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Posts posted by Andymann

  1. In CMBO I have never played the German's so really am looking forward to using them in CMBB.
    Never played as the Germans, what are you nuts ! The order of fun to play in CMBO(especially if you pick your own force) 1. German 2. American 3. British of origin ( a million piats and 2inch peashooters)....The Krauts have tons of options--

    Get the Germans and get the 150mm field gun into action, if it can survive 2 turns it's generally done its work.....I recall watching from behind the gun on the other side of the map as a tiny(to scale) machine gunner plodded his way up the distant hill only for the guns huge shell to explode fairly close to him. The guy turned on a sixpence and carried on plodding back down the hill-It was pretty damn funny. :D

  2. Near the end of a game against the pc I sent a Tiger over the hill only to find (one of the pc's glitches) an under used Stuart that attacked me(futile I know). What was interesting, that I have never seen before was that the 2x empty(bar smoke)mortars that immediately started putting smoke shells down next to the Stuart seperating the 2 tanks, in defence of my Tiger, neat. Another good point I noticed in that game was the random maps wich hardly ever turn out odd looking.

  3. I think everybody get's my point now, whether they agree or not. My main gripe is not with units dissapearing but with large immobile units dissapearing and not after the odd potshot after putting 3 squads and a few mgs under fire for a few minutes.

    As for tank support my tank could only get into as good a hull down position as I can guess even if the pillbox is hidden in a clump of trees no bigger than it is. Mines came in to it in so much as once your troops spot or trigger a mine, wallop, up pops a sign and the position of the minefield to whatever a Sq yardage a minefields size is is known, is that more realistic ?

    P.S. If anyone has any stories of pillboxes being lost sight of after taking and receiving fire for several minutes I'd love to hear them. tongue.gif

    Interesting chat though. :D

  4. I know what you're saying but the pc shouldn't have the option of re-hiding it.......OK, so I'm in charge, I tell a group of tanks to hunt up a hill and take out a pillbox that is within 20 feet of where I last spotted it. (It can't move )In real life are they just going to crest the hill and sit around atop it waiting for the pillbox to fire first ?

    "Out of sight, out of mind" is the operative phrase.
    Not for mines it's not ! They certainly don't know where they are for sure . A pillbox out of sight out of mind ! You're a braver man than I ! :eek:
  5. To echo what others have said, if you have no unit with proper LOS to any enemy unit, you will be unable to see that enemy unit even if, as is the case with a pillbox, you KNOW it is there.
    Good point, so if I know it's there how come my tank doesn't ? Furthermore a pillbox is the size of a small bungalow, and just as mobile if I knew where it was well enough to fire upon once then.......... :confused:
  6. I know what you mean about losing sight of the pillbox, but a pillbox doesn't move ! You don't get a question mark happening with a house !(I know there's a slight flaw in this comparison but you get the picture ;) ).......As for the dissapearing gun it was that "tanks must get through" game and I was almost out of infantry,time and options for flanking.....I guess my commander must be the same one who was in Band of Brothers eh?

  7. I like around 20 turns and 1500 points if I'm attacking. A few turns extra if it's the comp attacking as he's a bit slow! Quick win or quick lose !

    I like exciting maps and realistic looking maps! Hills trees winding roads etc.

    I like balanced forces not, boom boom boom and it's all over !

    I like against the comp' but if there are only a few lines of trees THEIR ttack is very predictable !


  8. When you select random weather is it pick totally randomly ie there are four options is it 25% for each. As this is what it seems, obviously this isn't very realistic, as there is a high chance of poor visibility fog or night. Or have I just been unlucky?

    Another point, in the new game will a small map mean a small map because the only way you can have a truly small map is with a small force 500 point etc.

    Also ! Has anyone noticed the computer cheating, cad ! Still shooting your machine gunner when he's crawled behind a building or hitting you with mortar fire at 20 yards! :rolleyes: Bounder !

  9. Wow there is some serious shelling going on around here...INCOMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

    Anyway noone has mentioned how good VT is on dug in troops, in case you don't know, very.

    I tried an experiment involving 2 companys vs 1 vt spotter, destroyed or routed the lot.

    You have to get up to the real big stuff to get a similar effect, then again it's almost as expensive!

    Rockets? Don't mention rockets I got stuffed by my own, they're lucky to land on the map!

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