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Posts posted by Patrocles

  1. Originally posted by average:

    I like how the WEGO is ruined crew keep coming back to the same point, I can't think about it for long enough.

    Spot on. Just like the real world, you make decisions on the hop. I don't understand how making decisions on the hop in the consequence free world of computer gaming can be anything but liberating, unless you have serious control freak issues (and it sounds like a few of you have those 'issues').

    The point I'm going to keep making is that the interface is slick enough to get orders out, and get them out quickly, enough that you don't run out of time.

    My only complaint about RT is that you can't excercise indirect control over TACAI behaviour. It gets frustrating having to issue fire orders to distant elements to support a close assault and it is something that the TACAI should be able to handle without direct intervention each and every time, at least for spotted targets rather than area fires.

    Similiarly, I don't understand why there isn't a more generic fire order for a sector, rather than a point.

    Perhaps within the targeting menu you can have the option of emergency, rapid, sustained or defensive fire to give you some control over expenditure beyond target/target light and point (although i understand the volume of fire the tacai puts on depends on range and threat perception).

    I should really post this somewhere more useful, although BF has said they don't want to further complicate the menus (maybe give us a hotkey for the intensity or have it default as is).

    What is the wargame game (abbreviated sumfink like COTA? WW2 Crete or Med theater...and I think it had a NW Europe version, too?) that is realtime? Everyone seemed to praise that game and its realtime playability. However, I think these games were Brigade or division level perhaps the comparison of these games for realtime playability is therefore invalid...anyway, enough of my rambling...
  2. Originally posted by Thunderbird:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Patrocles:

    Maybe he can swap his copy of CMSF with the reviewer at Eurogamer?

    "Combat Mission: Shock Force is the ultimate tactical simulation, a flawless, bugless, gorgeous masterpiece that places lucky wargamers right in the middle of a highly credible fictional conflict between modern-day American and Syrian forces."

    OMG, did you not read the whole review? The first part was a joke, based on his expectations of BF. Read the whole review, then look at the score (a 5 of 10) I think. In my class room that is a failing score! </font>
  3. Maybe he can swap his copy of CMSF with the reviewer at Eurogamer?

    "Combat Mission: Shock Force is the ultimate tactical simulation, a flawless, bugless, gorgeous masterpiece that places lucky wargamers right in the middle of a highly credible fictional conflict between modern-day American and Syrian forces."

  4. Originally posted by rune:

    The game is still under going changes, and nothing can be said till we test the changes. We are not going to say something is or is not in until we are sure it works. Works continues on the game, have no fear.


    How dare you spend more time to give us a high-quality, non-buggy, complete game!!


    thanks for the info!

  5. Originally posted by wolf66:

    good post! thanks for the info.

    However, my question/observation still hasn't been answered on why I see many people adopting so many German WW2 military names compared to say, British, Russian, American, Japanese WW2 military nicknames. It could just be my limited exposure to the 'internets' and perhaps I need to use 'the google' to acquire more info.

    in a rush now, but i will start a separate thread on this theme tonight.


  6. Originally posted by Carolus X:

    As always when I take a look at this forum I just see peoples posting about things they don't have a clue about what SS was.

    SS was originally just a bodyguard but grew to the largest organization in the Nazi Germany.

    To just point a finger on SS and say: "SS was a warcrime organization, they made soap of jeews, etc." is in mho not right.

    SS consisted of different headbranches and did everything from slaughtering people in the concentration camps to try to find out if there was a german tribe hiden in the tibet mountains (Yes it's true).

    What 1st SS Liebstandarde stands for is Waffen-SS, and if I say that they didn't do anything wrong, then thousands of murdered peoples on the Eastfront will probably rise from the graves and point a accusing finger on me for lying.

    The oposite would render in the same accusing finger, If I say that the russians did nothing wrong.

    The organization was convicted as a warcrime organization after the war, but those who fought in the Waffen-SS, those who went to tibet to find the lost german tribe, etc. can't even today understand why they was convicted as warcriminals.

    And if the trial against SS had been done today Waffen-SS and other branches would probably not been convicted as a war criminal organization.

    There will always be peoples that just flame a post as soon as someone say SS and it will also always be peoples that say "SS didn't do anything wrong" just because they don't really understand what type of organization SS was. Even today it's really hard to understand how big SS was and what every branch of the organization realy did.

    But flaming someone for his nick just by saying "Hey that name has SS in it" is BS.

    Cause then you don't understand the historical facts about SS and it's branches.

    Anyway I will probably also be flamed just for posting this and someone will probably say that Im a nazi or something like that, but they can't be more wrong.

    All I wan't is a forum without flaming. A good example of that is this thread, He has some questions and get's no answers but the flaming start directly.

    And to Patrocles: Wehrmacht and SS are sure not the same thing.

    good post! thanks for the info.

