to see. I hadn't seen (or thought about) that before. Thanks. (Curious, not anything that would affect this game.)
  14. I don't think the game takes into account contrast for spotting. That may be a bit too detailed, and too heavy of a processor load, for now.
  15. Suffering? Those lads THANK me! I've given purpose to their drab lives. A bit of spice for them to to salt their tales with if they ever get back to their neighborhood pub. Then, years later, after swilling countless pints of ale, the survivors will be pining to have another chance for a GLORIOUS ending! Aye, they'll think of me every time they swill their beer.
  16. Smoke screen around the town: placed to block support LOF from beyond piat range. I can't have it too close because that would give Bil's assault cover. The longer his infantry is exposed the more I can kill.
  17. Gutter Corner: Bil's forces are enticingly vulnerable to my tank. I am aware that this may be a trap. That chunk of cheese looks good to my little mouse eyes. I know I'm faster than any trap spring. It's my men who may be too slow...
  18. Very true, but I'm always trying to see what I can do to break the code. Err, push the boundaries. And if it gives me an advantage over Bil, so much the better! Seriously, as long as the shells are helping me I'll keep 'em raining down. If they go astray I can always packup the firing unit to cause a ceasefire. That's a benefit of onboard assets.
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