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Posts posted by Barticus

  1. Originally posted by redeker:

    I think it's Zeno's paradox.

    Of course, since each remaining half-way point to the finish line is reached in half the time of the previous half-way point, you'll still reach your destination...even if you pass an infinite number of halfway points.

    Translation - September 20th will arrive, even if time seems to "draw out like a blade". (The preceeding is a shameless quote from one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption. If you haven't seen it and need something to pass the time before the 20th, rent this movie.)

    I've seen Shawshank about a dozen times. Still not tired of it, great flick. I think Castaway might be as good, but I've only seen that one twice.
  2. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I was looking on my hard drive for it; it may be archived on my old computer; my level of organization isn't up to standard.... I vaguely remember asking before but can't swear up and down that I got it....any chance of...ummmm....you know....


    No problem Michael, just let me dredge through my old documents and I'll see what I can find. If I don't have it, I can scan it for you tomorrow.


  3. Losing my last piece of armour, a Jpz IV/70, when it knocked itself out. No incoming fire. No intervening terrain. No enemy infantry within 300m. No hit and/or penetration notification, nothing. All alone on the West side of the map, on a slight rise with an excellent field of fire, he engages an infantry squad at 300m with a single 75mm HE shell, which hits the target, and then the crew promptly bails with no casualties and the vehicle is listed as disabled.

    Most frustrating!


  4. Originally posted by Hawkmek:

    Tigger would never use a grenade. He is too happy and lovable and all he wants to do is bounce around.

    You must be mistaken.

    Serioulsy, that 'Naverwhorlterldiffer' word above is the real thing. It looks made up, but it ain't.

    You're absoultely correct, Tigger would NEVER use a grenade! He prefers land mines ....... bouncing betties of course. ;)


  5. Originally posted by Jochen Schmidt:

    Again! For me, the swastikas are not the point.

    It is CDV - i bought some games from CDV - believe me - nothing can be more frustrating. their support is a joke. Especially this copy-protection and all the other stuff. They are absolutely incompetent. Not in selling - in supporting.

    I don´t like them - and for the worst, i don´t like to be forced to wait for european patches, while the US-people have the newest immediatly.

    BFC should earn the money they like to earn. I am not interested in - i am interested in having the fun with CMBB - and i can only repeat - with the original versions of games (in most cases the US one) i had never problems. With localized versions - it was nearly everytime frustrating.


    All my hope was in ordering via Internet like i did with CMBO. And now this news.... i have to calm down...really, i have to calm down.

    Thats the reason for posting here - i know, that BFC won´t change their decision - but i have to say my opinion here before i gonna explode. :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :(:(


    I really don't think you have anything to worry about here. My impression, and I could be wrong, is that the only way CDV is involved with CMBB is in DISTRIBUTION. If you have any TECHNICAL issues with the game, then it's the boys at BFC who will be supporting you.

    At least, that's my understanding.


  6. Very nice review, looks good for Hubert. I do have a question, though, the reviewer refers to "Great work from the guys at Fury Software", I thought Hubert WAS Fury Software, or am I wrong?

    Secondly, he didn't once refer to the technology research aspects of the game which, for me, is a very important part of the game.

    In any case, eagerly awaiting release date with plastic in hand.


  7. Hubert, I'll keep this simple;


    Thankyou for being a wargamer.

    Thankyou for producing what I am sure will be a first class wargaming product.

    Thankyou for taking the time and effort to keep us informed of your progress.

    Thankyou for valuing our input AS wargamers.

    I eagerly (and yet, calmly) await the impending announcement for the release of Strategic Command, and have my hard-earned cash ready to go.

    Thanks for your time,


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