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Posts posted by Blenheim

  1. No, no me des pie a hablar de política, Argie... acabo de licenciarme en ello, y si me pongo a discutir, secuestrariamos el thread. Nadie se enteraría de ello -no lo cerrarían- pero bueno, no estamos aquí pa esto. (nota: si, estoy escaqueándome de ello...)

    En fin... Así que Saviola es tan bueno como dicen.... mmmm.....

    Fernando, vivo en Cataluña, pero Poldavia está en mi corazón. Ahora sólo falta que la encuentre en el mapa... :D:D:D

  2. Bueno, esto de la crisis es como una tradición Argentina, ¿no? Caramba. Ojalá Domingo Cavalo obre un milagro, porque sino ya sabéis que pais europeo se va a ir derechito tras Argentina hacia la crisis económica... Si, el pais que está jugando a los bolos con vuestra Aerolinea. Ops... realmente nuestro gobierno (soy español) está haciendo el salvaje...

    Por cierto, Saviola al Barça !!! (soy de Barcelona)...

    Brief translation to poor Yanks: sarcastic note on the Argentinian crisis, pointing that can hit Spain as well, insults to the Spanish goverment, and general happiness on an Argentinian soccer player that is coming to play in Barcelona. Thanks for you attention....

  3. Well, I will get heavily bombarded after this affirmation, but....

    Man, I love using green/conscript masses. Really. I am quite good using human wave tactics, overwhelming those uber soldiers that elite and crack troops are. Sorry, I really enjoy using brute force from time to time....

    Mainly because I suck when using elite/crack/vet troops. Really. Even the AI smashes me silly and dances like crazy on my grave when I use them. Every time I take good troops against AI green hordes I lose.

    So keep this thread rolling... I need some advice on using vets.

    (BTW, I just won a 1500 meeting engagement vs the AI. My gamey Athlon purchased two Jadgtigers !!! I won, actually, using masses of Sherms...)

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> On the German side there was a guy who fought a forgotten war and ran the allies ragged in East Africa for years unsupported and with almost no resources, sucessfully tying down many times his own numbers. Hopefully someone can recall his name before I can, he certainly deserves a mention.


    His name is Paul Von Lettow, one of the most brilliant military minds of the First World War (not much competition, but well, he was brilliant).

    In fact, he never lost a battle. Only surrendered when he got news about the defeat in Europe, actually. Althought he was not supplied at all, he managed to hold Tanganika with about 218 officers and 2500 askaris (native troops) at first. He never had more than 11,000 troops; in contrast, the allies had 300,000 troops at the highest point of the campaign. He inflicted 60,000 casualties, and by the end 155 of the original 218 officers were still alive. When he surrendered, 90% of his weapons were captured ones.

    Talk about Guerrilla warfare.

    BTW, to show that we live in a small world. When he was sent to Afrika, he met Karen Blixen in the ship (the writer of Out of Africa). They became quite good friends, but only met again several years afterwards, in Europe, being both famous.

  5. OK, here we go....

    TOWN- Montgat.

    PROVINCE- Barcelona. (I live 8 Km from Barcelona, actually).

    AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY- Catalonia (don´t laught over there, it is the name of the Spanish equivalent to US states or German Länders).

    COUNTRY- Spain, member of the EU.

    About temperatures (for people from Arizona)... OK, I live beside the sea, so it is not a Dry heat. Last July we reached 40.1 ºC.

  6. OK, Grazianni is the maaaan. I never remember those names, actually. Good history, BTW, JasonC. Write a book or somefink ;) .

    Ah, guys, we forgot our beloved early war Blitzkrieg victims the Frenchies. Apart from the never too long Maginot Line (ops, it's not fair!!! Going through Belgium is gamey, you bad Germans !!!) we should remember all the missuse of the beautiful military equipments that France had. Those ubertanks, wasted....

  7. Well, I think I'll split my vote.

    option A. Fatty Goering. Not a single thing done right. "Yes, we can resupply Stalingrad"... oh, bollocks.

    option B. That brilliant Italian General on North Africa, that surrendered when facing a British force less than half the size of his. Damm, I don´t remember the name.

    Honorable Mention: Ernst Udet. A guy that asked for all the bombers of the Luftwaffe dive bombing capabilities (the JU 88 could divebomb, yes... ) must be mentioned. Not to talk about his management of the purchases orf the service.

  8. Come'on... a country like US, that invented whisky on the rocks (bleurg... heresy!!!) can not give lessons to our superior ice shaping technology and experience !!!

    And believe me, nobody beats the craftmanship of Spanish ice used for Sangria... Nobody !!!


    (BTW, Terence... nice past you have, don't you? Hope you had a good time while in Spain. And NY is a strange city, yes... but I loved it)

  9. Terence, are you Spanish? Just because of your description of Britton hordes coming down to the beautiful mediterranean coasts...

    Damm Brits... They beat us with the Armada Invencible (what a name to sink!!!) and in Trafalgar, they spank us badly everytime we meet in a football field, and after all that, they send barbarian hordes to sack our coasts and finish our precious booze reserves.

    And even more, I lost my first PBEM to a brit!!!


  10. OK, if you can send German CM1 troops to CM2 front when they run away or panic too much, I'd like to demand something similar to the Soviets.

    You must be able to send to Siberia badly performing commanders in an important peanut and cabbagge plantation mission. Or as tooth pick recovers. Or somefink like this.

    Game balance, you know... game balance.... :D

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