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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. I haven't been playing much CM these days but that hasn't stopped me from thinking CM is one of the best game series ever or from pre-ordering everything I can. To everyone, from BF to the beta's and anyone else who has contributed in any way, thank you very much for your love of CM and the time and effort you put into making it what it is and yet will be. You are the best. Cheers!

  2. I looked at the CMBS page yesterday and saw the same Intel warning. I had the same smeared text results as you, which is how I discovered the need to switch from Intel integrated graphics to the dedicated graphics card.

    That CM doesn't take full advantage of modern hardware is one of my laments. One of the things that would improve CMx2 performance, in my opinion, would be to implement x64 support for Windows and optimize code for multicore processors. Many times I have read that CM is CPU intensive and I believe it. Another thing I wonder about is the possibility of using the processing power of modern video cards (along the lines of Nvidia physx) to improve performance.

    One of the questions for me is does BF invest in further upgrades to modernize the engine or do they move to a different engine? For a small company the massive amount of development time required to create a new engine is not a small investment. I am pretty sure, looking at the development history of the games, modifying the current engine is no small task either. Of course they can stay the course, which won't surprise me. Most if not all of us on this forum love the game warts and all.

  3. On 3/3/2021 at 12:40 PM, Thewood1 said:

    btw, the most commonly used laptop GPU is the Intel family.  BFC has basically given up on that family all to continue a slavish devotion to developing on an Apple platform.

    Personally, as one who is a gamer first and war gamer second, I have a hard time taking seriously any complaint about a game's graphics performance on a laptop that doesn't have a dedicated graphics card. There is a reason some laptops are categorized and marketed as gaming laptops. The only issue I've ever had with CM graphics on any of the gaming laptops I've owned (aside from universal framerate issues) is my not making sure the laptop was using the dedicated graphics card rather than the integrated Intel graphics solution and that oversight only happened once ;).


    Edit: Seeing how this thread has gone I want to make sure you know I wasn't trying to be abrasive. I am jealous of Mac's making use of 64 bit architecture... I have long thought BF should modernize the Windows version to x64.

  4. 2 minutes ago, IICptMillerII said:

    Well put! Not to detract from anything you have said here, I do want to point out that I think the original poster meant the title as slightly tongue in cheek. 😁

    I understand the frustration, but I do want to quickly point out that there were some very real (and serious) life complications that cropped up (multiple times unfortunately) that caused a fair number of the delays. It is not my place to comment on those. I only mention it to try and give some context. 

    It's really too bad there is no tongue in cheek emoji... or even a slightly tongue in cheek emoji. It's all good with me, I really wasn't challenging the validity of anyone's human experience, in fact I honor it (the validity).

  5. As a long time observer of BF forums this thread's topic seems very familiar. I do not write this to denigrate anyone, I am and have always been someone who is deeply fascinated by human behavior and psychology. I am all too human myself. I have enjoyed the perks and suffered the follies and heartbreaks that go along with that.

    From my first days here I, as a gamer not a grognard, have taken note of my fellows' interests, partially to enrich my own experience of CM and to enhance my abilities in game in an effort to be a worthy opponent. As a result, I have read many people expressing desires for many things. In terms of "what games they would like to see next" the Eastern Front of WW2 and a fictional Fulda Gap scenario have been very popular ideas dating back to CMBO. As a result I can only view this as a win/win with no losers from either camp.

    For me, if I were to look for one of my "CM desires" to be frustrated by this announcement it would be my desire for a modular CM3 that could take full advantage of modern computer architecture (another very common theme around these parts). I write this as one who can not know if the development of a fully modernized CM3 is likely, or even possible, for a small company like BF. So, in reality, I am not frustrated by the announcement but rather very happy for more content, engine upgrades of current content, as well as more user made scenarios and mods that will invariably follow. Two birds in the hand... what?

  6. A question for Steve, a bit off topic but still upgrade related. At this point in time is CM2 Windows going to remain a 32-bit program?

    I made a really large map/scenario with the idea of mimicking old CM campaigns over the length of a 4 hour battle. Everything was testing well until our Win32 versions started getting oom errors as reinforcement forces were added to the survivors of the previous skirmish. My theory is 64-bit would solve the oom issue and allow for larger battles.

