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Posts posted by Kwacker

  1. SPOILERS!!!!

    Thanks for the reponse Franko - much appreciated.

    In my PBEM (we are about 25 turns in) we've had some very entertaining close quarters tank duels in the orchard which my opponent and I have named the "Orchard of Death". The other area of heavy action has been beside the strip of woods between the ravine and town. My Brit Shermans have generally had the upper hand and with those lovely PIATs accounted for nearly 2/3 of the German armour for the loss of about 15 Shermans. Part of the Polish armour has also done well having located itself in the hollow at the end of the ravine with great flank shots on anything moving directly into the village and good line of sight to the top end of the ravine.

    German infantry has reached the outskirts of the village but given the relative armour losses I would not press their attack - at least not in real life!!!!

    I've learnt that all tanks are equal at 50m!

    My opponent (who is less experienced than I against humans) has learnt the value of recon and the dangers of pushing armour forward without a well deployed infantry screen.

    I'm having fun - thanks again!!!!

  2. No spoilers here.

    I'm currently PBEMing August Bank Holiday - an absolutely fascinating scenario - probably the best I've played to date. I love the historical simulations - and this one is a great one! Thanks Franko!

    I'd love to know the precise historical outcome. Franko obviously did a great job of carefully crafting the terrain and researching the real battle but I'm wondering :

    a)Are the opposing force compositions close to the real battle?

    B) What was the historical outcome?

    I found the following references on the forum (provided by Franko) which I'll try to get hold of, but in the meantime can anyone fill me in on the above?

    Reynolds, Michael. STEEL INFERNO: 1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy, Dell Publishing, 1997

    Simpson, Gary L. TIGER ACE: The Life Story of Panzer Commander Michael Witmann, Schiffer Military History, 1994.

    Tout, Ken. A FINE NIGHT FOR TANKS: The Road to Falaise, Sutton Publishing, 1998

    Veterans Affairs, Canada.

  3. One tidbit of info that may / may not be relevant depending on your full reasons for upgrade:

    I recently looked at upgrading my graphics card (a V770 ultra) to a Geforce2 GTS or something similar. I came to the conclusion that the improvement in frame rate would be minimal. As I recall the increase in pixel throughput would be about x2 or a little more with a x4 AGP motherboard but my motherboard (a Abit Be6 II v2) only supports x2 AGP transfers so the net effect would be close to nothing (I beleive). Looks like your motherboard is from the same era and also only supports x2 AGP. However if you have a straight V770 without the ultra chipset you will see a tiny improvement, maybe 20%, i.e. not much.

    There is some useful info here : http://arstechnica.com/reviews/graphics.html

    A related point, that I'm less sure of, is whether CM supports x4 AGP at all. I think x4 hardware was not widely available when CM was released but I don't know if software support is required to see the improved pixel transfer rate. Can anyone answer this?

    Another issue is that you need a processor capable of keeping up with these high end graphics cards - something roughly equivalent to a 700MHz Pentium III is about the minimum otherwise you won't see all the potential of these cards.

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