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Posts posted by mike_the_wino

  1. And from the muck....it rises again!

    Arrive April 5th, depart April 11th. Still waiting to hear back about White House and Capital Tour. Staying in Arlington. The Headmistress made the plans and has been to DC before so I think we are close to public transit.

    Now I need places for eating and drinking. Tastes run from pub food to casual but quirky holes in the wall. Sushi to tapas to american cuisine. Any recommendations?

  2. I picked up the DVD for the latest Bond outing, Quantum of Solace.The 60's era Bond films were cutting edge action flicks which redefined the entire action genre. I am a huge fan of the Sean Connery Bond films, but the series clearly lost its focus and momentum over the decades.

    I think that this is precisely what happened. Bond was so over down, bordering on campy at times. And the endless string of 'Bonds' had some real losers in the line up. Name names? Sure. Timothy Dalton has proven himself in other roles but he absolutely sucked as Bond and I wasn't a real fan of Pierce Brosnan lacked something as well.

    The last two Craig helmed flicks have brought the franchise solidly back into the action genre, however the series is no longer the cutting edge, push the enveloppe spy\action series it once was, I would say that crown now lays with the Bourne series.

    I think the Bond franchise is over and should be allowed to die.

    As good as Quantum of Solace is, it tries a bit too much to be a clone of Bourne Ultimatum without being as good as the original.

    Alas, such things happen when, as you noted, you take all the talent from your competitor. You effectively trend toward the center rather than setting off on your own.

  3. Well, I am working in a gantt chart so the secret is click on the box->insert->hyperlink->browse (make sure to change the file type if looking for excel or word) and 'ok'. Done.

    The tricky part, or tricky for me, was seeing what you had done. You won't see any difference until you scroll your mouse over that box and then the hyperlink symbol will show up under your cursor. Right click on the box to bring up options and then scroll up to the sphere with 3 chain links under it and it takes you to the document. I have gone back and changed the font color on anything I am hyperlinking to so that others will see that there is a source document or reference material if they have any questions.

    I think there will be lots of people calling me about this 'feature' but I think I can make all the monkeys step into line.

  4. Okay, you guys are smart....well most of you are, so let's see if anyone has experience with this:

    I have relatively small, uncomplicated spreadsheet that contains data that I would like to reference in a Visio gant chart to wow friends and neighbors. That's not true. I want to be able to present this to the higher ups so that when they look at it and start to ask me questions I can tell them to click on the text and have specific pages of said spreadsheet pop up, thereby answering their questions and proving what a bad-a$$ employee I am. a la wikipedia. Know what I mean? I am also working on reference documents in word that I would like to hyperlink to as well.


    -Haven't a fecking clue how to go about this. I RTFM....or at least the resident 'Help' feature but how they show it I end up with a shape, not text.

    -Our inhouse Visio guy didn't even know that this feature existed.

    Thanks for any help.


    PS I have gone to Tek-Tips but I don't see any topics which address this specifically. Off to googly it again.

  5. I think the bottom line is that if you receive an unsolicited job offer via email, you've got about a 99.999999% chance that it's bogus. Nobody reputable recruits via spam.

    Well, thanks for that Buzz Killington from the District of Downer. :-)

    Seriously, I had thought that this scam was that you would receive payments then turn around and send them money. By the time you realize that the check you cashed is bouncing higher than your office building, your check to the scammers is all ready cashed as well. A variation on this theme was hitting people subletting to college students, often students themselves.

  6. That is some funny sh*t there. I am constantly amazed at how little information is retained within a company in a format that is readily available to all. One of my mandated goals over the last year has been to map our process, complete with source documents to explain why certain steps are taken at specific times, alternative courses of action, and visual timeline so that even a monkey could follow it. With all of the technology around us, we have reverted back to an oral history when it comes to a corporate environment. Try to find a documented foundation for most company policies, or ways of doing things, and you will come up lacking.

    And this isn't the first time I have had to do this.

  7. Got this amazing offer today. Not sure what my weekly take home will be but hopefully it will be enough to hold me over until that kind Nigerian gentleman can free up those funds.

    I have all ready applied so don't any of you get the wise idea about trying to hone in on this cash cow.


    I am Mrs Gina Jane ,Manager Of Good Grace Fabrics. We need a representative from USA /CANADA/PR who can be working for us as a Payment Officer.we receive Payments from clients in form of Money Orders and Check for which its always too expensive and stressful for me to come down and receive such payment so We decided to contact you.As a Payment Officer for the company all you have to do are below:


    *. Recieve Documents/Payments in form of Check, Money Order

    *. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage

    *. Forward balance after deduction of percentage to the company.

    Email back with the Info below


    FULL ADDRESS(not p.o. box)





    REPLY TO: goodgracefabrics@gmail.comGOOD GRACE FABRICS.'

  8. So, my company laptop's HD went down. IS guy said he copied my files all over but when I go to play any music iTunes says it can't find the song. When I look in the iTunes music folder it shows all the band folders but no songs within those folders.

    Is all my music gone? Is this some sort of way to restrict pirating music? Does my IS guy know nothing?

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