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Everything posted by Stormbringer

  1. I apreciate your honesty and I think that SC will be a great game. I hate to be a pest but let me respectfully ask you to consider the diplomatic option, again. It just seems like it could bring some extra levels to the game. I understand that you don't want the game won by "tricks" but I don't see how a strategic view can disinclude, at least some kind, of diplomacy. How about direct gifts of MPPs? The benefit could be minimal if you think that too much will go into diplomacy and not enough into the military. Couldn't I appease the facist Romania and Hungry with cash and weapons while plundering their co-facist Spaniards at the same time? If I were to limit my Atlantic interference and told the American's how much I loved them and what a big misunderstanding the whole war is (via diplomatic points that have been purchased or cash payoffs), then I could I put off the American entry and still rape and plunder all across Europe. Germany declared war on the U.S. after all. What if they had asked for a non-aggression pact, broken their treaty with Japan and declared war on JAPAN? Just some thoughts, Again, looks great, I think I will go pre-order....
  2. Hubert the game looks great! When is the full version coming out?! I was just ready to attempt Sea Lion and ran out of time! I didn't want to rush and get spanked on the English beaches so I built up my strength, and then the demo ended! Dammit! What about diplomacy? It doesn't seem that you can effect it with MPPs. Shouldn't the Germans be able to spend some cash to bring her minor allies into the war? Or the British spend some of their money on the American or Soviet entry? It could be added into the research screen. 250MPPs for a point of political influence. Have to agree about the Navy's. It seems that an aggressive Allied player can destroy the German Navy in just a couple of turns and there isn't much the German can do about it. So the real question is "When is the full game coming out so I can launch Sea Lion?" Those Russkies won't come knocking for several more months, (I hope)... and it seems to take about a year to prepare...
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: Ok, i played swamp. I got my butt kicked, but i did surrender early, i had to go. But then, they called back and cancelled so i could have played more. Anyway, i bought a churchill and two m4's, one vet. And four vet british AB and 3 reg. And one 4.2 inch mortar. He bought seven 45 ss rifle squads, 2 vet, six reg. A jgz 70 (or whatever its called and a stuh. I got him to commit a lot of infantry on my left with one platoon lost. My other six platoons crept around a ring of trees undetected, and my shermans in support. My churchill was also in support. Anyway all was good, (my infantry are much stronger then his) but they suddenly opened fire on a distand enemy, giving away their position. Of course swamp brought in his infantry and arty fell. Because I was concentrating on destroying his tank that crested the ridge, i did not move my infantry out of the way, one they gave away their position. Then his arty fell and it was over. Big stuff, a lot of tree bursts. He rushed in some infantry to finish the job. My plan was good, swamp agrees, but I did not move fast enought, damnit. Oh, well i wont be so intimidated next time. It was 94 to 6 i believe. That damn arty. I could have had him.<hr></blockquote> ROTFLMAO!!! 94 to 6?!?!?! Yeah, you almost got him! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: Maybe the zook gunner sneezed, and the asst. said, "gehzhuntheit!" and your squad leader screamed, "the Krauts are behind us, KILL 'EM ALL!!!"<hr></blockquote> LOL, good one!
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I think we should do it by the current member number Joe<hr></blockquote> Hmmm, 4378?....I could do a lot worse! Count me in for the "by the number" method!
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by massimorocca: Well, I feel that this is only a trick by Madmatt and SuperTed to rip off the bucks that the CM community was ready to send to Manx <hr></blockquote> You nailed it on the head! The pledges for cash for Manx's site were growing daily! They just wanted to add it to their empire!
  7. Of course there were American Indians on the Western Front. Doesn't the scenario "Indian Fighting" come on the CD? It is about Chief Turnbull at Neuville, he was a Half-Cherokee with the 82nd Airborne.
  8. I do have Zone Alarm firewall but so far once you allow a certain...path?..it doesn't seem to stop anything.I am not sure what you mean by pinging my IP. ICQ still works and as far as I can tell everything else does as well. While playing someone in Spain, I live in the U.S., who had a cable modem I thought that we played several games without restarting and had no problem. The problem seems to occur against people with phone connections after one connection. Last night I played someone, a newbie, and he had not downloaded the patch. He saw my IP and got the "wrong version" message. He installed the patch but then could not reconnect. He hosted and everything worked out fine.
  9. Yes I have to restart my computer, I don't think just restarting the game does it..
  10. I have a cable modem and static ip. It usually works the first game then my opponent can't find the ip when I try to host the rematch. If I restart they can then see the ip which is always the same. Is there some setting I might attempt to tweak?
  11. Dad, Don't worry about ordering on-line. I had a hard drive crash and when I tried to re-install had a scratch on my disk!(Oh my GOD!!) I e-mailed BTS and they sent me a new one, no charge! The week without the game was one of the longest of my life
  12. Big Dog just wanted to let you know. I am 2/3 through Big Valley and even though -peri- is crushing my tanks it is an AWESOME scenario!!!!The map totally rocks! Great Job! ---------------- That which does not kill us will only make us stronger.
  13. You can find the North African Mods at www.dfdr.net. I have not seen the Pacific ones... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>"That which does not kill me can only make me stronger"
  14. it still would not load a few Bmp files, but I figured out about which ones and had a friend e-mail them. It worked! Thanks!
  15. My machine broke and i lost all my files. When I tried to install CM it froze at about 14%. I tried to install on another machine and got the same result. I tried disk repair and that didn't work either. Help!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stormbringer: I have SWB DSL and can't seem to figure out how to get my machine to give me a correct ip. I run winipcfg.exe and am given three choices..PPP adapter, PPPoE Adapter, and Efficient Networks Speedstream 306. The choices for these three are release, renew, release all, and renew all, and once or twice i have clicked the proper one(s), and the game has givin two address one of which worked. I just can't seem to remember what i had done.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have hosted games before I just don't know what I did..this makes me think that it is possible..just don't know how
  17. I have SWB DSL and can't seem to figure out how to get my machine to give me a correct ip. I run winipcfg.exe and am given three choices..PPP adapter, PPPoE Adapter, and Efficient Networks Speedstream 306. The choices for these three are release, renew, release all, and renew all, and once or twice i have clicked the proper one(s), and the game has givin two address one of which worked. I just can't seem to remember what i had done.
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