    However, my question/observation still hasn't been answered on why I see many people adopting so many German WW2 military names compared to say, British, Russian, American, Japanese WW2 military nicknames. It could just be my limited exposure to the 'internets' and perhaps I need to use 'the google' to acquire more info.

    in a rush now, but i will start a separate thread on this theme tonight.


  7. Originally posted by stone75:

    Were in a forum for a game which portrays battlefields in WW2. I would imagine he chose his name for a unit he admired in combat. I dont see a problem. Might as well just call all germans evil, some were nazis in WW2 you know.

    Good point!

    I have a question for everyone...why do think the majority (from what i have observed) of these types of nickname refer to the WW2 nazis army groups? Is it the dreaded "Wehrmacht Penis Envy?" Do some folks worship ADORK HITLER and his stooges? just curious...

  8. Originally posted by Sequoia:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    The red cross symbol over the dead/wounded soldier - how does that work in the game? I know we talked at length about casualties and IIRC one of the ideas brought up was that maybe we'd have X amount of time to move a medic to the position of the casualty to simulate evacuating him. Is that what we're seeing?

    There was a suggestion by Other Means that casualties be represented by an actual figure that would lie on the ground and be considered "evacuated" if within some sort of command radius for a certain amount of time. This suggestion was a compromise of sorts between casualties being represented by only an abstract symbol such as a Red Cross and full control of Medics, which Battlefront was always completely against as being difficult to code and a distraction from what is, after all, a war game.

    Steve said Other Means' suggestion would be considered, and that’s the source of the quote in Other Means' Sig. All we can assume is that

    Casualties are represented by more then a Red Cross (unless Steve wants to give us another bone, hmmm). :cool: </font>

  9. Originally posted by wolf66:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Patrocles:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sarge77:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Yeah don't vote the Republicans back in, they suck at diplomacy tongue.gif

    Yea, let's get Madiline Not-so-bright back in to have more wine with Kim Jong-ill.

    Appeasement will not work Flanker. </font>

  10. Originally posted by merry:

    I have been with BFC before the release of CMBO,

    like late 1999, and there was 10X's the number of

    posts inanticipation of that unknown, which turned

    out to be the best WW2 game series ever...still is! This lack of posting shows a small level of in

    terest. Anyone know why? Are there too many games?

    I hope this game is great, but when I here that it

    is not like CM or that is simply a "bridge" game,

    or that it is more like "Close Combat", I start to wonder.....

    what's up with

    your text editor? Do

    you type out your comments

    in Notepad and then

    cut and paste?

    I think folks have known

    that the game is more


    to CC than CM for years

    and years from the gameplay


    As for lack of

    prerelease interest

    in ToW I cannot answer

    that question, but



    then you have a point.

    Could it be that

    the developers are

    Russian and

    BF is coming late to the

    promotion stage of ToW?

  11. Originally posted by Sarge77:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Yeah don't vote the Republicans back in, they suck at diplomacy tongue.gif

    Yea, let's get Madiline Not-so-bright back in to have more wine with Kim Jong-ill.

    Appeasement will not work Flanker. </font>

  12. Originally posted by MeatEtr:

    Yup, it's been one helluva thread. I wonder how many more twists and turns there will be for this thread. What next?

    Glad to see Megakill is back.

    P.S. Long live the cowbell!


    Are you saying the demo is not ready because BF is demanding that 1C add more cowbell? If 1C listens to BF they will be wearing gold diapers!


  13. Originally posted by Sivodsi:

    I want to see a shot down planes crew bail out, recrew an enemy AT gun and take out the lousy tank that shot it down in the first place.

    Can we do this? I would wait an extra week for it to be implemented, but no more than a week, mind.

    LMAO! Of course, this would only be realistic if the plane crew was American. After taking out the lousy tank that shot them down with the enemy AT gun down they would have to shout out, "America! F**k yeah!"
  14. Originally posted by AdamL:

    Why don't you invest this much energy saving the [p]lanet or something and stop thinking a video game forum is really that important a thing to worry about.

    well said! I know it's a cliche, but ToW is just a game and not worth getting too worked up about.
  15. Wow! So much hatred directed at so many subjects. How long have you been nurturing these feelings? hehe

    Personally, I look forward to purchasing what will be fun and historical (compared to current WW2 rts games such as CoH) WW2 RTS from Battlefront and 1C.


  16. Sepp at Simhq says otherwise,

    "I got it directly from a number of beta-tester horses' mouths. Don't ask me to tell you who by name, they're under a non-disclosure agreement. Just be grateful they put this info out there, at least we now know why we're still waiting.

    One of the testers (probably more, we know how it goes) shared his game and it got into the wrong hands apparently, because it was hacked and cheats were implemented. The devs are trying to fix the holes and that's why the western version is being held up."

    Unfortunately, we have no hard evidence that this info is true so we have to treat it them as rumors.

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