    This doesn't mean I am not still in awe of what CM accomplishes. After all these years that's a pretty good endorsement, IMHO. Thanks for the countless hours of enjoyment.

  7. 10 hours ago, Snake726 said:

    This is the BF sale policy: https://www.battlefront.com/sales-policy

    In it there are, of course, no claims about shipment dates for individual products...

    I NEVER said there were claims about shipment dates for individual products in the sales policy. There are shipment dates for categories of orders, such as pre-ordered items:


    • In stock items are usually shipped within 1-2 BUSINESS days after receipt.
    • Backordered and Pre-Order items are shipped out when they become available.


    If your order contains any out of stock, backordered or Pre-order items your order will NOT ship until all ordered items are back in stock. We do not ship out partial orders.

    Our online ordering system is setup to bill you at the time of purchase not the time of shipment. That means that as soon as you click the "Submit Order" button your credit card will be billed.

    If your order contains backordered or out of stock items you will be billed the full amount before the order ships. If you do not wish to be billed in that way, then please do not place an order with any out of stock or backordered items.

    Let's be clear, if CMSF2 were in stock it would be shipping. Pre-ordered items are out of stock items. Additionally, BF begged you not to order if you had a problem with their clearly stated policies. Any adjudicating body will take this into consideration.

    https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/caveat emptor

    Additionally, the purchase page of the product in question includes this at the top of the page, which is in line with their stated Sales Policy:


    Combat Mission Shock Force 2 is in the final stages of development, however it is not yet ready for release. At this point in time we are inviting people to preorder one of several CMSF2 options at $5 off normal prices. With the purchase you will receive a license key and download link that will be activated when the game is ready...

    You have said the above is marketing, it is clearly not. I can't imagine any adjudicating body ruling otherwise. You are, of course, free to think what you will, but then that goes back to the question of holding one's subjective realty as universal truth...

    All of the above goes to the question of the promised shipping date: when it is in stock. BF was clear that the item you pre-ordered is still in development.  Again, I can't imagine any adjudicating body siding with you in this instance.

    You also bring up the no refund policy. The law you cite applies to orders that haven't met their promised shipping dates as I tried to show you earlier by highlighting the appropriate text in the blurb you posted. Other refunds fall under the jurisdiction of state law as there are no federal laws governing refund policies in general.

    Have a wonderful day!


    edit: As I have said before, "we are aiming for" is quite clearly not a promise. Such a claim would not withstand the scrutiny of an impartial adjudicator.

  8. 3 hours ago, sburke said:


    one note that comments like above can get you a timeout from BF. It isn’t accepted.  We all can get frustrated and short especially in an argument that just bounces back and forth like this, but both sides need to keep it civil.  


    I have not engaged in any personal attacks. Of course you'd have to actually read everything I wrote to know that :) For the record, as a huge fan of irony, I have absolutely loved every one of Snake's personal attacks. Every. Single. One.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Snake726 said:

    I will reiterate my well-dug hole of knowledge, until you read it, and maybe another time, so you comprehend it:


    Ad hominem - in this case the "abusive" ad hominem - is only a valid informal fallacy should an attack on character have nothing to do with the argument. However, in this case, your understanding of the relationship between federal law and the concept of legal precedent is incorrect. Since you don't acknowledge that you are incorrect in believing that a legal battle be necessary to ascertain whether or not federal law applies here, I can only assume:

    a) You are incapable of understanding

    b) You are intentionally acting as if you misunderstand to create an argument

    If you are truly a) and not b), you can learn more about how you're more recently wrong by reading this book: http://www.uapress.ua.edu/product/Ad-Hominem-Arguments,933.aspx

    Do you have enough awareness, of both self and the world around you, to understand that your subjective judgments are NOT universal truths?

  10. 1 minute ago, Snake726 said:

    "The obvious question out there is "when will CMSF2 ship?" We're aiming for no later than the end of September. However, we'll soon release a demo with 4 battles and a training mission. That should help keep you occupied for a while."

    That's not a promise, the promise is in the Sales Policy that you think I didn't read. LMFAO...

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