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Posts posted by Fan

  1. Thanks much, Bill! I already had the database, v1.02, and didn't even look there at all. frown.gif And you are very right. Mr. Harvey has done a great job with it. It must have taken some force of will (and love of CM) to painstakingly enter all that data.

    There is one Remagen map listed there. I think I'll go spec it out. smile.gif


  2. Not much of a Scotch drinker here, my taste runs more to beer, with Spaten, Rolling Rock and the old standby Budweiser being my favorites. I do enjoy the occasional Kentucky/Tennessee bourbon though.

    But my fave CM "hit" is Rumpleminze. Executed correctly, i.e. with a sharp snap of the wrist to send a shot on its way, this liquid quickly initiates a very nice warm glow in the belly.

    The danger is overindulgence, leading to the unfortunate "invisible/invincible" syndrome:

    "I can see the enemy, but there is no way he can see me. I think I'll send this unsupported infantry platoon right over the top of this ridge and into my opponent's death field completely covered with overlapping fields of fire from his heavy MGs and a couple of random AFVs. And even if he *could* see me, my guys are highly trained and motivated! They're Supermen! They cannot die!"

    Half a turn or so later, of course, this jubilant outlook quickly turns to denial, then anger. wink.gif

    Then it's time for another shot of Rump.

  3. **SPOILER**

    The left hook is definitely the way to go. I figured that out after being slaughtered a few times going up the gut or splitting middle and right. You can run your M4/105s up the left side of the map, flank the bunkers and then blow 'em up with rear door penetrations. Then take your tanks along that ridge, doing some damage along the way, but by turn 17 you want to be parked in that little open spot next to where the Panther pops up. Yep, gamey as all hell, but I perfected it while I was waiting for the full version to arrive. wink.gif

    Trooper, you can take the VoT .cmb file from the demo files and put it in your scenario folder for the full game. If you've deleted the demo, email me and I'll send the VoT .cmb to ya.

    [This message has been edited by Fan (edited 01-28-2001).]

  4. Thanks much, Maximus, for your clarification. smile.gif

    But I must ask if cover is not different from concealment? A 19+ foot long and 8+ foot high piece of stationary metallic terrain would be quite handy to hide behind, especially if it weren't burning. I bet 2 people could hide behind one, allowing for the supposition that I had not been seen before the AFVs destruction. And most especially if the next closest "cover" was a low hedge 35m in the direction of enemy fire. Yes, AFVs are high-roller targets and attacked as such. I could definitely understand direct and indirect fire applied at one or several even if only one was even suspected of being merely track-hit but otherwise operational, with results of said fire being dire for any unlucky enough to be caught in the barrage. But if one is lucky enough to not having either kind of fire directed his/her way...there should be ample ways to hide behind/under an AFV.

    AFVs have been (and likely will be for some time) more than occasionally used as concealment and even cover by the ground-pounders.

    And so, another question: What exactly happens to my AFVs earthly presence when its fighting ability has left the nearby physical plane of existence? Or my enemy's?

    [This message has been edited by Fan (edited 01-25-2001).]

  5. I've actually gotten my girlfriend of ~4 years interested in CM, the first time she's ever been even remotely interested in a game I play. She's an aspiring graphics designer and I pointed her towards the .bmps. While she hasn't taken to it with a vengeance, like I have with playing CM, she is toying with a Panther and a Sherman mod.

    She is the curious one, tho, and somewhat fiesty, being a redhead, and the other night she actually asked, "So what do these tanks look like on the battlefield? Are they any good?" I told her yes and yes, in the right hands. Her: "Are *you* any good? Are yours the right hands?" Me: "Not even close."

    And she says, "You better get busy."


  6. Canuck, I too downloaded the demo. Half a day after firing it up for the first time, I placed my order. The only reason it took that long was that I was too busy playing the demo!

    CM is, far and away, the best sim/game I've ever played.

    You won't regret it. Well, you may once you start realizing what a black hole CM is with your time, and you start having dreams about CM, and when you start looking around for good LOS and hull-down positions.

  7. CPU: I love Intel CPUs. I'd go with a P3-850 or higher.

    Abit mobos are very stable, from my experience.

    Bruno and Maximus are dead-on about the RAM. Go with Micron or Kingston if you can afford it. You can never have enough memory. 256 is where I'd start.

    Video, I'd go with nVidia GEForce 256 gear. Fast and color is vibrant.

    Sound: SoundBlaster all the way. I got an X-Gamer EAX 5.1 card for Christmas and I love it.

    HD: All I've ever used is Western Digital. Never had a crash, and now that I've said that, I'll get a head skip this very night. wink.gif Get one that spins at 7200 RPM and a 2mb buffer.

    Monitor: I am partial to Sonys, but the Princetons and Viewsonics aren't bad. I'd go with 17" minimum if you don't already have one.

    If you don't have a CD burner already, they're sure nice to have.

    Not that you'll ever need one after buying CM wink.gif , but as far as joysticks go, Microshaft actually makes a good one in their original Precision Pro.

    All the above is IMHO. Hope it helps some and doesn't muddy the waters too much.


  8. I don't know of a comprehensive CM strat guide, but there's a really good guide on using Infantry in the Attack at


    From there, you can surf the webring at the bottom of the page. Plenty of informative CM sites out there. Also, you can check out the Tips and Techniques section of this BBS. I've printed at least 250 pages of the stuff I thought was useful. smile.gif

    My main goal is to make it to Member status before the Borg finds me. smile.gif


  9. I ordered my copy 8 business days and 11 calendar days ago and still haven't gotten it here in Dallas. I'm hoping to get it today or tomorrow as the girlfriend'll be out of town this weekend and I have serious time-consuming plans for this game. smile.gif

    The demo, while great, is kind of like drinking one beer. wink.gif

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